"Mah Nigga" Wha da fuck?

Was Larry wilmore calling the President a nigga wrong?

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Actually racists say things more along the lines of "waaaaaaah, why can't white people say nigga???", when they can say it all they want to, they will just offend a bunch of people in the process. It is not illegal to offend people. You just might get your ass kicked and lose your job.

Except in your case, it's doubtful your mom will fire you from your basement monitor job.
Not the biggest Obama fan here but I felt sorry for him when the camera cut to him for the "reaction" shot. There was NO way he could've responded w/o offending someone. Awkward.
Not the biggest Obama fan here but I felt sorry for him when the camera cut to him for the "reaction" shot. There was NO way he could've responded w/o offending someone. Awkward.
Only awkward because people have such conflicting opinions over the word nigga.

Honestly, if the president wasn't offended then I don't see it as a big deal. I chat with black guys all the time and they sprinkle nigga into conversation like it was salt and pepper on a steak.

Noone cares when it is used among friends. It is when you don't know someone well that they might be offended and they mostly get offended because they don't know if you are being friendly or trying to cheat the word nigger.
Not the biggest Obama fan here but I felt sorry for him when the camera cut to him for the "reaction" shot. There was NO way he could've responded w/o offending someone. Awkward.

Obama had taken this in stride as though he were in the hood he's the only Prez that still gives the 1 handed shoulder bump followed by the back slap all others get an open handed handshake.

It's instinct, if a brother or white guy stepped towards me with his open hand and arm cocked I know they want me to show them some 'love' (sometimes he would tell you show him some 'love') it's more intimate because you're stepping into each other's personal space followed by physical contact on the other hand a regular handshake denotes to me, respect your personal space, devoid of 'love'.

I use this all day every day with my niggas and the open handshake with those that aren't.

Exposure is the key to building tolerance.

Which is why segregation, the black only or white only mentality, was destroyed. If segregation was still in schools, buses and restaurants I do not think racist's would ever realize the error of their ways.

Granted there are stubborn fuckers who can never accept positive proof in their face that all human being's are equal. I truly believe the hearts that were changed were changed only because of exposure to black families, culture, music, food and so on.

If something offends someone in your life you change your behavior. If there is nothing offending them, then there is no behavior to change. The word nigga is part of rap and popular culture now. We sing it in songs and we quote it from movies.

Therefore I dub the word nigga, not racist.
Aren't public schools (government indoctrination centers) compulsory ?


although that is where you sent your kids to become good little slaves like their racist pedo daddy.

the racists has the right to run his own life.

and they can by opening a private store.

you're still running away from the question though, slavey McRapeface.

who is being forced to integrate?
They are words which we stupid humans created and only words. Why do people really give a shit about words......
Because people will milk anything they can even words. No one would even be saying the n word if ppl didn't make such a big deal about it
It's a term of endearment in all 'hoods' nothing racist about it I grew up in Harlem before moving to Brooklyn I've been called mah nigga, ace coon boom, spic and was never offended. Larry was just trying to keep it 100 but with a room full of old white folks it ain't going to happen, he should've known that shit wasn't going to go over very well he had a stuck-on-stupid moment.

And this is truth, I know white people that say nigga to black people and they are accepted, it just depends on the culture... White people are more offended by nigga than black people its true. How do I know? Look at my avatar