Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
I dont follow this trump thing extremely closely, but is the racism you refer to based upon him wanting to remove illegal immigrants from our country? It just so happens that the majority of them are from Mexico, but if they were Canadian instead, would he still be racist? My GF is not a US citizen, she has been here for 10 years on a visa, works hard and pays much more taxes than I do. Her skin is darker than mine, significantly.... I support removing illegal aliens, no matter what their skin color is, I am not racist.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I dont follow this trump thing extremely closely, but is the racism you refer to based upon him wanting to remove illegal immigrants from our country? It just so happens that the majority of them are from Mexico, but if they were Canadian instead, would he still be racist? My GF is not a US citizen, she has been here for 10 years on a visa, works hard and pays much more taxes than I do. Her skin is darker than mine, significantly.... I support removing illegal aliens, no matter what their skin color is, I am not racist.
My mother in law is Mexican and agrees that illegal immigration is bad. She came here on work visas and filed all paperwork for the right to work in the USA. Her husband is from Iraq. Both her and her husband did not want Syrian refugees coming here because there was no way to prove identity.


Well-Known Member
What are you guys hoping to see with the tax returns? I bet he does donate to charity as it is a good tax write off. I bet he pays a whole staff to get him all the tax breaks he is eligible for.
Dangit, Pie, quit standing up for that dumb-dumb! He is making us all look like dicks! The entire world is laughing.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Dangit, Pie, quit standing up for that dumb-dumb! He is making us all look like dicks! The entire world is laughing.
The media is making us look like dicks. They want hillary. I tend to look closer at the candidates the media hates/ignores and find the media misrepresents them.


Well-Known Member
The media is making us look like dicks. They want hillary. I tend to look closer at the candidates the media hates/ignores and find the media misrepresents them.
I agree that the media's job is to sensationalize and distract - I stopped watching CNN a few months ago. They are getting as bad as Fox. What was my point? Oh, yeah. This guy's track record shows he runs all of his businesses into the ground. He just wants to flip the country for a profit. Such a butthole. Why would you want someone like him to represent all 318.86 million of us?


Well-Known Member
trumps taxes are just a tuna head.

they are not saying anything on them, so Dems/anyone can chew on it awhile. its something of little or no consequence.

you don't think, he companies have not been on the IRS radar before: lets see, his company was audited by the IRS, his chapter 11 only helpped people keep their jobs and him make money. which was a smart thing to do.

N+ you can fight a tax audit in court for years, so if its not something his champaign wants to show before election day they wont.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I seriously love all of you guys. On both sides. Because in a lot of different ways I'll never be able to explain, you're all apart of me. And through experience that ripples through physical and metaphysical, I am also apart of you. We are connected through something I really wish I could describe to you.
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