Donald Trump

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We will have to wait and see who trump picks for his cabinet.

Trump has said he wants to leave marijuana to the states. He would be president. Not christie.

Harry Anslinger wasn't president either. Still I can't support someone whom embraces support from Christie.
Here is a thought:

Tuh RUMP...
The RUMP...
The rear end of a cow.

Here is another thought... A lot of you, United States citizens, do not want another crooked politician in the office of "President." Well If The RUMP is elected he will no longer be a "Businessman." The RUMP will become just another crooked politician in office. On top of being a crooked politician you will have a rookie politician as your "President" and he will be a rookie for the entire term. The Russian Head of State has already stated that he will not be fair to The RUMP. I doubt China will fair to The RUMP either.
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If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

Yes, it makes a sound. If you have heard a tree fall at all, you will know it makes some fairly loud cracking and popping, followed by a "Thud" sound as it collides with the ground.
Here is a thought:

Tuh RUMP...
The RUMP...
The rear end of a cow.

Here is another thought... A lot of you, United States citizens, do not want another crooked politician in the office of "President." Well If The RUMP is elected he will no longer be a "Businessman." The RUMP will become just another crooked politician in office. On top of being a crooked politician you will have a rookie politician as your "President" and he will be a rookie for the entire term. The Russian Head of State has already stated that he will not be fair to The RUMP. I doubt China will fair to The RUMP either.

Here's a thought, You do realize that BarryO was a rookie for his entire two terms. At least Trump won't be giving the middle east a blow job on day one. TRUMP!
Here's a thought, You do realize that BarryO was a rookie for his entire two terms. At least Trump won't be giving the middle east a blow job on day one. TRUMP!
You are literally retarded and have no clue what you are saying.

Obama along with Clinton are more hawkish than Bush 1 & Bush 2, and will most certainly be more hawkish than Drump. That is not up for debate, like the sky is blue.

You are literally, retarded.
OBAMA acts more like a fucking traitor by the day. Lying fucking democrats. Its time to give them the boot.

Beware of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bill de Blasio, leaders of the Democratic Liars Club

By Michael Goodwin

Published May 09, 2016
New York Post
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Iran deal a con job?

The old warning to beware of lies, damned lies and statistics deserves an update. Nowadays, we must also beware of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bill de Blasio.

The unholy trinity comprises the leaders of the Democratic Liars Club. Whether born or convicted, the president of the United States, his would-be successor and the mayor of New York are, to borrow a phrase, “people of the lie.”

This is not to accuse them of being merely imperfect humans. It is to say they are chronically dishonest and concoct such significant lies that they deserve zero public trust.

The latest clincher is the admissio
n of a top White House aide that much about the Iranian nuclear deal was a fabrication sold to a lazy, gullible press corps. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes boasts that most reporters were too dumb to know or care they were being misled.

“The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns,” Rhodes told The New York Times. “They literally know nothing.”

To continue reading Michael Goodwin's column in the New York Post, click here.
You are literally retarded and have no clue what you are saying.

Obama along with Clinton are more hawkish than Bush 1 & Bush 2, and will most certainly be more hawkish than Drump. That is not up for debate, like the sky is blue.

You are literally, retarded.

Obama was a fucking rookie that a been acting like a fucking traitor sense day one. Time and time again he has been giving the middle east a fucking blow job. He will be known as a piece of shit. TRUMP!
how would a person never work and then draw an SS check? That would be like fucking magic. Tell us all how that works.

you already told us how.

you listed your fat, fat wife as an employee even though she never was so that she could get a social security check that she never did anything to earn and which she never paid in to earn.

now complain some more about the federal government as you defraud them for social security checks and socialized healthcare, you racist buffoon.
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