Donald Trump

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Did you see the government report, being reported on CNBC today that Sanders actions, like free college, increased SS, medicare health insurance for everyone, etc., would add $21 trillion more to the national debt over 10 years----what's with these Dem socialists, I swear they are trying to bankrupt the nation!!!
Too funny this. What's Trump planning? To cut taxes for the wealthy, again. To increase spending again. To bloat the debt even more than Bush 2 did.

So, one analyst is saying what you want to hear about Bernie and you go all ape shit regurgitating right wing shit about Democrats? Uneducated weak minded GOP sucks like you have no idea how badly uniformed and lied to they are. In the last 60 years, one president, only one oversaw a balanced budget. He was a democrat. Bush 2, the worst president of the modern era cut taxes, increased spending and bloated the budget so much that he created debt for the next generation and wasted the money in war and bank bail outs.

So keep regurgitating lies, it doesn't matter anyway. Bernie isn't going to be nominated and Trump is going to lose so badly we will also see a Democratic Senate and big time losses in the house for the GOP.
Very doubtful at this point.........I think the point missed is that many of Bernies supporters, the young and unwilling to work crowd, will NOT vote for lyin Killery. So the left will need to fix loads more voting machines for you to have a chance.
So the left will need to fix loads more voting machines for you to have a chance.

and the right will continue to gerrymander districts. cruz supporters won't vote for philanderin' Don either. remember his little affair?

check the scoreboard that really matters. unless Hillary completely blows it, the Dems got the Electoral college dominated.
To all "United States" citizens... Here is a fact:
The "United States of America" is not all of "America." All of "America" is North and South America as one giant landmass.

Check your geography, if you do not believe me.

Here is a thought...
Tuh RUMP...
The RUMP...
The rear end of a cow.
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To all "United States" citizens... Here is a fact:
The "United States of America" is not all of "America." All of "America" is North and South America as one giant landmass.

Check your geography, if you do not believe me.

Here is a thought...
Tuh RUMP...
The RUMP...
The rear end of a cow.
It's not one land mass anymore. Panama Canal cut it in half.
I asked you to tell me which policy you like of Trumps. At first you came with "Trump don't have any policies because he is not a politician". Once I pointed out how stupid that comment was, you switched to "he will get rid of ObamaCare".
I then asked you to explain what he would do after he gets rid of ACA. You new answer is "we have to implement before you evaluate". Guy be honest with yourself and answer why you really voting for Trump. Its because of you being stupid and dumb.

So regardless of me telling you multiple times you are going to determine my choice has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton? That fucking crook?

Why should I bother continuing to try to have a conversation with you when you refuse to even look at the whole picture?

Donald Trump plans to build a wall. That is not a policy, it is an action. He plans to eliminate Obamacare. That is not a policy, it is an action.

The fact that you continue to ask me questions and then have difficulty understanding the answers is not my problem.
Thats what they all say when they get flushed down the shitter. LOL TRUMP!
They will be saying PRESIDENT TRUMP SOON,I cant wait till the day TRUMP beats hellbitch and lets the American people know how bad that they have been hood winked so long by the people in offices so long that has been selling out the American people to the higest biders for years.I will also be glad when TRUMP puts that 35 percent taxes on companies to sell there cheep laber shit here.that will bring back the companies to the states that left and took the jobs from the American people.VOTE SMART VOTE TRUMP he is Americas last
@supreme bean . there is going to be a BIG BROMANE this Thursday between Trump and Paul Ryan. Its going to be like one giant LUVVVV fest. Trump is sounding much more presidential these days.
Mmmm.Whats a BIG BROMANE?To be honest.This looks like one of the most bitter campaigns i have seen.So i guess you are
being ironic.Being a foriegner im not sure who Paul Ryan is.I dont watch US television.
I guess Trump is toning it down.Maybe he had some coaching from a personal trainer.who knows.
Doc.what is your favourite TRUMP policy.Hows the beach.Not too busy i hope.
I know its history.BUT, Dr Ron Paul was a really likeable Republican.I felt he was playing for the wrong team.However,
Just proves,the best person doesnt always win.
When you have to choose between two candidates ,who are as crap as each other.You cant really call it Democracy.

With 5000 US troops still in afghanistan.The cost of the involvement presently runs at 4 million $,per HOUR.Total cost since the start of the invasion approx 30 billion $.

Seems to me.If you want a great America.Stop chucking cash down the toilet.
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It's not one land mass anymore. Panama Canal cut it in half.
At the bottom of the canal is what? There aught be fairly solid ground.

Donald Trump plans to build a wall. That is not a policy, it is an action. He plans to eliminate Obamacare. That is not a policy, it is an action.

Here is a thought... Saying you plan on doing something does not equate to action. At this point in the campaigning saying you have plans is equal to worthless campaign promises.

Here are some facts: 1. According to the United Nations's Universal Declaration of Human Rights at Article 13 sections 1 and 2 all immigration is legal. 2. The United States of America is founding member of the United Nations and the headquarters for the United Nations is in New York. 3. Lady Elleanor Roosevelt wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 4. Being against any form of immigration is direct violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 5. If a nation is a "Member Nation" of the United Nations it is equal to being a minor "State" like any state affiliated with the United States of America.
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Very doubtful at this point.........I think the point missed is that many of Bernies supporters, the young and unwilling to work crowd, will NOT vote for lyin Killery. So the left will need to fix loads more voting machines for you to have a chance.

Where do you get this " unwilling to work" bullshit? Who is feeding you this horseshit?
They sure as shit dont want to work for college... Something gonna change?
The stupidity, it never ends..

"In the United States today, nearly 14 million people – 8 percent of the total labor force and a consistent 70 percent to 80 percent of college students – are both active in the labor market and formally enrolled in some form of postsecondary education or training."

Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
At the bottom of the canal is what? There aught be fairly solid ground.

Here is a thought... Saying you plan on doing something does not equate to action. At this point in the campaigning saying you have plans is equal to worthless campaign promises.

Here are some facts: 1. According to the United Nations's Universal Declaration of Human Rights at Article 13 sections 1 and 2 all immigration is legal. 2. The United States of America is founding member of the United Nations and the headquarters for the United Nations is in New York. 3. Lady Elleanor Roosevelt wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 4. Being against any form of immigration is direct violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 5. If a nation is a "Member Nation" of the United Nations it is equal to being a minor "State" like any state affiliated with the United States of America.
It's probably just as solid as the bottom of the Atlantic or pacific ocean. So by your logic the usa, Africa, Asia, and Europe are all one land mass
I don't mind a healthy exchange of views - it's a good thing. But why do the Trumpkins have to sound so dumb? The all CAPS, the horrific spelling, the poor grammar, the ridiculous repetition of Trump's name - it doesn't help your argument. Make a clear case for your cause without the hyperbole. It would make your position much more relatable.
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