EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

The group filed with the Federal Election Commission as a super PAC in September 2010.
He is a hypocrite. You can't complain about PAC money and how money is ruining elections, When you accepting the same money.
But no worries, the people are rejecting his tired message. It will all be over soon and we can all vote Democrat Nov 8th
So because a SuperPAC backs sanders, that means Sanders has a SuperPAC?

Could you explain that?

"Bernie’s candidacy is not, and has never been, about Bernie – as he is the first to admit. It’s a movement to reclaim our democracy and economy from the moneyed interests. His victories show how strong and determined that movement is -- and why it will not end with the Democratic convention or, even if he beats the odds and wins the presidency, it will not end with his inauguration. Not even a President Sanders can possibly do what needs to be done on his own. It is up to us. We must and will keep fighting until the savage inequalities of income, wealth, and political power in America are reversed." -Robert Reich
"Bernie’s candidacy is not, and has never been, about Bernie – as he is the first to admit. It’s a movement to reclaim our democracy and economy from the moneyed interests. His victories show how strong and determined that movement is -- and why it will not end with the Democratic convention or, even if he beats the odds and wins the presidency, it will not end with his inauguration. Not even a President Sanders can possibly do what needs to be done on his own. It is up to us. We must and will keep fighting until the savage inequalities of income, wealth, and political power in America are reversed." -Robert Reich
That's why Bernie will do the right thing when he see's the best way to beat Trump is by joining forces with Hillary in Nov.
Yeah. No news here, Bernie just packed another stadium while Shillary can't seem to get anyone to show up unless she pays them.

I'd ask wtf is wrong with this country bit I already know.

Corporate America best get its affairs in order. Their time is coming to an end.

I wonder how much CheesyFog gets paid to try to derail this thread?
You and London seem nervous lately, starting to feel the heat or perhaps the Bern!
Even the most ardent supporters for Hillary have nothing other than this strange notion that we should vote for Hillary because other people did. It's really all they've been saying for the past month or so. Dumb argument.