"Mah Nigga" Wha da fuck?

Was Larry wilmore calling the President a nigga wrong?

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head exploded. I think I'm just communicating with the remnants of your brain stem.
The brain stem has no means of communicating by itself.

I think you may need to smoke better weed. The stuff you have has you stressed and a little foggy. Maybe you let it get too amber?
The brain stem has no means of communicating by itself.

I think you may need to smoke better weed. The stuff you have has you stressed and a little foggy. Maybe you let it get too amber?
I'm a total lightweight when it comes to weed. One or two tokes and I can't even type. Definitely night time med for me.
It wouldn't have the same meaning coming from anybody other than another black person.

I suppose fat white women can call each other fat. A guy who says the same thing to a fat white woman would not get a good reception. Its a matter of context. I'd ask the guy who did that or the white person who called a black person a nigger, why they would gratuitously insult anybody?

Once again, not racist; at all.
I dont need one. People actually pay me for my opinion. In fact, in approximately 4 hours I will be well paid just to give it.

Which is why all the people whining about not being able to make a living dont impress me much...

Enjoy your useless computer time. Maybe you can troll a few more people.

your once a week home inspection? don't puff up anal abscess, one fool in town hiring you isn't a precedent
The thing is that the only thing that happens if these words get used is certain people get offended.

So what we are in essence doing is legislating against other people being offended.

what legislation?

do you even live in this world? are you literally fucking retarded?
don't you call the president by racial slurs and advocate for people to hang signs disallowing others by race?

I don't have a leader or President, slave.

I do advocate that nobody control a persons body or justly acquired property but them, regardless if they are black, white etc. You, on the other hand think it's okay to force people to interact with you, even if they prefer not to and are willing to leave you alone. Don't rapists do that to?
I don't have a leader or President, slave.

yes you do. his name is barack obama. he's the guy who you repeatedly refer to using racial slurs.

You think it's okay to force people to interact with you, even if they prefer not to and are willing to leave you alone. Don't rapists do that to?

are you trying to wordsmith your way from my support of desegregation to rape?

rape is what you do to those 10 year olds who you swear can consent.
yes you do. his name is barack obama. he's the guy who you repeatedly refer to using racial slurs.

are you trying to wordsmith your way from my support of desegregation to rape?

rape is what you do to those 10 year olds who you swear can consent.

No, I do not have, need or want a leader. You are confused, slave.

You don't support the end of forced segregation, you support forced integration. You left the force in and simply shifted who you violate now. Choosing a different victim, Rapist, doesn't mean you are no longer a rapist.
You are issuing special rights to a group of people based solely on skin color while denying people rights based solely on skin color. You are being racist.

Why do I have to explain this to you? :/

you have the right to use all the racial slurs you wish to, sheskunk. and you do. your run of blatant and vile racism was quite the spectacle, in fact.

so your whole argument is as big a pile of shit as you are.
No, I do not have, need or want a leader. You are confused, slave.

listen, slave. your leader is barack obama.

sticking your fingers in your ears and stamping your feet won't change this, slave.

you support forced integration. You left the force in and simply shifted who you violate now.
Choosing a different victim, Rapist, doesn't mean you are no longer a rapist.

who is being forced to integrate?

have you finally found a store that was forced to be open to the public?

or are you just trying to wordsmith desegregation into rape, like the pathetic little klanman that you are?
you have the right to use all the racial slurs you wish to, sheskunk. and you do. your run of blatant and vile racism was quite the spectacle, in fact.

so your whole argument is as big a pile of shit as you are.

My guilt doesn't absolve Fogdog of his.