Club 600

26 days old (10 under 400w, 16 under 600w) and I feel they're doing great! :D

Being clones [from my first grow] the node spacing is uneven and that seems to have made them taller, almost like they're stretching a little, but the side growth is coming along more and more too, I guess. I was going to SCROG it earlier but I haven't had time. I wanted to ask some people if you think I should leave them to grow or put in a screen. My SCROG grow was awesome, I loved the result, but I see an amount of you experienced guys also like to leave them to grow naturally... and some people say under good lighting it really doesn't make that much difference.

What do you think?

Straight from the police school task force. Its 2 days in a row theyve been coming in and taking out individuals. A few weeks ago a big ring got busted. 13 people in a ton of hash import case thing. Maybe its connected.
But coming in like that beating up bystanders and regular folks just walking about is extreme and one of the photographers is still in the hospital.
Its taking place right next to where i did my drop of :O Like 20 meters. Actually see the both at one point.
I think Denmark will be last to legalize even though weve had the biggest open market running for decades..
F'cking gestapo! Aint even grown beard yet but packing brutality :/
Straight from the police school task force. Its 2 days in a row theyve been coming in and taking out individuals. A few weeks ago a big ring got busted. 13 people in a ton of hash import case thing. Maybe its connected.
But coming in like that beating up bystanders and regular folks just walking about is extreme and one of the photographers is still in the hospital.
Its taking place right next to where i did my drop of :O Like 20 meters. Actually see the both at one point.
I think Denmark will be last to legalize even though weve had the biggest open market running for decades..
F'cking gestapo! Aint even grown beard yet but packing brutality :/
That just pisses me off to no end. Cops need to rain it in!

So.....I'm one of those weird guys who grows pot and hangs with cops...... They don't know about my hobby, but they let me slide a lot on my habits( I smoke around them) my wife's best friend is married to a homicide detective(damn nice dude who loves to hunt) and her brother is good friends with(and so am I) with a local cop, my brother has a friend who is a sheriff's deputy and I hang with him about once a week, the funniest shit just happened tonight, I was watching the nfl draft with my bro in law and noticed they only had 8 options on tap. We immediately decide to have one of each, 7 beers in the bartender says, " if you drink them all aren't you afraid to get pulled over on the way home and lose your l's?"
Before I can even reply our buddy walks in in full uniform and sits next to me where he states to her question " just give the long haired hippy whatever he wants and let me worry about how the fuck he gets home" damn near pissed myself on that one, the look on her face was priceless!
Well police on the whole are human beings I guess (its the whole gang of them together that I don't dig too much, lol) brother in laws a Screw and one of the nicest guys you could meet. He thinks most people in prison are stupid for being there (which is probably true, most times I have been caught doing something not quite on the straight and narrow has been down to my own stupidity), but the only ones he really hates are the ones in for kiddy fiddling and such. He says they actually act like they are normal people and slide up to the scrwws and try and get all friendly (makes him sick so they generally all get told to fuk off).

it's interesting to see how drink driving is dealt with in different places as well. In South Africa all my wifes friends seem to think drink driving is just part of life...falling asleep drunk at traffic lights and god knows what else.

Saying that, I drink and cycle.:)