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Well-Known Member
I wouldn't disagree with you because I have no experience of any such tiny, naked critters, except we just don't have opossums in England? But yeah she is very tiny, very young and underdeveloped.
I was looking at some pix, and it totally looks like a baby rat to me. Read that you need to feed them almost every other hour and stimulate them to poo and pee when they are that little. Apparently the mom usually does it for them. If you haven't already, toss a heating pad under his/her blanky. Hope the little critter makes it. Sending good vibes your way.


Well-Known Member
I was looking at some pix, and it totally looks like a baby rat to me. Read that you need to feed them almost every other hour and stimulate them to poo and pee when they are that little. Apparently the mom usually does it for them. If you haven't already, toss a heating pad under his/her blanky. Hope the little critter makes it. Sending good vibes your way.
if it dies.. make soup