"Mah Nigga" Wha da fuck?

Was Larry wilmore calling the President a nigga wrong?

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They are words which we stupid humans created and only words. Why do people really give a shit about words......
It receives a nanosecond of attention and considers this a victory...

If someone is this important to it, it is incapable of any measure of success.
What about Chinese or Hispanic?

Can they say it?

The word should either be off limits or not. Personally I think just because of the office Obama holds its wrongful to call him that.

Office aside, I know your point is essentially the reality we live in. But that doesn't make it right.

It's a term of endearment in all 'hoods' nothing racist about it I grew up in Harlem before moving to Brooklyn I've been called mah nigga, ace coon boom, spic and was never offended. Larry was just trying to keep it 100 but with a room full of old white folks it ain't going to happen, he should've known that shit wasn't going to go over very well he had a stuck-on-stupid moment.

Well it was wrong of him to do so, because the President isn't your "pal", but if he's black then that's apparently a normal thing to say.

Can you be racist to another person of the same coloured skin?
he doesn't claim to be your leader, he is your leader. he doesn't need your consent either, he got ours.

so really, that means only you are a slave.

you're running away from the question now, slavey McRapeface.

who is being forced to integrate?

like any run of the mill klanman or white supremacist, you gripe a lot about this forced integration.

so who is being forced?

You should have capitalized the s in Slavey.

Aren't public schools (government indoctrination centers) compulsory ?

Also, you never acknowledged my point of view, which is a rejection of a racists beliefs, while accepting that the racists has the right to run his own life.

So, your narrative while entertaining is teetering on a bogus claim, Toby O'Poopy Pants.