How long is LARA taking these days?

OP here. My card arrived today. Took about 18 days from the day i mailed my paperwork out, and it was only sent through regular mail. No certified mail, no return receipt.
OP here. My card arrived today. Took about 18 days from the day i mailed my paperwork out, and it was only sent through regular mail. No certified mail, no return receipt.

Ohhh so you didn't send it when you made this post at the time. check cleared yet they got it a week ago on monday, maybe there is lag time opening mail?

Someone said they cash the money order or check before they do anything else. check cleared yet they got it a week ago on monday, maybe there is lag time opening mail?

Someone said they cash the money order or check before they do anything else.

I'm in the same boat ! Probably will cash them together . Haha they probably have 100s of checks to cash
mine was the same !! Good stuff . Seems like they are right on track these days !
Definitely seems that way these days. I remember my first caregiver card years ago was expired when it finally arrived. My patient card took 9 months that year. The next year it took 6 months, then 3 months, and this time was 3 weeks.
Thanks yours shouldn't be far behind!
No I was like a day behind you on everything else . I should hopefully get it this week sometime . Either way you are now legal !!! Good stuff .. Glad it went smooth for you. My old card is good till July so I'm not worried about it as of right now .