Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

Cutting the supply of American munitions would only increase the presence of Russian arms. Oddly enough it's easier to track our own arms and in turn makes it easier for the Intel community to accurately map out the movements of groups both friendly and hostile. The real key to peace is education. We have to be willing to educate the people's in the region about their shared humanity, break the devastating link fatwa has over the middle east. Negotiations for Israel will never be possible, while the Israeli leadership views Muslims as animals.

That's the shittiest excuse ever for supplying arms to those who have demonstrated their willingness to violate the human rights of their neighbors and even their own citizens.
Smart Jews see the writing on the wall.
US citizens are tired of supporting the terrorist welfare state .
Once we cut off the life line... you folks are going to be fighting your own battles.
That you won't win ..
Israel is the planets parasite.. nothing ever good has come from Squatville.. You can't suppress the region forever .. you reap what you sow
ISRAEL is directly tied to 9/11 and when that 28 page classified paper comes out.. all dots will be connected and no more ducking us dry for your own benefit.
The USA will take Israel down
ISRAEL is directly tied to 9/11 and when that 28 page classified paper comes out.. all dots will be connected and no more ducking us dry for your own benefit.
The USA will take Israel down
...so you keep saying all these things and i still have no idea wtf you are talking about.
But is it our responsibility to defend israel indefinitely?

I do not like us spending so much to be the police of the world. It is also very messy work.
Did someone say indefinitely? Kind of nice to have a western democracy in the region to show its neighbors what can be achieved. We have allies so we don't have to police the world.
Let's start with the 20 century and work our way up War Crime

"The letter is brought forth by a member of the MAPAM leftist party, S. Kaplan, who got the letter of testimony from the soldier. It is written to Eliezer Peri, editor of Al Hamishmar, and dated 8th November 1948 (18 days after the massacre):

To comrade Eliezer Peri, good day,

Today I have read the editorial of “Al Hamishmar” where the question of our army’s conduct was aired, the army which conquers all but its own desires.

A testimony provided to me by an officer which was in [Al] Dawayima the day after its conquering: The soldier is one of ours, intellectual, reliable, in all 100%. He had confided in me out of a need to unload the heaviness of his soul from the horror of the recognition that such level of barbarism can be reached by our educated and cultured people. He confided in me because not many are the hearts today who are able to listen.

There was no battle and no resistance (and no Egyptians). The first conquerors killed from eighty to a hundred Arabs [including] women and children. The children were killed by smashing of their skulls with sticks. There was not a house without dead. The second wave of the [Israeli] army was a platoon that the soldier giving testimony belongs to.

In the town were left male and female Arabs, who were put into houses and were then locked in without receiving food or drink. Later explosive engineers came to blow up houses. One commander ordered an engineer to put two elderly women into the house that was to be blown up. The engineered refused and said he is willing to receive orders only from his [own] commander. So then [his] commander ordered the soldiers to put the women in and the evil deed was performed.

One soldier boasted that he raped an Arab woman and afterwards shot her. An Arab woman with a days-old infant was used for cleaning the back yard where the soldiers eat. She serviced them for a day or two, after which they shot her and the infant. The soldier tells that the commanders who are cultured and polite, considered good guys in society, have become vile murderers, and this occurs not in the storm of battle and heated response, but rather from a system of expulsion and destruction. The fewer Arabs remain – the better. This principle is the main political motive of [the] expulsions and acts of horror which no-one objects to, not in the field command nor amongst the highest military command. I myself was at the front for two weeks and heard boasting stories of soldiers and commanders, of how they excelled in the acts of hunting and “fucking” [sic]. To fuck an Arab, just like that, and in any circumstance, is considered an impressive mission and there is competition on winning this [trophy].

We find ourselves in a conundrum. To shout this out in the press will mean to assist the Arab League, which our representatives deny all complaints of. To not react would mean solidarity with moral corruption. The soldier told me that Deir Yassin [another massacre, by Irgun militants, April 1948] is not the peak of hooliganism. Is it possible to shout about Deir Yassin and be silent about something much worse?

It is necessary to initiate a scandal in the internal channels, to insist upon an internal investigation and punish the culprits. And first of all it is necessary to create in the military a special unit for the restraint of the army. I myself accuse first of all the government, which doesn’t seem to have any interest to fight the phenomena and perhaps even encourages them indirectly. The fact of not-acting is in itself encouragement. My commander told me that there is an unwritten order to not take prisoners of war, and the interpretation of “prisoner” is individually given by each soldier and commander. A prisoner can be an Arab man, woman or child. This was not only done at the exhibition windows [major Palestinian towns] such as Majdal and Nazareth.

I write this to you so that in the editorial and in the party the truth will be known and something effective would be done. At least let them not indulge in phony diplomacy which covers up for blood and murder, and to the extent possible, also the paper must not let this pass in silence.


- See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2016/02/barba...-worse-than-deir-yassin/#sthash.GXXprZRB.dpuf
Wow, what irrefutable proof. A supposed letter about a supposed conversation with a supposed soldier. Better consider everything contained therein to be the unquestionable truth! This is seriously laughable, is hearsay really being considered as valid as scholarly research now? Your inability to discern obvious bullshit when it is right in front of you does not speak well to the validity of your other arguments. Already you have shown a penchant for shoddy research, this is no exception. You cannot expect information from ideologue propagandists to be considered as valid as work done by real academics and published in academic sources. Oh wait... academia is controlled by ZOG right? Do you have more he-said she-said third hand testimony about how the anunnaki are also in on it?

A study by the CIA has raised serious concerns over Israel’s survival beyond the next 20 years.

The CIA say that an “inexorable movement away from a two-state to a one-state solution, as the most viable model based on democratic principles of full equality that sheds the looming specter of colonial Apartheid while allowing for the return of the 1947/1948 and 1967 refugees. The latter being the precondition for sustainable peace in the region.

A study by the CIA has raised serious concerns over Israel’s survival beyond the next 20 years.

The CIA say that an “inexorable movement away from a two-state to a one-state solution, as the most viable model based on democratic principles of full equality that sheds the looming specter of colonial Apartheid while allowing for the return of the 1947/1948 and 1967 refugees. The latter being the precondition for sustainable peace in the region.
Oh yes, the secret study that has "Only been made available to a select few individuals". More propaganda. Dismissed. Another swing and a miss, are you trying to hand the pitcher a perfect game?

The Closing of the Zionist Mind—Interview with Former US Senate Candidate Mark Dankof

The utilization of the term “anti-Semitism” as a politically weaponized canard is an attempt to conceal the doctrine of Jewish racial supremacist ideology as the philosophical underpinning for land thievery, terrorism, and genocide in Palestine.
Former Senate "Candidate" (not an actual credential) who is widely known as an antisemite doesn't like the way the term is used? What a shocker!!!! What an unimpeachable source!

Not that it's a great source, but since you prefer a lesser class of website, here ya go. We'll play on your level.
From GOP Operative to Anti-Semitic Iranian Stooge