Well-Known Member
I bought a house that has well water. I had to get the house inspected by the VA before they would approve my home loan and they ran a test on the well and added fluoride to it. I remember clearly because I was expecting to see chlorine on the paperwork, but no. I didnt think much about it and just thought that it would evaporate off like chlorine does, but no, it has to be charcoal filtered to be removed. I thought that it would be a disinfectant, but no, I am finding out that I dont know shit about Fl. I took college chemistry 1 about ten years ago, but that dont mean much...
@kmog33 From what I saw, you know your chemistry. Would Fl have a real affect on the microbiology in my soil? Would you know if run-off from an R/O water filter would be any better than tap? I have been using run-off lately without any noticeable affect. I think that I have been able to brew AACT straight from the tap? Time for a microscope lol...
@kmog33 From what I saw, you know your chemistry. Would Fl have a real affect on the microbiology in my soil? Would you know if run-off from an R/O water filter would be any better than tap? I have been using run-off lately without any noticeable affect. I think that I have been able to brew AACT straight from the tap? Time for a microscope lol...