Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member

no 401K plan for you huh?

you mean 18 mil who now can get healthcare even with a pre-existing condition or that are low income?

Source is the U-6 number which counts people who have stopped getting unemployment benefits and stopped looking for work.

I have both Roth and non-Roth but they are tied up in REITS because I have no idea when the market is gonna tank from this current bubble.

you mean 18 million people who are now going to get healthcare paid by 100 million other people? You mean another massive re-distribution of wealth?

Healthcare is not a right.


Well-Known Member
Could you detail this pounding? What exactly is Trump gonna do to screw over the American people?
The same way he says all are jobs are in China, whilst he sells his ties which are made in China.
What exactly is he going to replace ACA with ?


Well-Known Member
Nobody really knows what Trump would do which is part of the reason why the DC left right establishment both want none of it.

Trump is a player, no doubt about it. Is he a globalist? I dont think weve seen much proof that he is. Is he suicidal? Would he have something to gain by destroying america?

People need to admit almost everything they think he would do is pure speculation. Alot of the people who support him are willing to admit he is a gamble, but they already KNOW what they would be getting voting establishment politics......more of the same.

So, the devil you know, or the devil you dont know?


Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton with the assault weapons ban. Obomber couldn't do shit with a Republican house and Senate. I'm voting for whoever has the best chance to beat Shillary Cunton.
I'm ok without full autos in any of your hands. If you can't do it with a semi auto then you shouldn't have a gun. Don't you want a rpg or a sam too? I'm sure there's good use for them..


Well-Known Member
Nobody really knows what Trump would do which is part of the reason why the DC left right establishment both want none of it.

Trump is a player, no doubt about it. Is he a globalist? I dont think weve seen much proof that he is. Is he suicidal? Would he have something to gain by destroying america?

People need to admit almost everything they think he would do is pure speculation. Alot of the people who support him are willing to admit he is a gamble, but they already KNOW what they would be getting voting establishment politics......more of the same.

So, the devil you know, or the devil you dont know?
You will know what he will do by the people he surrounds himself with
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