What don't people understand about "Separation of Church and State"?

Do you think our government should maintain "Separation of Church and State"?

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  • No

  • It's complicated

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Let me ask you a question, why does it take a lifetime of bible study and church to read and understand stories that were written thousands of years ago? How long does it take to understand it? You could be a brain surgeon in about a decade. In thousands of years no one has figured out a shortened version or cliff notes5? Or is that what all the discussion and study is about what rules apply today? If you went back 50 years and told your peeps at the church you were involved in marijuana cultivation would it be ok as long as you had some change when the donation plate came around?
muslims also teach kill all infadeal its in there coran{THERE BIBLE}.thats not spelled rite..you people can belive what ever you like it don't hurt me one bit.But I would say hell is a very hot place to burn.when GOD comes to get his people.this is my last post on this thread..
i haven't seen any bigoted muslims on rollitup. there have been three or four seld-labeled muslims that i have seen, none of them harbored any hatred towards gays. unlike you.

take some balls to criticize others for that which you are guilty of, bible thumper.
NO THE MUSLIMS are good people they just WOUNT TO CUT YOUR HEADS OFF.So be good to them.
muslims also teach kill all infadeal its in there coran{THERE BIBLE}.thats not spelled rite..you people can belive what ever you like it don't hurt me one bit.But I would say hell is a very hot place to burn.when GOD comes to get his people.this is my last post on this thread..
NO THE MUSLIMS are good people they just WOUNT TO CUT YOUR HEADS OFF.So be good to them.

You people and your imaginary friends. Makes me laugh but also sad at the same time.
Why don't any of you mention how "bigoted" muslims are toward gays? if you think a muslim business would be baking a cake for a gay couple, you might as well just believe they'll be catering the same wedding with pulled pork sandwiches.

america was founded to escape the church of england, a church government system. however, it was founded on biblical principles. the 10 commandments were the foundation of the constitution. The constitution is not a "living" document that changes as time goes on, but is a set of fundamental principles that apply now as they did then to protect the citizens from the government and the tyrants that run it.
If the Constitution is based on the ten commandments, how come only two are law? Thou shall not steal and Thou shall not murder.
If the Constitution is based on the ten commandments, how come only two are law? Thou shall not steal and Thou shall not murder.
Religion has an easy out for any question posed to its idiots "interpretation" They have a unique ability to twist and turn "gods rules" or whatever one wants to calleth them, to fit their needs today. Ask a bible thumper if smoking weed is a sin, and you'll hear I don't smoke for pleasure I use it for medical reasons so i can worship god better or some bullshit like that.
Religion has an easy out for any question posed to its idiots "interpretation" They have a unique ability to twist and turn "gods rules" or whatever one wants to calleth them, to fit their needs today. Ask a bible thumper if smoking weed is a sin, and you'll hear I don't smoke for pleasure I use it for medical reasons so i can worship god better or some bullshit like that.
Where in the bible does it say smoking weed is a sin? You must not know anyone who knows the bible at all, just your typical sunday christians (wrong day according to the 10 commandments). There is no verse in the bible that says "thou shalt not enjoy pleasure". So good luck proving this point.
If the Constitution is based on the ten commandments, how come only two are law? Thou shall not steal and Thou shall not murder.
Maybe you should study more about some of what the forefathers said before and after creating the constitution. I'm not going to do your homework for you.
Where in the bible does it say smoking weed is a sin? You must not know anyone who knows the bible at all, just your typical sunday christians (wrong day according to the 10 commandments). There is no verse in the bible that says "thou shalt not enjoy pleasure". So good luck proving this point.
Thank you for proving my point for me. It doesn't mention marijuana by name at all does it? How about smoking crack or shooting heroin? Must be ok then. Pornography no problem right? I got one for ya homosexuality thats a sin unless its between man and boy but we'll pretend that doesn't happen you folks are good at that. I did actually know many people who knew the bible maybe better than you.
I'm not a catholic, they don't go by the bible - they go by their own book called the Catechism. Comparing what some of those priests did is like saying all football players support wife-beating because that guy from the ravens did it. Just to be completely clear, the bible is not a supporter of NAMBLA.

Although marijuana may not be mentioned by name, it is a very different thing to use marijuana vs. crack or heroin. Marijuana is not addicitive, it's not a gateway drug, and all that other bullshit people try to say about it. However, crack and heroin are and they become more of a lifestyle than anything. It's very hard to have a relationship with god when you are pursuing your next time banging some speedballs. God didn't make us too stupid to understand that kind of basic thing.
I'm not a catholic, they don't go by the bible - they go by their own book called the Catechism. Comparing what some of those priests did is like saying all football players support wife-beating because that guy from the ravens did it. Just to be completely clear, the bible is not a supporter of NAMBLA.

Although marijuana may not be mentioned by name, it is a very different thing to use marijuana vs. crack or heroin. Marijuana is not addicitive, it's not a gateway drug, and all that other bullshit people try to say about it. However, crack and heroin are and they become more of a lifestyle than anything. It's very hard to have a relationship with god when you are pursuing your next time banging some speedballs. God didn't make us too stupid to understand that kind of basic thing.
Any by the bible you mean the one that has been translated and rewritten how many times? You can come up with any dumshit thing you want and support it with some cherry picked passage.
Any by the bible you mean the one that has been translated and rewritten how many times? You can come up with any dumshit thing you want and support it with some cherry picked passage.
you're right, it's much harder to use the whole book in context. Why do you think true bible thumpers are so hard to find?
Any by the bible you mean the one that has been translated and rewritten how many times? You can come up with any dumshit thing you want and support it with some cherry picked passage.
and most of it was transliterated, too. if you even know what that means
I'm not a catholic, they don't go by the bible - they go by their own book called the Catechism. Comparing what some of those priests did is like saying all football players support wife-beating because that guy from the ravens did it. Just to be completely clear, the bible is not a supporter of NAMBLA.

Although marijuana may not be mentioned by name, it is a very different thing to use marijuana vs. crack or heroin. Marijuana is not addicitive, it's not a gateway drug, and all that other bullshit people try to say about it. However, crack and heroin are and they become more of a lifestyle than anything. It's very hard to have a relationship with god when you are pursuing your next time banging some speedballs. God didn't make us too stupid to understand that kind of basic thing.
Are you speaking from experience? How do you know crack or heroin become a lifestyle?