Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

Don't tell the jewz but I just uncovered a pottery fragment in my garden. They are gonna claim it's jew pottery and homestead my land.
Let me ask can you be against the idea of letting jewish folk from all over the world to immigrate to israel/palestine and get subsidized housing and probably alot more stuff mostly from our (US) taxes and displace the indigenous peoples through brutal means and not be a antisemite I believe you can I believe they are different I believe you can be against all those things and not be an antisemite.

I don't make that strong of connection between jewish people and the land area of Israel/Palestine. I don't believe God gave this land to Jews and Jews only for all time. I don't hate jewish people. I have jewish freinds with whom I have lots of respect and value there freindship but I don't discuss this subject with them much a couple agree with me but its still sensitive but its starting to change.

you two and oswizzle are very clearly anti-semites though.
renouned Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz? You mean the profen plagiarizer and probably a pedofile to boot. If thats the people you believw then your in alot of trouble
you two and oswizzle are very clearly anti-semites though.

Yeah I'v gotten into it with you before. Thats fine, even you have stopped with alot of your zionist propaganda crap.
Hey is Benjamin Netinyahoo always right? Was Geneneral George C Marshall definetly an antisemite
Naww i'm rescinding my comment. I've decided I like the siily curls and tiny hats, also the krav maga. Oh and that jew soup. I am a big fan of that jew soup. Still fuck Israel!!
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@Padawanbater2 @ttystickk

If your arguments are so strong then why is it that all you can do is bash my comments without addressing my points, bash the videos and their source without watching them or most recently trying to smear one of the presenters without watching his presentation.

I came to this thread and didn't just bash ttysicks half-baked Al Jazeera article, but I pointed out specifics on why it was half-baked. See how that works?
i'm jewish, dipshit.

I didn't know this about you. Respect, cuz it isn't easy to step into a debate like this and take flak not only from the anti Semites of the world, but even from other Jewish people who believe that Israel must be supported, no matter what it does in their name.
I have nothing against Jews... They have contributed to Humanity in endless ways that have benefited the entire human race.. However, Nobody in their right mind can defend the treatment of the Palestinians.. Maybe if they had their own military .. 4th most powerful Air Force in the world... Nuclear Subs... and endless USA/EUROPEAN Tech thrown their way.. the playing field would be even and Israel wouldn't be such a bully...

To act like Israel can do no wrong and everyone else is at fault... that is Anti-Semite
I'll be honest, I'm not a historian and I also skipped over a lot of your bickering; but I am unaware of a Russian or Chinese genocide that occurred. I even practiced a little google-fu and didn't find anything, especially anything that rivaled the Holocaust. Oh and for the record, I am Jewish, am under the age of 55, married, have traveled to Israel three times in my life (soon to be four, I am going with my daughter in a few weeks as part of an eight week program with her school) and do not own a horse, high or low. But, I probably am a shitty grower, so I'll give you that.

20,000,000 or over 40 million


Chinese 15-20 Million

Do their lives not count because they are not GODS chosen people... The West only puts any focus on the Jews that died.. cant deny it .. a death is a death.. some can be more accurately proven than others

Neither one of those were genocide. Yes people died, and that is horrible, but they didn't die just for being Russian or Chinese. There's a difference between war and genocide. Also, you say you don't deny the holocaust but then make back handed comments like being able to show accurate proof. 140714. That was the number on my grandmothers arm, and unlike your sweet rebel flag with Hank Williams JR. quote underneath it, her uncle didn't give her that tattoo in her moms kitchen with a sewing needle and bic pen ink.

20,000,000 or over 40 million


Chinese 15-20 Million

Do their lives not count because they are not GODS chosen people... The West only puts any focus on the Jews that died.. cant deny it .. a death is a death.. some can be more accurately proven than others
The west put no focus on those populations because they were communist nations, and after world war 2 we ran a nearly 50 year cold war of propaganda and espionage actively opposing their influence on a global scale. Surely you understand this is why there's no focus on their sacrifices. Not some Jewish NWO conspiracy.
Neither one of those were genocide. Yes people died, and that is horrible, but they didn't die just for being Russian or Chinese. There's a difference between war and genocide. Also, you say you don't deny the holocaust but then make back handed comments like being able to show accurate proof. 140714. That was the number on my grandmothers arm, and unlike your sweet rebel flag with Hank Williams JR. quote underneath it, her uncle didn't give her that tattoo in her moms kitchen with a sewing needle and bic pen ink.
The Chinese did die just for being Chinese. It was occupation and famine, less battle.