New Member
this was your first post on the topic... already praising her could be lies before going off on your tangents to manipulate the situation and what i have been saying.. again show me where i said she was unfit to be the vp because she was a mother? show me where i said she didnt have the right to be a vp because she was a mother? you cant because i didnt, i strictly gave opinions about her character and what her character reflected as a polotician.. YOU johnny were the one to go off on all the tangents in an attemt to get away from the opinions and views being presented to you and to give yourself a false sense of valididty in your arguement... sorry bud.. maybe next time... i may be 21 but your not gonna pull that bullshit on me
glad your learning johnny... maybe you will start believing the shit that you type... in the mean time keep on giving me those negative reps
and as far as your whining comments johnny.. nice comeback... i expose your flawed logic, your lack or reasoning, and your immense ignorance and all you can say is im whining? come on now you can do better than that. why dont you not take the easy road out and try to actually formulate a defense instead of just giving me negative reps and being childish? this is a political discussion.. confront the situation dont run away... i want to hear your view but i dont want you to try and tell me what mine is.. its not to late you can redeem yourself and claw your way out from under that giant pile of shit you have bought. or maybe you can keep kissing republican ass.
p.s. and misshestermoffit very good point... and i completely agree with you. i always had my doubts about it but the gossip can always be very convincing... my point in this thread, that some people didnt pick up, was what this would say about her morals and character which would reflect on her ability to be trusted in making decisions that would be good for the 300 plus million people in this country.. not just the few thousand she governed. after all she has the possibilty of becoming president if mcsame kicks the bucket. i am in the same boat with you i dont think she is up to the task. she obviously was too busy speaking out about abstonance to teach her own children.