Donald Trump

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Tell us again how you avoided military service, you high school dropout. After that you can tell us that story about how you dreamed you were number one. Must suck only being smarter than a fish.
I can understand how Trump can fool someone like you.

I sounds like you use the internet to try to convince your self that your education was paying off for some reason. You sound like an idiot. Just so you know. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
I have been watching trump since the beginning. he has repeated himself over and over again (thats one of the complaints about trump). one thing that he repeated was that if he gets the nomination, the GOP would have to fund him if they do not want hillary. sheldons 100 million shows where his loyalty is but hopefully this will flush out all the establishment hacks of the right who want status quo (hillary) instead of a constitutional republic, with borders!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
That's a quote from you fisherman. Have you been to any hospitals to count Hispanic babies lately ?
You should be talking to one of your liberal buddies that will pat you on the back, because I am not going to do it. Maybe you should go buy a picture frame for your papers and hang it where your wife can see it, before she gets mad at you for wasting your education on a pot forum. It will make you both feel better, knowing that your most important piece of paper is on display. LOL TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
You should be talking to one of your liberal buddies that will pat you on the back, because I am not going to do it. Maybe you should go buy a picture frame for your papers and hang it where your wife can see it, before she gets mad at you for wasting your education on a pot forum. It will make you both feel better, knowing that your most important piece of paper is on display. LOL TRUMP!
Did you at least try special educational classes before you dropped out of school.
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