Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

I've watched poppy fields burn, I've watched as the farmers are pressured by the u.s. to produce food. Days later that farmer and family have been forced to move, to produce more. Rough cycle.
Holy shit.... One side comes in and is like "grow heroin", then the other side comes in burns it down and is like " grow food" and on and on.... Fuxking a....
A lot of the Intel on the narcotics movements comes from the Israelis. They are better equipped to track and buy test samples to determine regional production levels.
I agree, we play a role but it's not as sinister as you would believe. Though, there is a possibility we have a stake in some fields.
I didnt say it was sinister but you better believe thats happening.....Certainly have stakes in the bigger plantations if not majority control.
I didnt say it was sinister but you better believe thats happening.....Certainly have stakes in the bigger plantations if not majority control.
Of course, but I would bet it's individuals in the service who are attempting to personally profit. I doubt it's actually strategy to allow production.
UncleBuck.... You know Zionist Jews own Purdue Pharma... the company that with its Jew Buddies helped 2001 invasion of Afghanistan take over all the Poppy fields to make Oxycontin and help destroy WHITE America... Once Trump wins... your Zionist Buddies are screwed...America is for AMERICANS and not Dual Citizens of Hell

Israel is the reflection of all EVIL ... Jesus warned them about their Money Exchanging ways and they killed him... Karma will return the Son of Man and when it happens... your Zionist will be eliminated from History
UncleBuck.... You know Zionist Jews own Purdue Pharma... the company that with its Jew Buddies helped 2001 invasion of Afghanistan take over all the Poppy fields to make Oxycontin and help destroy WHITE America... Once Trump wins... your Zionist Buddies are screwed...America is for AMERICANS and not Dual Citizens of Hell

Israel is the reflection of all EVIL ... Jesus warned them about their Money Exchanging ways and they killed him... Karma will return the Son of Man and when it happens... your Zionist will be eliminated from History

so you're a neo-nazi white nationalist. got it.
Uncle Broke... I'm not WHITE bruh... I did however grow up in a wealthy White Dominated Suburbs of Orange County CA and have seen the Demise of the community due to Pain Pills ... Which I put 10000000% blame on you Zionist Garbage Cans...

Its not okay to kill off everyone who you consider Goyim .. If being PRO-Humane is Neo nazi on your eyes... what do you call the Jews who steal Arab Organs and sell them on the black market to Chinese Buyers..

Think hard about that Rabbi