Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
When he applied for his casino he was under audit. He still allowed them to see his taxes. Now he applying for POTUS and he does not want us to see them?
You are a sucker. I see why you stay poor and need to believe Trump will make it better
So just because a guy who isnt going to vote for him wants to see his taxes he should disregard his lawyers advice and just put them out there?

How am I staying poor? My house is paid for, I am on track for a 4,000+ dollar month on my 4th month in business.

I am sorry you are so bitter that the rich people wont give you the lifestyle you want without working for it but you are gonna have to get over it.


Well-Known Member
what is a reputable source for the News? Where do you get your Information FogDog?
Not Fox. Not any one source. But things from the right wing echo chamber is easy to spot. Just about anything reviled by them is usually pretty good. Most important to me is that the so called facts of the article are confirmed from multiple sources. When a claim seems outrageous, I find this site to be useful:

This particular article includes stuff about Trump's audit:

There were several false and misleading claims in the Feb. 25 debate:

  • Businessman Donald Trump flip-flopped on making his tax returns public, one year after saying he would “certainly” release returns if he ran for president. Trump also made the dubious claim that he “can’t” release them while being audited.
it goes on:

Trump — who said during the debate that he has been audited “every year” for a dozen years — would have known that he was under audit when he made that promise.

And as anyone who has ever applied for a mortgage is aware, any taxpayer may authorize release of otherwise confidential tax information to a lender — or to anybody else — simply by signing an IRS Form 8821. That form makes no exceptions for returns under audit, and we’re not aware of any law or regulation that would preclude Trump from signing such a form or simply making a public release of copies of what he filed with the IRS.

Is Trump unfairly being targeted by the IRS? How should I know? But I do know that people with a history of false deductions or who make a number of types of deductions that are often used by people who make false claims are more likely to get audited.

But Trump has been making false claims throughout this election cycle. Anything he says is not worth a piece of used toilet paper.


Well-Known Member
So you proved he could do it....

So even though any competent lawyer would tell him not to do it you still think he should regardless. Because why? He is being audited. Dont you trust the federal government implicitly? If there are any errors they will be sure to catch them right?

I mean you dont put payoffs and bribes and illegal shit in your tax returns so what exactly are you hoping for? He didnt pay a high percentage in taxes? He admits he pays as little as possible.

FFS, you are just digging for dirt...

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I read he sells the rights to use his name on products.

Having some failed businesses is not a negative in my eyes. It is what you do AFTER failure that determines your worth.

Get back on that bike and ride.

Most of trumps proposals, I agree with. I believe we need a lower business tax and lower tax on middle class. I believe we should enforce laws. I believe we should make in unprofitable for businesses to move to other countries.

We need jobs in this country. We need to reinvigorate our impoverished cities. We need to upgrade our infastructure. We need to stop spending so much money OUTSIDE our borders.

All these things trump stands for. He just comes across like an ass to some because they already have judged him in their mind.

I have always been into politics. It is important to me to understand the why and what instead of just randomly blaming others. Not saying that is what you in particular are doing.

I see the corruption and greed from the bush and clinton family. I see the control being slowly wrestled from the people into the hands of the elite few.

I think the constitution was the greatest document in human history. It has the flexibility to be amended and right the wrongs of our previous generations.

The constitution has to be protected and treated as our greatest national treasure. It reminds people of the importance of government overseen by the people and gives them the tools to protect our freedom to do so.

Freedom of the press, protections for assembly, the ability to speak against the government without fear of imprisonment.

These were important to a free people and the enemy of those who would seek to enslave us.

So of course it is natural that the first thing they try to stifle is free speech and fact based reporting. You can't pass a bill that hurts your voter base if they are aware of the danger. That would equal career suicide.

Those who say "look at this! This could be used against us!" Are called all manner of names. Radicals, Nutty, paranoid and so on by the very people we trust to deliver the facts and repeated by those who take things at face value.

The Democrats and Republicans engage in a game that keeps both voter bases from communicating about REAL issues.

Instead of focusing on the economy and preserving the freedoms our Constitution laid out we have people worried a wide assortment of issues that really have very little impact on america.

Something that strikes me as odd is when people say it is unconstitutional to do something yet they themselves don't have a problem violating other parts of our constitution.

And a wide margin of people agree with the horseshit that falls out of that politician's mouth!

If it happened once, it will happen a thousand time more. Simply because people do not read their history and do not understand the significance of our Constitution.

I have so much more I could sayou but I imagine most quit reading after the 5th sentence in this post.
There it is folks.

Edit: My manifesto

Edit: edit: FP for PRESIDENT 2020


Well-Known Member
So you proved he could do it....

So even though any competent lawyer would tell him not to do it you still think he should regardless. Because why? He is being audited. Dont you trust the federal government implicitly? If there are any errors they will be sure to catch them right?

I mean you dont put payoffs and bribes and illegal shit in your tax returns so what exactly are you hoping for? He didnt pay a high percentage in taxes? He admits he pays as little as possible.

FFS, you are just digging for dirt...
No, I'm calling you an idiot. You don't know anything but sure get hyperbolic about what you've been directed to think by Fox and Limbaugh.

Trump is the one that made the big deal. He's flip flopped, first saying he was going to then saying he "can't". That's a weak ass thing to say, when what he means is he won't. That said, it does seem pretty fishy to me that he's claiming persecution by the IRS. So, why is he being audited? Your claim of persecution is unsubstantiated, of course. I don't claim anything but will say that its more likely that the IRS caught him fibbing. In any case, Trump is a serial liar. Everything he says needs to be checked and it usually turns out to be false or "mostly false".


Well-Known Member
No, I'm calling you an idiot. You don't know anything but sure get hyperbolic about what you've been directed to think by Fox and Limbaugh.

Trump is the one that made the big deal. He's flip flopped, first saying he was going to then saying he "can't". That's a weak ass thing to say, when what he means is he won't. That said, it does seem pretty fishy to me that he's claiming persecution by the IRS. So, why is he being audited? Your claim of persecution is unsubstantiated, of course. I don't claim anything but will say that its more likely that the IRS caught him fibbing. In any case, Trump is a serial liar. Everything he says needs to be checked and it usually turns out to be false or "mostly false".
Hillary Clinton is a serial liar and a lifetime politician.

In my opinion he said he would release his tax records and he will - once he is not under audit. At the time he said he would release them he had no idea how long it would take for the audit to finish.

He didnt say it, I said it based on the fact that he is audited every year. That is NOT supposed to happen.

You have him in a catch 22. Because he is audited you assume he is a crook and demand to see his records while under audit.

I dont think he needs to release them anyway. It is really none of our business.


Well-Known Member
Hillary Clinton is a serial liar and a lifetime politician.

In my opinion he said he would release his tax records and he will - once he is not under audit. At the time he said he would release them he had no idea how long it would take for the audit to finish.

He didnt say it, I said it based on the fact that he is audited every year. That is NOT supposed to happen.

You have him in a catch 22. Because he is audited you assume he is a crook and demand to see his records while under audit.

I dont think he needs to release them anyway. It is really none of our business.
What makes your opinion worth more than the other half of that used piece of toilet paper?

In any case, Clinton has been under multiple investigations mostly initiated by hostile Republicans. Not once has anything come to light that shows her to be anything more than an accused person. Talk about persecution. And about Catch 22, she's been investigated again and again by pretty much every branch of government and nothing was ever found. Yet assholes like you say "she's a liar" Well, that may be, but prove it asshole. Your word is worth nothing.

Did I say Trump did anything wrong? I did not. I'm only asking why he's being audited. They don't do that for fun, you know. And, this hue and cry about the IRS persecuting him is being said for political purposes. There is no proof of that.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
What makes your opinion worth more than the other half of that used piece of toilet paper?

In any case, Clinton has been under multiple investigations mostly initiated by hostile Republicans. Not once has anything come to light that shows her to be anything more than an accused person. Talk about persecution. And about Catch 22, she's been investigated again and again by pretty much every branch of government and nothing was ever found. Yet assholes like you say "she's a liar" Well, that may be, but prove it asshole. Your word is worth nothing.

Did I say Trump did anything wrong? I did not. I'm only asking why he's being audited. They don't do that for fun, you know. And, this hue and cry about the IRS persecuting him is being said for political purposes. There is no proof of that.
The FBI is not hostile Republicans.

Speaking of republicans, why is it that you think every one of them is no good? I could understand you hating individual republicans. Like the one's in NC. That shit was stupid. Or bush senior and junior.

You seem to think of Republicans as lesser being's tho. Pure hatred I feel when I read your posts.

You have an obvious bias against republicans. Do you think they only tell lies? Is that why you check only liberal new sources and us politifact to get your information?

Does your fact checking go something like this?

Hey, a Republican said this, let's see what a Democrat say about that... hmmm... well this Democrat says that the Republican is a liar.

Well I know all Republicans are lying ALL the time, so I'll believe that democrat.

Better fact check that democrat. Don't want to actually do any research tho... I'll check and have them tell me what to believe.


Well-Known Member
The FBI is not hostile Republicans.

Speaking of republicans, why is it that you think every one of them is no good? I could understand you hating individual republicans. Like the one's in NC. That shit was stupid. Or bush senior and junior.

You seem to think of Republicans as lesser being's tho. Pure hatred I feel when I read your posts.

You have an obvious bias against republicans. Do you think they only tell lies? Is that why you check only liberal new sources and us politifact to get your information?

Does your fact checking go something like this?

Hey, a Republican said this, let's see what a Democrat say about that... hmmm... well this Democrat says that the Republican is a liar.

Well I know all Republicans are lying ALL the time, so I'll believe that democrat.

Better fact check that democrat. Don't want to actually do any research tho... I'll check and have them tell me what to believe.
cry some more about republicans.

but they will sitll be lesser people. and you will only have tears to show for it.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
What makes your opinion worth more than the other half of that used piece of toilet paper?

In any case, Clinton has been under multiple investigations mostly initiated by hostile Republicans. Not once has anything come to light that shows her to be anything more than an accused person. Talk about persecution. And about Catch 22, she's been investigated again and again by pretty much every branch of government and nothing was ever found. Yet assholes like you say "she's a liar" Well, that may be, but prove it asshole. Your word is worth nothing.

Did I say Trump did anything wrong? I did not. I'm only asking why he's being audited. They don't do that for fun, you know. And, this hue and cry about the IRS persecuting him is being said for political purposes. There is no proof of that.

Why are even talking to him if you think his opinion is worthless??

You pose questions to him but you aren't really asking for a conversation.

You just want to hear yourself talk.


Well-Known Member

Why are even talking to him if you think his opinion is worthless??

You pose questions to him but you aren't really asking for a conversation.

You just want to hear yourself talk.
why are you trying to stick up for ANALEXCESS?

he is a fucking white nationalist. he is a racist full of shit and hatred. a washed up old alcoholic with nothing of value to contribute to anyone.

why stick up for anyone like that, pie?

my opinion of you may be low, but you are actively trying to lower it.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
cry some more about republicans.

but they will sitll be lesser people. and you will only have tears to show for it.
You are a 2 dimensional character.

How can you claim to care about bigotry which is JUDGING OTHERS for differences, and then judge others so freely?

How is it possible that you think every Republican is a racist no good mouth breather?

You are being influenced by propaganda that's sole purpose is to drive a wedge between people so that meaningful communication cannot occur.

Your response to that, I imagine, is you don't want to talk to a racist pos.

Because ALL Republicans are bad.

Because we never hear about Democrats doing bad or illegal things. We never hear about democrats cheating or lying or saying offensive things.

How about every person on this earth can do good or bad.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
why are you trying to stick up for ANALEXCESS?

he is a fucking white nationalist. he is a racist full of shit and hatred. a washed up old alcoholic with nothing of value to contribute to anyone.

why stick up for anyone like that, pie?

my opinion of you may be low, but you are actively trying to lower it.
How do you know this? Do you have proof or is this like your belief that all Republicans are shit?

Cus it's hard to believe a boy who cries wolf constantly.


Well-Known Member
How do you know this? Do you have proof or is this like your belief that all Republicans are shit?

Cus it's hard to believe a boy who cries wolf constantly.
seriously though, are you trolling me?

you used to be one of the people who i liked, who seemed to believe evidence, and take a clear stand against racism and anti-gay bigotry.

someone who decries others as "white guilt liberals" is preaching white supremacist rhetoric. it is really that simple.

and you not only like his posts but stick up for him.

and also the whole trump thing. trump tailors his speeches to appeal to racism and hatred. and you can't stop defending that either.

i won't troll you outside of politics, but you seem to have gone off a cliff.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
seriously though, are you trolling me?

you used to be one of the people who i liked, who seemed to believe evidence, and take a clear stand against racism and anti-gay bigotry.

someone who decries others as "white guilt liberals" is preaching white supremacist rhetoric. it is really that simple.

and you not only like his posts but stick up for him.

and also the whole trump thing. trump tailors his speeches to appeal to racism and hatred. and you can't stop defending that either.

i won't troll you outside of politics, but you seem to have gone off a cliff.
You are projecting. Not once have I supported racism.

Who told you that stopping illegal immigration was racism? Who told you that only letting vetted people into our country was racism?

I know the answer.
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