Punk ass bitches...


Well-Known Member
Just need to vent. ..

Just stopped to get gas, there was a car in front of the pump, so I waited. After about 2 mins I realized they were just parked there, young woman, early 20's driver was smoking a cigarette, younge guy, also early 20's, in the pass seat. I yelled out the window to see if they were getting gas, the driver yelled back "no", then something else, I didn't hear. I yelled at them to move. She starts swearing, telling me to go fuck myself. So, naturally I engage her, next thing I know the guy is waving what looks like a knife and I hear "I'll fuck you up". It's on, I grab my Maglight and get out, telling him to get out of the car, they take off yelling shit at me, I walk behind them out to the road, telling him to get out. They leave , I go back to my car. A minute later, they pull back in, yell out my plate number and say they're calling the cops... I jumped in my car and stated to go after them, but them came to my senses and went home. I'm fucking shaking I'm so amped and pissed...fucking little punks. ..:cuss:you don't pull a knife on me, I'll show you what to do with it. ..
Fuck that... I would have let him get within reach. Take that shit from him. I had a dumb ass try that shit one time when I was younger.

I took the knife after he dropped it with a quick accurate left jab. It stunned him. Kicked his legs out from under him and put his knife to his throat. I pulled it slowly and cut his kneck a little.

Kept that knife for a while. Lost in a move.. Glad it was handled in some what a civil matter lol!!
Just need to vent. ..

Just stopped to get gas, there was a car in front of the pump, so I waited. After about 2 mins I realized they were just parked there, young woman, early 20's driver was smoking a cigarette, younge guy, also early 20's, in the pass seat. I yelled out the window to see if they were getting gas, the driver yelled back "no", then something else, I didn't hear. I yelled at them to move. She starts swearing, telling me to go fuck myself. So, naturally I engage her, next thing I know the guy is waving what looks like a knife and I hear "I'll fuck you up". It's on, I grab my Maglight and get out, telling him to get out of the car, they take off yelling shit at me, I walk behind them out to the road, telling him to get out. They leave , I go back to my car. A minute later, they pull back in, yell out my plate number and say they're calling the cops... I jumped in my car and stated to go after them, but them came to my senses and went home. I'm fucking shaking I'm so amped and pissed...fucking little punks. ..:cuss:you don't pull a knife on me, I'll show you what to do with it. ..
I have an autoshop, and almost EVERY car I see has a type of weapon near the drivers seat..
It ain't worth it man, not to mention the blood pressure you had was probably a lil out of the "norm"..
google "roadrage+homicide"
just saying...
Damn BP (blood pressure). This shit only happens at their fueling stations.

A sweeping kick to the wrist area is a nice way to eject a knife at the onset.

I got some grief for having a baseball bat in my car, by authorities. Maybe a large axe handle is better, or no weapon at all.
i have a 3' solid aluminum rod i worked to resemble a cane. rubber stopper on the bottom and all. looks legit, but weighs about 25lbs. bad ass knee knocker, and doubles as a ''weakness'' observed by others who would wish to do me harm. element of surprise can be handy (capped)....
you guys are missing the point.
you have weapons, they have weapons..
whats the BEST case scenario?
you beat em down with your weapon?
then serve 3 yrs for a felony assault? Good luck getting a job, or smoking pot on parole/probation.
or maybe you hit em just right and they lose an eye, or become maimed?
2nd degree homicide if you hit em just right..

OR maybe they come back with their ten friends..
or maybe with a gun, people don't take asswhoopins very kindly anymore, this ain't 1985...

just sayin fellas.. being passive isn't a bad idea...
lets do that scenario..
lets say you simply go to a different gas pump?
what happens then?

wise man once told me
always a dude with a hotter girlfriend, faster car, bigger dick, fatter wallet, etc, etc, etc.
don't need to prove anything my friend..

I do think it's important to note that I got expelled from elementary school, junior high, and high school, all for fighting
juvenile sealed assault/battery charges..
suspended more times than I could count..
So i'm not a passive person by nature...
I have to stop and think about WTF I reaaally want to do/say to people a WHOLE lot..
I keep my light close when I'm driving, too. I've used it on several occasions to knock sense into people, they have never reported the incidents for some reason...

Yeah that's the best case.. You beat them up with your 'weapon'

I don't carry weapons for that reason.

Also a leg kick can be seen from a mile away.. Hit them with the heel of what ever hand is opposing to the one they are holding the weapon with an inch back from the inside wrist while slapping with your other hand on the back of theirs. Disarms 9/10 without them noticing the other 1/10 notice but it still works. Just knowing how to do that will stop 10/10 people if you do it calmly with a little glimmer in your eye

But what do I know..
. I yelled out the window to see if they were getting gas,

Next time try and be polite,

the driver yelled back "no",

At this point yu go to another pump or wait

then something else, I didn't hear.

Your already initiating some sort of nonsense. You assume its fowl language

I yelled at them to move.

They have every right to sit there. Again try being polite (or is this part of southern hospitality that is branded in my brethren)

She starts swearing, telling me to go fuck myself. So, naturally I engage her

You "engage" some dudes gf, who he has to stand up for......

, next thing I know the guy is waving what looks like a knife and I hear "I'll fuck you up"

What a surprise, who knows the exact dialogue between you her and him

. It's on,

You were already waiting for this moment

I grab my Maglight and get out, telling him to get out of the car

Again initiating a fight...

, they take off yelling shit at me

Because they never wanted a fight, you did...

, I walk behind them out to the road, telling him to get out. They leave , I go back to my car. A minute later, they pull back in, yell out my plate number and say they're calling the cops

As i would have done, you were completely in the wrong, and probably scared this poor girl

... I jumped in my car and stated to go after them,
but them came to my senses and went home. I'm fucking shaking I'm so amped and pissed...fucking little punks.

Whos the punk?
Damn BP (blood pressure). This shit only happens at their fueling stations.

A sweeping kick to the wrist area is a nice way to eject a knife at the onset.

I got some grief for having a baseball bat in my car, by authorities. Maybe a large axe handle is better, or no weapon at all.
I got stopped once by the cops, searches and finds a bat, called it a weapon. I said look a little bit more, he finds a mitt, cleats and a couple balls. "Prove it's a weapon" I said.
Fuck that... I would have let him get within reach. Take that shit from him. I had a dumb ass try that shit one time when I was younger.

I took the knife after he dropped it with a quick accurate left jab. It stunned him. Kicked his legs out from under him and put his knife to his throat. I pulled it slowly and cut his kneck a little.

Kept that knife for a while. Lost in a move.. Glad it was handled in some what a civil matter lol!!
Neither of them got out of the car, so none of that was an option. I saw him waving the knife at me through the back window. I'm glad I calmed down as well, I had every intention of burying that flashlight in the back of his skull.
or they come back with their ten friends..
or maybe with a gun, people don't take asswhoopins very kindly anymore, this ain't 1985...

I do think it's important to note that I got expelled from elementary school, junior high, and high school, all for fighting
juvenile sealed assault/battery charges..
suspended more times than I could count..
So i'm not a passive person by nature...
I have to stop and think about WTF I reaaally want to do/say to people a WHOLE lot..

I thought about that part. They clearly saw me, my car and got my plates. All I remember was it was a silver car, so I could run into them tomorrow and have no clue. C'est la vie, eh?

See I'm the opposite of you. I was non confrontational , for the most part, into my mid-late 20's. I usually walked away from most stuff. ...most stuff. I went through some things over the last 10 yrs that really fucked me up and I finally realized anyone will treat you without respect if you allow them to, and I stopped allowing that from anyone, anymore. And not just me, I've stepped into some strangers situations to help out. I just really don't like disrespectful people, period, it's not that fucking hard to be courteous. I'm always polite and calm, until I'm given a reason not to be.
Whos the punk?
I'm not going to say I handled it well at all, but it didn't go quite like that. I didn't instigate anything. The first time I "yelled", it wasn't in anger, just so she heard me over her radio and the road noise. I thought I was polite about it, ijust dais, " are you getting gas?", all the other pumps were full and there were other cars waiting. The second time I was still polite, but there was some annoyance, I yelled at them to pull off to the side so other people could get gas. Sure they have the right, like you say, but it's pretty damn inconsiderate of everyone else at the station. Up to this point I haven't uttered one swear, then she tells me to go fuck myself. So yeah, I lost my cool, and started swearing back. Once that guy threatened me, and i honestly don't know what was in his hand, it didn't really matter at that point, it was the verbal threat and I heard him say it, not I thought I heard him say it, well, you don't threaten me, and I'll admit, it went rapidly downhill from there.

I'm no punk, I don't go starting stuff, but I also don't back down. I try to let little shit like this go, and I'm getting better as i get older, but sometimes it just rubs me wrong,
I'm not going to say I handled it well at all, but it didn't go quite like that. I didn't instigate anything. The first time I "yelled", it wasn't in anger, just so she heard me over her radio and the road noise. I thought I was polite about it, ijust dais, " are you getting gas?", all the other pumps were full and there were other cars waiting. The second time I was still polite, but there was some annoyance, I yelled at them to pull off to the side so other people could get gas. Sure they have the right, like you say, but it's pretty damn inconsiderate of everyone else at the station. Up to this point I haven't uttered one swear, then she tells me to go fuck myself. So yeah, I lost my cool, and started swearing back. Once that guy threatened me, and i honestly don't know what was in his hand, it didn't really matter at that point, it was the verbal threat and I heard him say it, not I thought I heard him say it, well, you don't threaten me, and I'll admit, it went rapidly downhill from there.

I'm no punk, I don't go starting stuff, but I also don't back down. I try to let little shit like this go, and I'm getting better as i get older, but sometimes it just rubs me wrong,
in the south east, it's exactly like that. combo of people driving 25 under the limit, and the rest going 25 over. had a girl and grandma nearly cream me, and wanted to get violent because i honked the horn, like you're supposed to do to alert someone you're about to wreck. about four months ago i was broadsided by a young girl in a f250. nearly totaled my truck, broke my neck, and have been out of work for months. she was texting, i was driving. i did everything i could to avoid collision, but she ran a stop sign and barrelled us. then drove off, squealing tires. gotta love it...
I got stopped once by the cops, searches and finds a bat, called it a weapon. I said look a little bit more, he finds a mitt, cleats and a couple balls. "Prove it's a weapon" I said.
I remember once I got pulled over for speeding late at night as a teenager driving mom's car. She kept a small billy club next to the seat, she did limo driving late at night and had that for protection. I got a load of shit from the cop about it , searched me, searched the car, found nothing, confiscated the billy club. Next day, mom went to the police station, threatened to sue them for theft, demanded her legal possession back and immediately got it.