Donald Trump

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
The smarter members of the GOP are already starting to accept it. You are hearing calls for unity because Cruz's campaign is imploding and he is losing not gaining ground.
I agree. Trumps numbers are growing by the day and the others are going down. The polls are not looking good for Hillary against Trump right now, his are going up and hers are going down.

I watched about ten minutes of one of Hillary's rallies today in Kentucky. It was in some kind of diner with not more than what looked like about 20 people with worried looks on the faces. Trump will crush Hillary if she is still there in the general. imo TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
I agree. Trumps numbers are growing by the day and the others are going down. The polls are not looking good for Hillary against Trump right now, his are going up and hers are going down.

I watched about ten minutes of one of Hillary's rallies today in Kentucky. It was in some kind of diner with not more than what looked like about 20 people with worried looks on the faces. Trump will crush Hillary if she is still there in the general. imo TRUMP!
If you watch a hillary rally all you get is screeching and anger. Maybe trump does the same thing but he is funneh!! Hillary will tank if it is against Trump. She simply is not entertaining and that is all America seems to want anymore is entertainment.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
If you watch a hillary rally all you get is screeching and anger. Maybe trump does the same thing but he is funneh!! Hillary will tank if it is against Trump. She simply is not entertaining and that is all America seems to want anymore is entertainment.
i think your right! Hillary has the lamest personality, who wants her in your living room for the next 4-8 years??
. im pretty sure you dont need any experience for the job either, Obama didnt have any. He only got voted in cuz he was black and made some good savy selling moves. what was his pitch, something about HOPE? . Hillary has a lot of experience, experience fucking things up..,.. and Trump ,well, all he really is, is entertaining and funny and possibly knows how to deal and maneuver his way into winning deals.... its all so bizarre....we need to get rid of this system, its pathetic!


Well-Known Member
wow , that sucks about he timber and the owl. I wonder if you live in Redding Ca.
Im up in Oregon and they seem to do a pretty good job with the logging industry up here. They chop the trees down and then replant where they log. They seem to have a good system in place. I agree with keeping things simple. Thats the way i live. No kids, No pets, No house.. it makes life so much easier and low stress. Streamline things and cut the bullshit out. Maybe Trump can do it. Hillary certainly wont.

this is what i was talking about.....didnt even look for it, just popped up on google news a few minutes ago....


Well-Known Member
I love how your entire persona is guilt by association fallacies. no one can ever take you seriously
you literally quoted rhetoric more false and racist than david duke, and got likes from a white supremacist (shorelineOG) and a dumb geriatric racist (nitro harley).

take a step back and examine reality.


Well-Known Member
the fed shut down the logging industry right in my own back yard over a fucking owl....the stupidest thing about jobs is how easy they would be to create. Once you actually start making things and building things all the poor bastards living in shithole apartments and trailer parks smoking dirty meth cuz theres no jobs can be put to work and be given value added goods and services in lieu of cash payments.
you are clearly of low intelligence.

if jobs are so easy to create, why not make one for yourself?

or maybe just sit there and blame the government because you can't saw down trees.

fucking simpleton.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Trumps numbers are growing by the day and the others are going down. The polls are not looking good for Hillary against Trump right now, his are going up and hers are going down.

I watched about ten minutes of one of Hillary's rallies today in Kentucky. It was in some kind of diner with not more than what looked like about 20 people with worried looks on the faces. Trump will crush Hillary if she is still there in the general. imo TRUMP!
The thing that happens when your head is way up your circle jerk buds ass is you say crazy stupid fantasy shit

Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Ted Cruz
Bernie Sanders
Paul Ryan


Well-Known Member
I agree. Trumps numbers are growing by the day and the others are going down. The polls are not looking good for Hillary against Trump right now, his are going up and hers are going down.

I watched about ten minutes of one of Hillary's rallies today in Kentucky. It was in some kind of diner with not more than what looked like about 20 people with worried looks on the faces. Trump will crush Hillary if she is still there in the general. imo TRUMP!
I have a feeling you're going to be the new guy Buck quotes until the next election

+14 Romney will be replaced by +? Trump. MuyLoco will be happy


Well-Known Member
not to nitpick, but it was designed in 1945, not the 1920's. maybe Tommy gun is what you are thinking of?
I obviously didn't mean the AK they outlawed full auto because of Al Capone, Machine Gun Kelly, Bonnie and Clyde, etc. Etc. Don't know the exact date but we have them to thank that we can not own automatics.


Well-Known Member
The thing that happens when your head is way up your circle jerk buds ass is you say crazy stupid fantasy shit

Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Ted Cruz
Bernie Sanders
Paul Ryan
where are the odds for jeb bush? did they......change for some reason?
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