EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I find it amazing that you have the best candidate in 100 years and yet there are those here that would STILL go with that lying sack of shit, Clinton.

There is no reasoning with mental illness.
@Padawanbater2 , so your response would be to spend most of it on bashing the author instead of the points made. For instance did Bernie really except PAC money while claiming to get money out of elections ? That author touch on much much much more and all you link me to is the bashing of the author instead of disproving the points made. Typical shit anytime you try to have a dialog with a Bernie supporter.
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@Padawanbater2 , so your response would be to spend most of it on bashing the author instead of the points made. For instance did Bernie really except PAC money while claiming to get money out of elections ? That author touch on much much much more and all you link me too is the bashing of the author instead of disproving the points made. Typical shit anytime you try to have a dialog with a Bernie supporter.
"Bashing the author", let's see..

RawStory reports;
Lest you think I’m bringing up Alperstein’s biography because I can’t rebut the substance of her argument, I’ll go through a mere sampling of its flaws.

Let’s start with one of her bald-faced lies. Alperstein writes that Sanders, “literally pushed his wife away from a lectern (‘don’t stand there!’) on the air.” Actually, Bernie gestured. He never touched her. And there is video. So Alperstein either didn’t watch it (is “lazy and unprepared,” which are literally the words she uses to describe Sanders) or she’s a liar.

Also, as a Clinton supporter, does Alperstein really want to make this election about the relationship between the candidate and his or her spouse. By all means, as a Bernie supporter, I’d be happy to.

But the piece is generally chock full of distortions and myths that persist despite lack of evidence: Sanders hasn’t accomplished anything (which is weird because he has and his nickname is the Amendment King); he never compromises (which is even weirder since Alperstein points to examples of compromise in the same piece); has no foreign policy experience (he has more foreign policy experience than Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama did when they ran for first election, was right on Iraq. And Clinton was wrong on Iraq, but to be fair, her being wrong shouldn’t be limited to that one incident. She’s also been wrong on Libya, Haiti and Honduras, where she legitimized a coup that has rendered the country the “murder capital of the world.”)
Then cites Alpersteins professional background, as a matter of fact, to highlight context;
OK. Now back to Alperstein. Who is she, you ask? Well, she’s a partner at Becker Glynn. And, according to the website, she specializes in

-Defending witnesses before the SEC in connection with various investigations involving credit default swaps, CDOs and CLOs.
-Defending several hedge funds and a health care company in the Tribune fraudulent conveyance actions.
-Defending a holding company and individual against claims for conspiracy to commit fraud in connection with an alleged “pump and dump” market manipulation scheme on London and German stock exchanges.
-Defending publicly traded domestic company against wage and hour class action in New York state court.
-Advised hedge fund in connection with investigation of Ponzi scheme and corporate governance issues.
-Defeated securities fraud class action brought against foreign holding company and individual in District of Massachusetts.
Which is reasonable because;
"She has literally dedicated her professional life to fighting for the corrupt fat cats Sanders is fighting against."
As Halper concludes;
But this person may not be the most damning critic of Bernie Sanders. And her endorsement of Clinton is about as surprising as Lloyd Blankfein’s. That’s all I’m saying.
So could you point to the part you think is "basing" Alperstein?

DailyKos pretty much did the same thing by stating her professional background, that's important, you understand why that would be really important, right?

The Reddit link was the best one, that guy spent a lot of time rebutting Alpersteins claims one by one while providing credible sources, accurate facts regarding the history of each candidate's careers in politics and well thought out points using Clinton's own words and actions against her. Did you read any of it? Seems a little unfair to expect me to read a blog that long without even looking at the replies to it. Do you just take everything she says at face value without looking any of it up to check for yourself?
"Bashing the author", let's see..

RawStory reports;
Then cites Alpersteins professional background, as a matter of fact, to highlight context;Which is reasonable because;As Halper concludes;So could you point to the part you think is "basing" Alperstein?

DailyKos pretty much did the same thing by stating her professional background, that's important, you understand why that would be really important, right?

The Reddit link was the best one, that guy spent a lot of time rebutting Alpersteins claims one by one while providing credible sources, accurate facts regarding the history of each candidate's careers in politics and well thought out points using Clinton's own words and actions against her. Did you read any of it? Seems a little unfair to expect me to read a blog that long without even looking at the replies to it. Do you just take everything she says at face value without looking any of it up to check for yourself?
Lets do this one by one. Answer in your own words. Did Bernie take PAC money while he complains about the PAC money Hillary gets ?
but but @Corso312 said that would never happen
I don't think any politician has that power to go back in time 50 years..the major difference ( I thought) from the parties was..

Wars- foreign nation building -
Defense spending

Abortion- Even A 2 time conservative can't undo Roe v Wade..the courts have ruled..that can't change.

Climate change- dems seem to believe n GOP doesn't- environmental concerns.
"SCOTUS", and maybe that's what it will take to engage Americans with their government.

Shillary won't be looking out for you or me, that's for sure!
Unions are not superpacs?
@Padawanbater2 what chesus just said ^^^
"Sanders says on the stump that “it is unacceptable that we have a corrupt campaign finance system which allows millionaires, billionaires and large corporations to contribute as much as they want to super PACs to elect candidates who will represent their special interests.” According to Open Secrets, the total number of contributors who have given more than $200 to National Nurses United for Patient Protection this election cycle is a big, fat zero. The money comes from nurses’ union dues. According to a survey of 1,100 nurses conducted by the Lippincott Nursing Center, unionized nurses make, on average, $57,000 per year."

"More importantly, Michael Lighty, the nurses’ union’s director of public policy, says the nurses’ super PAC functions just the way the Supreme Court’s conservative majority fantasized that they would: with genuine independence from the Sanders’ campaign. “In the case of real super PACs, the independence is a fallacy, and when they talk about us – comparing us to those other super PACs – it’s a false equivalency,” he said."

"The FEC looks at coordination on the level of individual communications. It’s kosher for a super PAC to have general conversations about strategy with a campaign, as long as they don’t work together to produce specific ads. Michael Lighty says that while members of the nurses’ union itself are regularly in touch with the Sanders campaign, the super PAC “is a segregated entity within the union,” and its personnel “have not had any strategic discussions with the campaign. I never talk to the campaign and my key staff does not talk to the campaign.”"

"So, yes, there’s a super PAC backing Bernie Sanders candidacy, but Sanders is absolutely right when he says his campaign doesn’t have a super PAC. The million-dollar checks and rampant coordination between the other campaigns and their super PACs is nothing short of scandalous, and while it may be a scandal that’s not widely known outside the Beltway, political journalists who suggest that Sanders is a hypocrite understand perfectly well why that claim is false."

If you disagree with any of that, which I'm sure you will, name his SuperPAC
"Sanders says on the stump that “it is unacceptable that we have a corrupt campaign finance system which allows millionaires, billionaires and large corporations to contribute as much as they want to super PACs to elect candidates who will represent their special interests.” According to Open Secrets, the total number of contributors who have given more than $200 to National Nurses United for Patient Protection this election cycle is a big, fat zero. The money comes from nurses’ union dues. According to a survey of 1,100 nurses conducted by the Lippincott Nursing Center, unionized nurses make, on average, $57,000 per year."

"More importantly, Michael Lighty, the nurses’ union’s director of public policy, says the nurses’ super PAC functions just the way the Supreme Court’s conservative majority fantasized that they would: with genuine independence from the Sanders’ campaign. “In the case of real super PACs, the independence is a fallacy, and when they talk about us – comparing us to those other super PACs – it’s a false equivalency,” he said."

"The FEC looks at coordination on the level of individual communications. It’s kosher for a super PAC to have general conversations about strategy with a campaign, as long as they don’t work together to produce specific ads. Michael Lighty says that while members of the nurses’ union itself are regularly in touch with the Sanders campaign, the super PAC “is a segregated entity within the union,” and its personnel “have not had any strategic discussions with the campaign. I never talk to the campaign and my key staff does not talk to the campaign.”"

"So, yes, there’s a super PAC backing Bernie Sanders candidacy, but Sanders is absolutely right when he says his campaign doesn’t have a super PAC. The million-dollar checks and rampant coordination between the other campaigns and their super PACs is nothing short of scandalous, and while it may be a scandal that’s not widely known outside the Beltway, political journalists who suggest that Sanders is a hypocrite understand perfectly well why that claim is false."

If you disagree with any of that, which I'm sure you will, name his SuperPAC

The Facts
A “super PAC” is a type of independent expenditure committee that can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money. Unlike a traditional PAC, or political action committee, super PACs can’t donate directly to a political candidate. They’re not supposed to work with the candidates they support.
From the Washington Post article you linked;

"Technically, there is no super PAC sanctioned by Sanders in the same way that other candidates have."

"In the age of dark money and unlimited fundraising opportunities via super PACs, it’s fair for Sanders to make the distinction that he, unlike Clinton and most of the Republican candidates, is not affiliated with the super PAC. Sanders does not have a sanctioned super PAC that acts as an extension of his campaign and is affiliated with wealthy donor networks or corporate industries, in the way that other presidential candidates do."

So there you have it, the Sanders campaign does not have a SuperPAC (my previous post already debunked this claim, we could have saved some time had you just looked at that instead)
From the Washington Post article you linked;

"Technically, there is no super PAC sanctioned by Sanders in the same way that other candidates have."

"In the age of dark money and unlimited fundraising opportunities via super PACs, it’s fair for Sanders to make the distinction that he, unlike Clinton and most of the Republican candidates, is not affiliated with the super PAC. Sanders does not have a sanctioned super PAC that acts as an extension of his campaign and is affiliated with wealthy donor networks or corporate industries, in the way that other presidential candidates do."

So there you have it, the Sanders campaign does not have a SuperPAC (my previous post already debunked this claim, we could have saved some time had you just looked at that instead)

Butbutbutbut- NUH UH!
