Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Again you would deny people in need food and education so you can shave a couple of points off of your taxes? And not what he alone is doing but the party's policies all ovr the country as a whole

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If you vote republican then you vote for what they are advocating. One of which is denial of practically all government social programs such as social security, medicaid, food stamps, jobs training, need I go on? All of these are on their chopping block. Corporate hand outs on the other hand, can't have enough of those.
It depends on who you vote for within the Republican party.


Well-Known Member
It depends on who you vote for within the Republican party.
you have advocated for candidates who would deny you the medicaid you use.

now you advocate for a candidate whose biggest draw is the racist shit he says. such as mexicans are rapists and drug dealers. and, i assume, some of them are good people.

now that i have pointed this out to you, you will play dumb, deny, ask for more specifics, and repeat the whole act again.



Well-Known Member
Arguably, the zenith of the Bund's activities was the rally at Madison Square Garden in New York City on February 20, 1939.[18] Some 20,000 people attended and heard Kuhn criticize PresidentRoosevelt by repeatedly referring to him as "Frank D. Rosenfeld", calling his New Deal the "Jew Deal" and denouncing what he believed to be Bolshevik-Jewish American leadership. Most shocking to American sensibilities was the outbreak of violence between protesters and Bund storm troopers.

Sounds like a trump rally to me


Well-Known Member
I like to ride nitro harleys for fun and crabbed for over 35 years and you think I am scared? Good luck with your laundry. LOL TRUMP!
you had a chance to volunteer and serve your country. Because of the pussy in you, you did not. An uneducated highschool drop out, now we can add pussy to that list.


Well-Known Member
It's hard as fuck! Like buck keeps calling my character into question. Calls me racist against black people, brown people what the fuck ever.. He thinks I have a racist/hate filled heart.

Well like I have said, my mother in law is from Mexico and my father in law is from Iraq. My best friend in high school was a gay black man.

He thinks I secretly hate Mexicans and black people?

He is either really misguided or a huge troll that likes to offend people.

I can't make up my mind whether to try to help him or ignore him.
what policy of Trump makes you ignore his racism and want to vote for him.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Ben Carson was not going to shut Medicaid down. He said he was going to offer an alternative and there would be Medicaid cutbacks when the demand for it dropped.

I can understand how that would work.

Health savings account's that get 5000 dollars a year that builds would cover someone young no problem. Catastrophic insurance could then have a 5k or higher deductible for people who have hsa and they would pay much less than those who have a lower deductable.

Eventually over 20- 30 years medicaid would be cut down. That is what Ben Carson said.

But you guys didn't listen to him. You believe the headlines instead of the words from his mouth. You go to places like politifact that pull one or two sentences of his explaination.

I would say it isn't very smart to only listen to one or two sentences and act like you understand someone.


Well-Known Member
Ben Carson was not going to shut Medicaid down. He said he was going to offer an alternative and there would be Medicaid cutbacks when the demand for it dropped.

I can understand how that would work.

Health savings account's that get 5000 dollars a year that builds would cover someone young no problem. Catastrophic insurance could then have a 5k or higher deductible for people who have hsa and they would pay much less than those who have a lower deductable.

Eventually over 20- 30 years medicaid would be cut down. That is what Ben Carson said.

But you guys didn't listen to him. You believe the headlines instead of the words from his mouth. You go to places like politifact that pull one or two sentences of his explaination.

I would say it isn't very smart to only listen to one or two sentences and act like you understand someone.
Carson also believes that prison makes you gay.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
what policy of Trump makes you ignore his racism and want to vote for him.
Again you would deny people in need food and education so you can shave a couple of points off of your taxes? And not what he alone is doing but the party's policies all ovr the country as a whole
If I have not cast a vote for a person than how have I supported them?

How am I denying food and education?
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