Assholes banned Dia WTF

You told me that you thought I was putting on kid gloves and recommending it ... you accused me of having a double standard for men v. women. You stated that expressly above. I don't see what I wrote as hypocritical or misogynistic. Once again, I invite you to lay out the logic of your position for our mutual inspection.

When you say you are glad they are both gone, you lump the victim with the perpetrator, guilt by association. I will not do or support that stance if I can help it. It is broken reason with very serious human consequences. The two actors are NOT morally equal as I see you implying.
To your last sentence. Both have acted out on these forums many times before. I could care less about this latest incident. It's just one more from the two of them. And like I've said many times before glad they are gone...
I don't know...some inflamatory stuff shouldn't be left need to incite a full blown (or fool blown) riot. Fuck that guy...his shit isn't worth reading anyway.
I would rather risk inciting the riot (which will be an online tempest in a teapot) than be cornered by a selective enforcement policy which is growing into a monster. These problems have been encountered and solved on the really big social media sites. Admin could do it thus. They do not. I don't know why, but it does seem to suggest an articulable (but not articulated) reason for it.

My dog in this hunt is that as far as I know, Dia is being punished exactly the same way as her assailant. That is very wrong, and it is an unavoidable and unacceptable by-product of a deliberately obscure "real world" site policy. I could be very wrong, but I don't think so right now.
I'm sure there was a screen shot of every single threat, I'd bet my life on it. Anyways the site has the complete ability to recover all deleted posts.

I can live with that. But then again, it's not my life. I'm just passing through. If it were my life I can tell you what I would do, it may save lives, but I may be criticized as a piece of shit for trying to state the truth, or my truth, which is actually just my opinion. Or I'd get compared to someone who doesn't empathize enough with a rape victim..,,,... What a load of bs drama. I only see two adults whom took shots at each other online over the course of several months. Nobody got beat up, nobody was raped. The entire thing took place in their minds. We aren't short on imagination here, now are we.

Hideous threats were made. However, no death threat was made. Those of you who attempt to perpetuate a lie should be ashamed. I care about two things:
1) How to best survive dealing with someone you feel threatened by irl
2) What a court would decide is a fact or not. All the written facts are readily available.

And also, the last thing I want dia to feel like is I'm marginalizing her. She has had a difficult enough time with all of this. Nobody needs any of this shit. Like I said before, I've been disappointed in a very similar scenario.
I disagree about the blue. It was one-sided: 6oh threatened and Dia responded.
To the red: please present them! I cannot recover them. If you can, please provide.

Pinny has the screenshots but they do not stay up. I find it intriguing that two RIU women extended 6oh the hand of compassion and aid, and he rejected both.

It did not only happen in their heads. She invited him IRL and gave him meds and a job. She reached out to him and took the risk of disclosing her IRL address to him. I trust her to correctly evaluate that very real threat. This guy was active military for 14 years. In that context his behavior is scary because the extrapolation to violence IRL is a small step to take. So I reject your basic premise: this isn't just the Internet.
You must be a lot of fun at parties.:roll:
Ouch that hurts.
If anyone needs me I'll be back in strain reviews for awhile. Yessica and 60 and the rest of the rat crew don't know shit about weed so things should be safe over there.

This place is fucked lately.
Maybe the newb section may be better till ya hit your 1 year anniversary. Lols

Sorry that I don't like your friend or 60max. 2 folks who stink this place up with drama.
Being on turtle for a while is actually Very therapeutic. It's so slow you don't even bother trying to log on. You can still read the messages as a guest but, I found I didn't really even want to bother. In the mean time. Not sitting on my fat ass doing rollitup all the time I got a shit ton of work done around the house. Made a totally awesome chill room complete with a 50 inch and so dark and quiet. I mean blacked out almost completely so it's like 1 am at noon in there. Time no longer matters. Done a ton of other stuff round the house and got some serious chill on with Dank Sinatra. It's a godhead seeded little bugger but the taste and chill is freeking over the top. Diabolical666 will be fine. Perhaps she will rediscover the bliss of masturbation during her time out. Peace and love to all! :bigjoint:
Fyi the site has software that alerts the mods if someone has multiple accounts. they get a warning and the new acct is deleted.

Anyways the site has the complete ability to recover all deleted posts.

You seem to know a lot about these matters and are going to great lengths to defend the admin or mod who banned dia and try to blame it on dia. Who's sock are you!? :sock: ( this site needs a sock emo :lol: )
BTW i don't care for only one person so far on this site and it's @UncleBuck.


I get sick of trucking for 60+ hrs a week and pull up next to a person using "food stamps" and they have 20" wheels on a newer vehicle than im driving (99 dodge). Oh and thier kids all have the latest cell phone models standing in line while using that government credit card.

do you seriously pull up to people using food stamps in their vehicles?
Being on turtle for a while is actually Very therapeutic. It's so slow you don't even bother trying to log on. You can still read the messages as a guest but, I found I didn't really even want to bother. In the mean time. Not sitting on my fat ass doing rollitup all the time I got a shit ton of work done around the house. Made a totally awesome chill room complete with a 50 inch and so dark and quiet. I mean blacked out almost completely so it's like 1 am at noon in there. Time no longer matters. Done a ton of other stuff round the house and got some serious chill on with Dank Sinatra. It's a godhead seeded little bugger but the taste and chill is freeking over the top. Diabolical666 will be fine. Perhaps she will rediscover the bliss of masturbation during her time out. Peace and love to all! :bigjoint: