Cutter Electronics: Complete DIY COB kits

Im talking about adding the Wago 221 connectors for termination and some wire so you can hook up all your modules
Sorry i tried googling but im clueless as to what they are used for or what the benefit is. What change would it make to how the kit is wired currently?
For me, the most difficult part of assembling the kit was marking and drilling the mounting holes for the heatsinks. I couldnt get more than 1 hole on each side to line up, haha. I think its easier for the 4 kit but for the 8 cob kit, if its off by a fraction of a mm youre screwed.

Id prefer a screwless or modular mounting

You might find this enlightening in the future. Digital calipers and spring loaded punch are a powerful combo. Scribe with calipers, punch, drill a pilot hole slow and steady and you might be surprised.
For me, the most difficult part of assembling the kit was marking and drilling the mounting holes for the heatsinks. I couldnt get more than 1 hole on each side to line up, haha. I think its easier for the 4 kit but for the 8 cob kit, if its off by a fraction of a mm youre screwed.

Id prefer a screwless or modular mounting
I dont understand why you didn't just drill one hole, then screw your heatsink in through that hole, then lift the heatsink just above the aluminum L bar, pivoting on that screw, so you could see where the center would be for the second hole, mark a line, then use an auto center punch to get a start, remove the heatsink, and drill your second hole?
One step closer to firing up my Cutter mau5,
hey what up guys

got the lights up and running and i am stoked!


they runpretty cool. lowered the temps in the cab from like 27 to 25c. put a thermometer on top of the pins and have been monitoring them pretty anally; never been warmer than 36c, typically like 33

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so i dont know about the whole insert photo thing but you get the picture. stoked to build a smaller unit for the veg cab too, switch out those lame burple bulbs

wanna say thanx again to growmau5 and you other guys on here for sharing your knowledge with the community. good kharma coming your way for sure :)
Not to be a nit-picker but I don't get the logic of the translucent Angelinas. They're clearly designed to give some soft side light through the sides of the reflector. While I can see the benefit in a normal lighting situation it seems contrary to what would be appropriate for a grow light. I know it says such and such an efficiency but anyone can see the light coming through the sides. They have opaque metallic ones so what's the attraction of these translucent units, price?

Look at this baby for instance. That's premium. BTW here's a cool page where you can see various beam angles by putting the cursor over the image. 60 degrees looks pretty good for a COB. 90 is actually overspread looking to me.


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While I think it has to be assessed on a case by case basis, I think for the average DIYer, purchasing reflectors is not beneficial. If I was to add 4 reflectors to my DIY Vero 29 bar, it would increase my price by over 20%. I don't think I'd see that kind of return in production, but would like to hear other peoples thoughts.
Yeah Baby! Lights are in the room!, I first saw led grow in Michigan patient forum, (captain Morgan growing Chaos), thanks Capt. I then started researching, and growmau came up with these "Cutter Cob kits" , (thanks Mark), I am SO stoked!Thanks everyone from the led section, way too many, robin,grumpy ,airwalker,supra, and worm111 (his layout), of course Growmau, too cool.-:)
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