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Using Tor Might Become “Illegal.”

Many consumers will argue that someone who has nothing to hide would have no need for anonymous software solutions such as Tor. However, given the limited number of privacy-centric options to browse the World Wide Web, Tor and consorts are becoming more and more popular every month.

Unfortunately that success has not gone by unnoticed, as the US Supreme Court has approved a rule change that will shake things up like never before. By granting every federal magistrate judge the right to issue a warrant for anyone using Tor, anonymity on the Internet may become a serious offense. Moreover, if the US Congress does not undertake action to fight this ruling, it will go into effect as soon as December 2016

As a result, the FBI can then legally search computers running Tor remotely, even if they have no idea where the machine is located or what it is being used for. Simply having anonymity software installed on a computer would be reason enough for the FBI to investigate that user to “combat cyber crime.”

This ruling approval comes on the heels of media headlines detailing how over 1 million consumers use Tor to access Facebook. For every single illegal use case for anonymity software, there are hundreds, if not thousands legal ones. If this ruling gets approved, many innocent users will be spied upon by the FBI for no reason whatsoever.

Moreover, this would allow the FBI to spy on Bitcoin users all over the world if they use Tor software to anonymize their wallets as well. Ever since the shutdown of Silk Road, law enforcement agencies have been looking at ways to track Bitcoin users’ identities on the dark web. While nothing has been set in stone yet, this ruling is a grave concern for privacy in the US and beyond.
Using Tor Might Become “Illegal.”

Many consumers will argue that someone who has nothing to hide would have no need for anonymous software solutions such as Tor. However, given the limited number of privacy-centric options to browse the World Wide Web, Tor and consorts are becoming more and more popular every month.

Unfortunately that success has not gone by unnoticed, as the US Supreme Court has approved a rule change that will shake things up like never before. By granting every federal magistrate judge the right to issue a warrant for anyone using Tor, anonymity on the Internet may become a serious offense. Moreover, if the US Congress does not undertake action to fight this ruling, it will go into effect as soon as December 2016

As a result, the FBI can then legally search computers running Tor remotely, even if they have no idea where the machine is located or what it is being used for. Simply having anonymity software installed on a computer would be reason enough for the FBI to investigate that user to “combat cyber crime.”

This ruling approval comes on the heels of media headlines detailing how over 1 million consumers use Tor to access Facebook. For every single illegal use case for anonymity software, there are hundreds, if not thousands legal ones. If this ruling gets approved, many innocent users will be spied upon by the FBI for no reason whatsoever.

Moreover, this would allow the FBI to spy on Bitcoin users all over the world if they use Tor software to anonymize their wallets as well. Ever since the shutdown of Silk Road, law enforcement agencies have been looking at ways to track Bitcoin users’ identities on the dark web. While nothing has been set in stone yet, this ruling is a grave concern for privacy in the US and beyond.
so much for america, land of the free huh?
how did you do that part? visa to bitcoin?
idk thats why why i made the thread

so much for america, land of the free huh?
when was america ever free? the government just gives you an allusion that you're free but really your a slave to their corrupt system

and then don't you need a vpn and also tor to get to alphabay?
vpn? all u need is download tor and type in the alphabay link and make an account
idk thats why why i made the thread

when was america ever free? the government just gives you an allusion that you're free but really your a slave to their corrupt system

vpn? all u need is download tor and type in the alphabay link and make an account

The tor browser has a built in VPN client. So your destination is Tors gateway and all traffic that occurs is encrypted.

You can always use a VPN service. That's the problem with a law like @RM3 pousted. There's always another way...

Much like bit torrent is no longer a safe means of pirating, tor may no longer be a safe mode of encrypted communication. So in tech, there will be innovation. Good luck keeping up feds...
u mean how to get to alphabay?

the whole process ...never used bitcoin tor vpn? idk what any of this stuff even is
whatever else.. yea how to get to whatever site

maybe some of us are just to far gone?
i have good connects for blow any rx pill ... id use it mainly for hallucinogenic compounds, research chems, mdma, etc

but it is what it is if so