how to grow mushrooms the easy way

So another question guys.. I know I'm sorry I've tried to look this up but can't find anything. My cakes in my sgfc have started growing around and out of the verm layer . I've noticed that there is tiny blueish specks on a couple cakes. I doubt its contams any ideas? I'd post a picture bt my camera isn't good so its impossible to see.. Could this possibly be the start of a pin before it becomes a pin? Any feedback will be appreciated
when you see blue on your cakes it means your humidity is too low
thx for your quick answer I m speaking about azarius growkit (perlite + vermiculite)
so I just wait ?

I am not familiar with the kit. Any spawn that can be shaken should not take but a week to ten days to be completely colonized at temperatures in the high seventies.

Contamination or dry conditions will stop it
Can I use filter discs during the colonization period to eliminate the 'open jar and pour out c02' step?

And during inoculation I'd just lift up the filter, squirt squirt, then tighten to close?
Or should the filter disc go under the regular metal lid with holes drilled in?
If you use a filter disk by itself, the grain will get dry. Put one quarter inch hole in the original lid and a sandwich it under the metal lid.

When you shake the jar be sure you keep the grain from hitting the filter. Errant spores can lite o the filter and germinate, sending hyphae into the filter and contaminating your corn.
Perfect, thanks. I will be doing this tek soon.

Right now I have some brf cakes in a poor mans pod. It's been 9 days and no signs of pins yet. 20160413_163105.jpg

I have some more pf tek jars almost done colonizing. I like the idea of casing and putting the baggies over the jars more than putting them onto the hydroton to fruit. Once they're fully colonized, can I scrape off the dry verm layer, dunk the cakes, then place them back into the jars upside down? The part of the cake that was previously in contact with the dry verm will now be on the bottom of the jar. I'll case the top of the cake up to the rim of the jar, and foil the exposed myc. Then baggie and mist as usual.

So basically fruiting in vitro in the baggie with pf tek brf cakes, with the additonal step of flipping the cake upside down.
Perfect, thanks. I will be doing this tek soon.

Right now I have some brf cakes in a poor mans pod. It's been 9 days and no signs of pins yet. View attachment 3657318

I have some more pf tek jars almost done colonizing. I like the idea of casing and putting the baggies over the jars more than putting them onto the hydroton to fruit. Once they're fully colonized, can I scrape off the dry verm layer, dunk the cakes, then place them back into the jars upside down? The part of the cake that was previously in contact with the dry verm will now be on the bottom of the jar. I'll case the top of the cake up to the rim of the jar, and foil the exposed myc. Then baggie and mist as usual.

So basically fruiting in vitro in the baggie with pf tek brf cakes, with the additonal step of flipping the cake upside down.


I think he's asking why you would go through the trouble of dunking and flipping the cakes when it works regardless. Been thinking about growing another round to store and trip when the time feels right. I just added a little bit of water to the jars when they would start to dry out, those things grew for months
How long does the entire process take before I can enjoy the fruits of my labor if I follow this procedure to a T?

I had pins within a month doing this tek, innoculated my jars on July 11th and had pins by August 7th and they supplied me weekly trips all the way into January. You only need like 1 pound of popcorn per quart jar tho, I got the full 25 pounds and had shit tons extra lol
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I had pins within a month doing this tek, innoculated my jars on July 11th and had pins by August 7th and they supplied me weekly trips all the way into January. You only need like 1 pound of popcorn per quart jar tho, I got the full 25 pounds and had shit tons extra lol
Awesome! Thanks for letting me know about the popcorn, I was just getting ready for a trip to costco. BTW what method did you use to dry your harvest?
What about the USA being that ralphsters Is supposedly no good anymore? I really need to know a good source but I would rather not get it shipped threw customs.
Quick question for Canndo:

Referring back to your procedure - why not leave the lid on the jar while mycelium colonize the coir/verm? This would seem logical as they like co2 and up until this point we've had the lid on to promote growth.

I thought about this. I believe your jar will now begin consuming too much 9xygen at this point to keep it sealed.

Remember, con is heavier than air and will remain in a still jar at higher levels than ambient