Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
You are the one throwing insults around. Whether you choose to call me a retard doesnt change the fact that I make plenty of money and business is easier than I expected and life is awesome. Oh, and that I will vote for Trump if only just to piss you off.
Calling you a monkey brain or a retard was a description, not an insult. Now, how about that self-funded campaign that Trump lies about? Do you want to talk about it any more? Or his so called business genius for running a business empire in a field that hasn't changed in about a hundred years? Started with the 100 million or so inherited from daddy.

Its so easy to discredit those accolades you repeat after Trump says them.

ky man

Well-Known Member
congratulations. You know, being in Trump's class means you don't have to repay it. Bankruptcies are only shameful if they are done by little people.
I have never sean a little person as you say that it made them shamefull over bankruptcies the ones I sean smiled all the way to there new bank

ky man

Well-Known Member
Well I got to go you people have a great day and vote smart and vote TRUMP that way you can smile and be a proud American and not cry later on if you vote for the hell bitch and bill AGAIN..KY


Well-Known Member
I have never sean a little person as you say that it made them shamefull over bankruptcies the ones I sean smiled all the way to there new bank
Once an area gets economically depressed, people learning to walk away from bad debt without shame is a good thing. Trump does it on a large scale and manages to make millions while doing so. Your candidate will teach you how to do at Trump University.


Well-Known Member
Little mind. Trump doesn't know international business. He does hotels. Not tech, not production, oil, ag, shipping, communications, not anything innovative at all. But hotels with fountains and tacky gilded shit as if it was still the 1880's.

Nice try to redirect. Trump the great businessman. A hotelier that can't stay out of bankruptcy. A liar that can't keep his fat mouth shut. Keeps tripping himself up. Good thing wingnuts are so stupid. Like you, they can't keep track of what was said only a couple of minutes ago.
i was just in vegas at the top of the stratosphere.

trump's shitty little hotel looks like a lonely freak in the middle of a parking lot way off the strip.


Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
What I said was only a few posts above this one. My statement was that 'I dont recall him saying he was only self funding'. The word never was not in my statement. You want to rewrite any other portions of my post to argue with??

I dont expect him to self fund his campaign any more than I expect Hillary to do it or any other candidate. I am not sure anyone in history has done so. So, why is it such a big screaming deal?
Wether you used ever or never (which is synonymous) is not the point, you were flat out wrong, end of story. On post 12571597 your exact words were "I don't recall him ever promising to self fund". We know that to be a lot of bs and he will be in the pocket of Corparate America just like every Politician before him. His only appeal is to the bigots of this country, I could almost hear a great big 'awe shit' by all his supporters when the news came out that he was not self funding I.e. Will be bought off.



Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
We know all the others has sold out the American people time and time again that is fact.Trump has never sold no one out for the white house will be his first office and he cant be bought off that's why big money don't like him so when trump wins they loose there free money train ride.GO TRUMP and you will be glad you did for trump will make America great again as it was one time befor the reast sold us all out to the rich.hellbitch should be in prison.
And the dumpster will sell out too just like the rest he only cares about the Trump brand.



Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
To all "United States" citizens... Here is a fact:

The "United States of America" is not all of "America." All of "America" is North and South America as one giant landmass.

Check your geography, if you do not believe me.

USA is short hand for United States of America.

Stop allowing yourselves to be brainwashed by the media, religion, or politics.
Wtf?!? Canada and Mexico are in North America too but are we talking about them? I'm sure all the chants (USA,USA!) at Trump rally's are not in support of those country's. If you ask the dumb dumpster supporters they will say Mexico is in South Amerca.



Well-Known Member
Hillary is already bought off yet you proudly declare the other candidate is while planning to vote for a criminal.

Absolutely astounding how you manage to blind yourself to the obvious.


Well-Known Member
Hillary is already bought off yet you proudly declare the other candidate is while planning to vote for a criminal.

Absolutely astounding how you manage to blind yourself to the obvious.
what plan do you like most of Trumps ? How will this plan be accomplished.
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