Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
oh look.

another white supremacist who is obsessed with al sharpton.

what are the odds?
Everybody knows what you're obsessed with buckwheat, maybe it's time you had the talk with you're wife about those feelings you've been having.


Well-Known Member
If I can't have ron paul, then I want rand

If I can't have rand you are all getting trump

we cannot have open borders AND a welfare state

therefore trump is a consequence of the majority wanting to keep the welfare state

and see4 keep touting those polls, and fail to explain why hillary is not 50 points ahead anymore. how was trump able to gain on her at all, before a single debate between them?


Well-Known Member
Here's a weird idea.


OR sanders/trump


Would you vote for that?

its not as weird as you might think.......

a trump sanders ticket would force the establishment to completely decloak and show everyone once and for all what kind of a sham we really have for a government and democracy


Well-Known Member
From what I can tell most people willing to cast a vote for Trump believe they're voting for an antiestablishment candidate. One that many believe is also very good with money wanting to 'kick some ass' in D.C. and probably capable of getting 'murica out of some of our financial woes.

I think most agree at this point that our republic has been bought and is corporate owned - it's completely borked in its current state.

Unfortunately, Trump has a whole lot of psychological issues that are very unbecoming, to say the least, in a leader. This is the leader of the formerly free world at that. He's also been willing to manipulate the system on a massive scale to create his personal fortune. He's failed in business and needed to file bankruptcy four times. Maybe that's how he plans on solving our countries financial problems... How would that go?


Well-Known Member
From what I can tell most people willing to cast a vote for Trump believe they're voting for an antiestablishment candidate. One that many believe is also very good with money wanting to 'kick some ass' in D.C. and probably capable of getting 'murica out of some of our financial woes.

I think most agree at this point that our republic has been bought and is corporate owned - it's completely borked in its current state.

Unfortunately, Trump has a whole lot of psychological issues that are very unbecoming, to say the least, in a leader. This is the leader of the formerly free world at that. He's also been willing to manipulate the system on a massive scale to create his personal fortune. He's failed in business and needed to file bankruptcy four times. Maybe that's how he plans on solving our countries financial problems... How would that go?
That's the biggest joke. Trump is a multi-billionaire, born to money and an insider who made most of his dough by manipulating government leaders and capitalizing on easy loans from them. Somehow he's come to be called an anti-establishment leader but mainly to old white guys who are challenged by a new economy and diversity. So, no. He's not anti-establishment, the establishment would do just fine with DT.

He's the Fascist anti-change candidate, isolationist, demagogue and leader of bigots. Yelling racist slurs about Mexicans isn't exactly new in this country and is old hat establishment politics in the deep south and the south west.


Well-Known Member
That's the biggest joke. Trump is a multi-billionaire, born to money and an insider who made most of his dough by manipulating government leaders and capitalizing on easy loans from them. Somehow he's come to be called an anti-establishment leader but mainly to old white guys who are challenged by a new economy and diversity. So, no. He's not anti-establishment, the establishment would do just fine with DT.

He's the Fascist anti-change candidate, isolationist, demagogue and leader of bigots. Yelling racist slurs about Mexicans isn't exactly new in this country and is old hat establishment politics in the deep south and the south west.

how do you define fascist?

what would anti change look like? dont things always change even if only a little?

what do you mean by isolationist?

so are you calling everyone who ends up voting for trump bigots?

also...if he gets elected and is the leader of the usa will that, according to your logic, make everyone in amer8ca a bigot seeing as how he will be our elected leader and commander in chief?

what racisr slurs did he utter about mexicans? quotes and sources would be nice


Well-Known Member
how do you define fascist?

what would anti change look like? dont things always change even if only a little?

what do you mean by isolationist?

so are you calling everyone who ends up voting for trump bigots?

also...if he gets elected and is the leader of the usa will that, according to your logic, make everyone in amer8ca a bigot seeing as how he will be our elected leader and commander in chief?

what racisr slurs did he utter about mexicans? quotes and sources would be nice
a plague of stupidity.


Well-Known Member
If I can't have ron paul, then I want rand

If I can't have rand you are all getting trump

we cannot have open borders AND a welfare state

therefore trump is a consequence of the majority wanting to keep the welfare state

and see4 keep touting those polls, and fail to explain why hillary is not 50 points ahead anymore. how was trump able to gain on her at all, before a single debate between them?
Youre w i ldly full of idiot shit bro.

Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Ted Cruz


Well-Known Member
how do you define fascist?

what would anti change look like? dont things always change even if only a little?

what do you mean by isolationist?

so are you calling everyone who ends up voting for trump bigots?

also...if he gets elected and is the leader of the usa will that, according to your logic, make everyone in amer8ca a bigot seeing as how he will be our elected leader and commander in chief?

what racisr slurs did he utter about mexicans? quotes and sources would be nice
He is a simple lout stroking the fears and hatred of the nostalgic white going extinct class. He has zero chance.


Well-Known Member
how do you define fascist?

what would anti change look like? dont things always change even if only a little?

what do you mean by isolationist?

so are you calling everyone who ends up voting for trump bigots?

also...if he gets elected and is the leader of the usa will that, according to your logic, make everyone in amer8ca a bigot seeing as how he will be our elected leader and commander in chief?

what racisr slurs did he utter about mexicans? quotes and sources would be nice
Well that bit about all of the Mexicans coming illegally to the US are rapists and criminals would be a good start at showing how racist the Donald is towards latinos. Are you really so deaf that you didn't hear that? Or maybe you can't remember that far back (8 month, LOL) when it was all he was talking about.

He won't get elected so don't worry about how his presidency would affect world opinion of the US.

Look up the word isolationist. This isn't a place for remedial tutoring.

Trump's base of supporters are the old white guy losers in this country. They are the high school drop outs that managed to make ends meet about 20 years ago but are now out of work and have stopped even trying. Add to them their retarded children and the few women willing to stay married to them and that's about all he has. Its a startlingly large number of people but still a minority that can't possibly swing this election. Still, Trump is at least smart enough to recognize who wan't him to be prez. Trump himself said "I love the poorly educated". He knows who supports him..
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