"Mah Nigga" Wha da fuck?

Was Larry wilmore calling the President a nigga wrong?

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I have no idea what you are trying to say.

listen, slave. your leader is barack obama.

sticking your fingers in your ears and stamping your feet won't change this, slave.

who is being forced to integrate?

have you finally found a store that was forced to be open to the public?

or are you just trying to wordsmith desegregation into rape, like the pathetic little klanman that you are?

The existence of a person claiming to be my leader without my explicit consent is the first hint, slave.

Also, I apologize for using concepts which are clearly hard for you to understand, since you view things inconsistently and irrational, it does make sense you would disagree with me.

Do you mind if I refer to you as "Toby" from now on, slave, rather than Poopy Pants?
My guilt doesn't absolve Fogdog of his.

fogdog isn't guilty of shit though.

your claim is that blacks have "special rights" based on skin color which you do not have.

well, we have seen that you have every right to use as many racist slurs as you wish. and you did.

so your entire argument is false.

it is just that simple.
The existence of a person claiming to be my leader without my explicit consent is the first hint, slave.

he doesn't claim to be your leader, he is your leader. he doesn't need your consent either, he got ours.

so really, that means only you are a slave.

Also, I apologize for using concepts which are clearly hard for you to understand, since you view things inconsistently and irrational, it does make sense you would disagree with me.

Do you mind if I refer to you as "Toby" from now on, slave, rather than Poopy Pants?

you're running away from the question now, slavey McRapeface.

who is being forced to integrate?

like any run of the mill klanman or white supremacist, you gripe a lot about this forced integration.

so who is being forced?
fogdog isn't guilty of shit though.

your claim is that blacks have "special rights" based on skin color which you do not have.

well, we have seen that you have every right to use as many racist slurs as you wish. and you did.

so your entire argument is false.

it is just that simple.
Black people have BET... If there was a WET then it would be racist
Except your friend did not live through slavery. So, it is like me claiming privilege based on something that happened 400 years ago in Ireland. Doesnt make sense...
You should go around saying it to black people. In fact, you should go to Trump rallies and find the protesters and say it to the darkest one you can find.

I dare you.
everything except BET is WET, dumbass.
Telemundo is white television? You're so easy, you were supposed to be good at this... But this noob sock puppet has been taking you to school all night into the next day. You need to sharpen your blade if you want a flame war with me cause so far your shit has been weeeeek
Ah, more projection from the projecting projector. So which TV shows are you hopelessly addicted to now Steve?
I don't watch much TV honestly, movies and documentarys mostly... I'll admit I'm pretty hooked on game of thrones, you watch it? Well if this was game of thrones I would be Jon snow and you would be master paycelle
EVERY time someone here makes a valid point you meltdown. I bet you're a lousy poker player.
Try making a valid point.

Understand the difference between legal rights and civil behavior. For instance, most people would pretty much shut you out after your stupid stupid use of "my nigger". That's called social pressure and has little to do with your legal rights. And why it's important is social perception of you makes a difference, such as sexual opportunity, job placement, places where you feel welcome. So, cry me a river mother fucker, you behave like a jerk and won't get laid or payed. Try not being a jerk.
Try making a valid point.

Understand the difference between legal rights and civil behavior. For instance, most people would pretty much shut you out after your stupid stupid use of "my nigger". That's called social pressure and has little to do with your legal rights. And why it's important is social perception of you makes a difference, such as sexual opportunity, job placement, places where you feel welcome. So, cry me a river mother fucker, you behave like a jerk and won't get laid or payed. Try not being a jerk.

Exactly what a racist says. ;)
Actually racists say things more along the lines of "waaaaaaah, why can't white people say nigga???", when they can say it all they want to, they will just offend a bunch of people in the process. It is not illegal to offend people. You just might get your ass kicked and lose your job.
Try making a valid point.

Understand the difference between legal rights and civil behavior. For instance, most people would pretty much shut you out after your stupid stupid use of "my nigger". That's called social pressure and has little to do with your legal rights. And why it's important is social perception of you makes a difference, such as sexual opportunity, job placement, places where you feel welcome. So, cry me a river mother fucker, you behave like a jerk and won't get laid or payed. Try not being a jerk.
My nigga does not equal my nigger.