My mother struggled with shingles for nearly a year, which is much longer than the average person has to deal with it. Even worse, rather than getting the typical rash on one side of her trunk, the virus attacked the nerves in her knee joint causing near constant pain. So, I've personally seen someone desperate for relief, doing everything the doctors say to do, and still not getting better. Luckily it went away, either because of a combo of therapies, or just because it ran its course, it's impossible to tell. Of course, she started drinking acai berry juice right around the time it went away, so she swears that's what did it.
So while I distrust alternative medicine and the people who push it, I very much sympathize with those who seek it. It's usually done out of desperation and frustration, which is completely understandable, yet it's also a perfect mindset for quacks to take advantage of. While I think that, ultimately, the patient has the right to choose whichever treatments they want, I also think the patient has the right to informed consent. It's impossible to make good decisions if you are given bad information.
Just remember that biology is complicated, medicine is complicated, and you should be weary of those who try to tell you it's simple, or have a simple cure. The idea that super-oxygenating the blood will kill anaerobic bacteria sounds plausible, but it's too simple to hold up when put to the test of reality. Same with colloidal silver. It sounds plausible, but when we test it in randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials, which is the most honest, careful and thorough test we can do, it doesn't work.
So, in the interest of informing yourself, you may want to learn why researchers doubt the existence of chronic lyme. You don't have to agree with them, but you might find that their doubt is less to do with cynicism or incompetence and more to do with an evidence-based assessment of the research. I think the scientific position is much more nuanced than most people who argue against it realize.
In any case, and I hope this doesn't sound trite, but remember that some of the best ways to support a healthy immune system are free. A proper diet, regular sleep schedule, exercise and stress-reduction go a long long way to making things better. And any treatment you try, whether it's alternative or mainstream, isn't going to get a fair shake if those things aren't also being payed attention.
informative web page, I read the whole thing top to bottom, the writter clearly takes the CDC side of things,, I would have to agree with the blind study,, and the placebo group fairing now better than the antiboitic group,, why?,, because months of antibiotics did not make my wife any better,, so the placebo group would have matched her results,,,, , after 6 months of bicilin intermuscular injections ( powerful shit man),, and this was after a month of doxy Kaiser prescribed, the bicilian we got a script from an LLMD and the meds were from costco,, so good stuff, expensive to at 800 permonth
BUT<< why is there always a but,,
but she tested positive for lime sprocetes after all those months of bicilin, thru ignex,,
Kaiser said early on she was negative thru "thier lab",, and get this,, the doctor at kaiser told us before drawing blood that he did not like this test,, he said kaiser gets up to 50 perecent false negatives and the doctor felt the test was unreliable,, but then it came back negative Kaiser was done with it,,
now,, after 1 year 3 months of living with this hell,,,, she still has bells palsy in her face,, half her jaw is completly numb,, and she has heart palpattions,, so bad that you can feel them in her pulse some nights, then the night sweats where she has to change clothes she is so wet,, now those are some of her solid symtoms,, never mind the so called syndromes,, such as the fatigue,,
Kaiser did not like it when i lead with the solid symtoms because they had to address those,, they could not brush those ones off,,
Edit,, i guess it should be pointed out, that the web page you sent its whole premise was thinking that the current antibiotics are all that is needed to "CURE" lime, when in reality I really feel the big HMOs and medical community really doesnt know how to heal so called chronic lyme, but why not just come out and say , sorry there is no cure,, instead of the current methods, i have seen other stuides showing the same thing,, that long term antibiotics doesnt help many people with chronic,, hence here i am talking with all you good folks