Who's willing to..

Holy fuck, this guy wants pay stubs. I didn't realize when people ask how much you make, you're supposed to say, well, because taxes, $123,872.65. Liberal logic, keep em coming man!
Its my GODDAMN money moron

no it isn't.

you enetered into a binding legal agreement. the money you put into that 401K would not be taxed. that is a huge savings. the point of that legal contract was so that you could support yourself in retirement.

well, you violated that greement you fuckstick. and now you are paying according to the terms you agreed to when you signed on the dotted line.

you are just a crybaby who can'tplay by the rules that you yourself agreed to.
Oh uncle buck said dick stain!! Hahahahhaa! OK, I get it now, he's 19 years old and still in the 11th grade lmfaoooo
Holy fuck, this guy wants pay stubs. I didn't realize when people ask how much you make, you're supposed to say, well, because taxes, $123,872.65. Liberal logic, keep em coming man!
i love it when a loser on disability and his wife's 401K criticizes my logic.

maybe you wouldn't be stuck depending on my tax dollars if you employed my logic, eh?

just a thought, loser.
I owned a fucking pizza shop and a fucking construction business, and 100k+ is sooooooo unheard of. He must work at McDonald's. Matter of fucking fact, I should have made a whole lot more but was good to my employees Hahahahhaa, this is so great ;)
I owned a fucking pizza shop and a fucking construction business, and 100k+ is sooooooo unheard of. He must work at McDonald's. Matter of fucking fact, I should have made a whole lot more but was good to my employees Hahahahhaa, this is so great ;)

$100k is not unheard of, it's about what i make.

i just don't get how someone making that kind of moeny for 10+ years is stuck living on disability and his wife's 401K.
Im laughing at you so hard right now. Pitiful excuse for a human. Didnt the best part of you run down your fathers legs years ago? Keep giving pal. I dont rely on any of your money you give as I dont reside inside your bullshit world. Peace out
i love it when a loser on disability and his wife's 401K criticizes my logic.

maybe you wouldn't be stuck depending on my tax dollars if you employed my logic, eh?

just a thought, loser.
Yes!! I love her 401k that she took 5k out of 2 years ago to pay for a credit card she used for clothes :) :hump: living the dream on your tax money baby!! Keep paying in! I may try to get myself banned from the states so I can come in illegally and then have 5 kids and take some more ;)
$100k is not unheard of, it's about what i make.

i just don't get how someone making that kind of moeny for 10+ years is stuck living on disability and his wife's 401K.
OK. Before I moved across the county, I spent my fucking savings on saving my dad and tieing up loose fucking ends dude, fuck, you want to know what I saved? 277k dollars. You know how fast it was spent? In fucking 6 months. Gtfoh
Yes!! I love her 401k that she took 5k out of 2 years ago to pay for a credit card she used for clothes :) :hump: living the dream on your tax money baby!! Keep paying in! I may try to get myself banned from the states so I can come in illegally and then have 5 kids and take some more ;)

and then there's your racism too.

i bet it's all those minorities who are making you such a loser.

it';s more likely that they are paying for your disability through fake social security numbers and will never see a penny back themselves. unlike you.
OK. Before I moved across the county, I spent my fucking savings on saving my dad and tieing up loose fucking ends dude, fuck, you want to know what I saved? 277k dollars. You know how fast it was spent? In fucking 6 months. Gtfoh

don't make excuses, you fucking taker mooch.

pull yourself up by the bootstraps and stop being a dependent.
You want a fucking break down of it? OK.

20k was taken by police
50k between fines and lawyers and all the bs that went with it
90k towards a house for my dad
50k medical bills, maybe more
5k for a OK truck for dad
10k for my step dad's funeral
And I don't know what else who the fuck knows. Moving across the county cost a bit, especially when we broke down in West Virginia and fucking had to buy a brand new car.
don't make excuses, you fucking taker mooch.

pull yourself up by the bootstraps and stop being a dependent.
Um mmm, did you miss the part I said I'll be off ssdi in like 6 months, unlike 99% of people that would just fucking keep it forever!???? I've been on it 2 years because I broke my fucking back and have nerve damage in 3 limbs dude, chill the fuck out and ask why instead of making fucking stories up about people
But honestly I wish I had the balls to just stay on ssdi, the doctors said I'll be on it for life. So wtf? Why not right? No. Because fuck that, that's why. I'll make a living somehow like I always did and I'll do just fine. And yeah I'm really thankful I got some of the money back I put in since I was 18, but I bet I'll never have to use it again because I'll make shit happen for our lives. I have drive and someone else can use the money I put in. It's all good. No pain no fucking gain. I can guarantee I'll have employees having to do the work I can't that I wish I could, but I'll still be on the books soon and that's how people's mentality should be.
And yes. I am EXTREMELY racist. Sorry for the late response to the racist comment, I'm not sure how I missed it. But you're correct. I hate Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Ted cruz, Trump when he makes sentences that involve words less than 4 letters and olives. Both black and green.
And yes. I am EXTREMELY racist. Sorry for the late response to the racist comment, I'm not sure how I missed it. But you're correct. I hate Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Ted cruz, Trump when he makes sentences that involve words less than 4 letters and olives. Both black and green.
How does it feel to hate people that don't even know you exist. lulz
What happened, why did you guys stop?

$100k is not unheard of, it's about what i make.

i just don't get how someone making that kind of moeny for 10+ years is stuck living on disability and his wife's 401K.
'that kind of moeny' If you make soooo much moeny you cant be out moeny after 10+ years. That is more than one million moeny in USD.

I think you don't get it because you don't get how it is to make $100k as if it's normal so
'clearly you are lying on the internet to make yourself seem successful, which is sad.' :P

Did you get your 'fucking password' back yet. You seem to do nothing but fight with other members.

And yes. I am EXTREMELY racist.
oh now you really done it. How can you not love Kim!?