Punk ass bitches...

I'm not going to say I handled it well at all, but it didn't go quite like that. I didn't instigate anything. The first time I "yelled", it wasn't in anger, just so she heard me over her radio and the road noise. I thought I was polite about it, ijust dais, " are you getting gas?", all the other pumps were full and there were other cars waiting. The second time I was still polite, but there was some annoyance, I yelled at them to pull off to the side so other people could get gas. Sure they have the right, like you say, but it's pretty damn inconsiderate of everyone else at the station. Up to this point I haven't uttered one swear, then she tells me to go fuck myself. So yeah, I lost my cool, and started swearing back. Once that guy threatened me, and i honestly don't know what was in his hand, it didn't really matter at that point, it was the verbal threat and I heard him say it, not I thought I heard him say it, well, you don't threaten me, and I'll admit, it went rapidly downhill from there.

I'm no punk, I don't go starting stuff, but I also don't back down. I try to let little shit like this go, and I'm getting better as i get older, but sometimes it just rubs me wrong,

he didn't pull anything on you and you're not even sure it was a knife. you approached them with the flashlight. you escalated it

i get it and there's tons of assholes out there needing a beatdown. not worth $100k and a 2-3 yr bit
you guys are missing the point.
you have weapons, they have weapons..
whats the BEST case scenario?
you beat em down with your weapon?
then serve 3 yrs for a felony assault? Good luck getting a job, or smoking pot on parole/probation.
or maybe you hit em just right and they lose an eye, or become maimed?
2nd degree homicide if you hit em just right..

OR maybe they come back with their ten friends..
or maybe with a gun, people don't take asswhoopins very kindly anymore, this ain't 1985...

just sayin fellas.. being passive isn't a bad idea...
lets do that scenario..
lets say you simply go to a different gas pump?
what happens then?

wise man once told me
always a dude with a hotter girlfriend, faster car, bigger dick, fatter wallet, etc, etc, etc.
don't need to prove anything my friend..

I do think it's important to note that I got expelled from elementary school, junior high, and high school, all for fighting
juvenile sealed assault/battery charges..
suspended more times than I could count..
So i'm not a passive person by nature...
I have to stop and think about WTF I reaaally want to do/say to people a WHOLE lot..
Man I've pulled some crazy shit from under center consoles and back seats while swapping fuel pumps, dropping transmissions ect. When i stuck my hand under the half bolted center console, i felt something that seemed to feel like a "lost" bbq lighter. I pulled it out by the trigger and the bastard was loaded! It was an s&w 442. The shit you see working in cars lmao. Used condoms, money, weapons ect really gets you thinking twice.
Just need to vent. ..
went home. I'm fucking shaking I'm so amped and pissed...fucking little punks. ..:cuss:you don't pull a knife on me, I'll show you what to do with it. ..

Look on the bright side, or learn from my mistake..

I almost got a felony out of letting my anger get the best of me, for something that he did to piss me off. I pulled him out of the car, busted out his windows with my elbow. Yeah.. NOT GOOD.

Not cool having 3 cops drag me off to jail. That could have been you. So a few thousand in fines, a lot of community service, a visit to jail. but they converted the class C felony to a class A misdemeanor. When the state wants to fuck with you they will hit you with everything you got. I pleaded no contest. Yeah... 20 years later, that little fuckup still haunts me.

So yeah they were shitty.. but its not worth it. And if you're gonna beat somebody, do it so they cant run off to the police :)

I'm alot calmer now :) *happybunnyfluffythoughts*
I thought about that part. They clearly saw me, my car and got my plates. All I remember was it was a silver car, so I could run into them tomorrow and have no clue. C'est la vie, eh?

See I'm the opposite of you. I was non confrontational , for the most part, into my mid-late 20's. I usually walked away from most stuff. ...most stuff. I went through some things over the last 10 yrs that really fucked me up and I finally realized anyone will treat you without respect if you allow them to, and I stopped allowing that from anyone, anymore. And not just me, I've stepped into some strangers situations to help out. I just really don't like disrespectful people, period, it's not that fucking hard to be courteous. I'm always polite and calm, until I'm given a reason not to be.
It doesn't matter how a stranger treats you. Usually it's a chance occurance and you'll never have to see them again, so why would it matter...

Now if you have to defend yourself and your safety, that's much different than someone you feel distrespected by.

It's great that you tend to stand up for yourself, but it's just as important, if not more important, to walk away when you can.
I went through some things over the last 10 yrs that really fucked me up and I finally realized anyone will treat you without respect if you allow them to, and I stopped allowing that from anyone, anymore.
Can you tell us about that story? It sounds like that's somewhat where your anger stems from.
i have a 3' solid aluminum rod i worked to resemble a cane. rubber stopper on the bottom and all. looks legit, but weighs about 25lbs. bad ass knee knocker, and doubles as a ''weakness'' observed by others who would wish to do me harm. element of surprise can be handy (capped)....
yeah you had me going when you picked me up at the train station and were walking with it like you had a bum leg. That was a bad area, and once you explained I felt a lot better ;)

That stick is so heavy I can barely lift it with one hand, I can only imagine what it would do upside someone's head!
i have a 3' solid aluminum rod i worked to resemble a cane. rubber stopper on the bottom and all. looks legit, but weighs about 25lbs. bad ass knee knocker, and doubles as a ''weakness'' observed by others who would wish to do me harm. element of surprise can be handy (capped)....
yeah you had me going when you picked me up at the train station and were walking with it like you had a bum leg. That was a bad area, and once you explained I felt a lot better ;)

That stick is so heavy I can barely lift it with one hand, I can only imagine what it would do upside someone's head!
Well. That actually sounds pretty awesome, especially as someone who actually does have bum legs! I think yours might be a bit heavy for me lol, but I could do with something similar.
Just need to vent. ..

Just stopped to get gas, there was a car in front of the pump, so I waited. After about 2 mins I realized they were just parked there, young woman, early 20's driver was smoking a cigarette, younge guy, also early 20's, in the pass seat. I yelled out the window to see if they were getting gas, the driver yelled back "no", then something else, I didn't hear. I yelled at them to move. She starts swearing, telling me to go fuck myself. So, naturally I engage her, next thing I know the guy is waving what looks like a knife and I hear "I'll fuck you up". It's on, I grab my Maglight and get out, telling him to get out of the car, they take off yelling shit at me, I walk behind them out to the road, telling him to get out. They leave , I go back to my car. A minute later, they pull back in, yell out my plate number and say they're calling the cops... I jumped in my car and stated to go after them, but them came to my senses and went home. I'm fucking shaking I'm so amped and pissed...fucking little punks. ..:cuss:you don't pull a knife on me, I'll show you what to do with it. ..

They are called flakes bro.........there everywhere including calfornia and stuff!
Man I've pulled some crazy shit from under center consoles and back seats while swapping fuel pumps, dropping transmissions ect. When i stuck my hand under the half bolted center console, i felt something that seemed to feel like a "lost" bbq lighter. I pulled it out by the trigger and the bastard was loaded! It was an s&w 442. The shit you see working in cars lmao. Used condoms, money, weapons ect really gets you thinking twice.
I worked in a body shop, so I know what yout mean. We found a big black rubber dildo under the seat of a car that had just been dropped off, I pulled it out and started beating my coworker with it. .lol. just happens that the customer, a smoking mid 30's exec type, cshows up at the shop to get some things out of her car. I'm literally caught with a dick in my hand. The boss comes out starts screaming ar me, threatening to fire me, tells me to go sit in the office. ...fuck.....he comes in after she leaves and collapses laughing, tells me it's the funniest things he's see in 40 yrs working in a shop.
Can you tell us about that story? It sounds like that's somewhat where your anger stems from.
There's little pieces of it on here somewhere, I don't really want to dig it up anymore. But I've pretty much had it with not being treated like a fucking human being, all I want is a little respect, be courteous in public, and leave me the fuck alone. ....I need coffee. .
I worked in a body shop, so I know what yout mean. We found a big black rubber dildo under the seat of a car that had just been dropped off, I pulled it out and started beating my coworker with it. .lol. just happens that the customer, a smoking mid 30's exec type, cshows up at the shop to get some things out of her car. I'm literally caught with a dick in my hand. The boss comes out starts screaming ar me, threatening to fire me, tells me to go sit in the office. ...fuck.....he comes in after she leaves and collapses laughing, tells me it's the funniest things he's see in 40 yrs working in a shop.

hahah, what the fuck is it with dildos in cars?..

My buddy is a mechanic, customer complained that her seat wouldn't go back. Well a little looking and they find a dildo jammed up in the rail. Customer walks back into the shop later asking what was the problem, he goes up to her with the dildo and says.. HERES YOUR PROBLEM!..

Fuckit, I"m going to keep the biggest dildo in my car for personal defense. Either I'll be too embarassed to use it, or the person I'm about to see runs away.. Who the fuck wants to be beat with a dildo?.. If they start yelling fag or queer, then its perfectly ok to fight a bigot ;)

There's little pieces of it on here somewhere, I don't really want to dig it up anymore. But I've pretty much had it with not being treated like a fucking human being, all I want is a little respect, be courteous in public, and leave me the fuck alone. ....I need coffee. .
Aight, hear ya... don't mess with me before my coffee,,,,

but especially don't mess wit me after I've had four coffees!! ;)
hahah, what the fuck is it with dildos in cars?..

My buddy is a mechanic, customer complained that her seat wouldn't go back. Well a little looking and they find a dildo jammed up in the rail. Customer walks back into the shop later asking what was the problem, he goes up to her with the dildo and says.. HERES YOUR PROBLEM!..

Fuckit, I"m going to keep the biggest dildo in my car for personal defense. Either I'll be too embarassed to use it, or the person I'm about to see runs away.. Who the fuck wants to be beat with a dildo?.. If they start yelling fag or queer, then its perfectly ok to fight a bigot ;)


explains why women can't fuckin drive lol