Child Custody Battle


New Member
So Doobie, you mean to say the from the moment your first child was concieved until the youngest was 18 you didn't toke, smoke, drink, pop pills, read a nudie mag, watch a tv show with sex in it?

I call bullshit.

bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

Stop with the holier than thou attitude.

Do you kids drink, smoke toke, read nudie mags? How old were they when they had their first child? Was any of them over 18 when they started popping kids out?

The moral of the story is kids will grow up and do what they want. You clamp down too hard now and you'll get nothing but trouble. Seen it lots of times before with my own 2 eyes.


Well-Known Member
i quit smoking cigarettes when my wife became pregnant, quit drinking and tokin (although i drank more than i toked) this was in 1980. i drank w/ freinds and when the wife and i would go out but i didn't bring alcohol in the house. my kids are 28 and 27 yrs old. they've both smoked pot, to this day when they come over i bury my weed in my yard until the visit is over. even though my kids are grown i would never smoke w/ them. just the way i am. and yes those same traits that i gave to my children they use today. when i go over their houses, i don't see any alcohol in there house. it was my choice to make and i know it worked so i really don't see what your argueing


New Member
You mean you DRANK when your kids were under 18 OMG.

It must suck that you don't really know each other. You know the fake them and they know the fake you. All that lying and hiding makes for a really close family doesn't it?

I know my real kids and they know the real me. We don't do that fake ass shit around here.


Well-Known Member
and yes i took pills for various ailments throughout the 18 yrs. i wasn't a strict parent, my kids experimented w/ drugs and alcohol in their teens, hell the way i felt in those years was, just come home safe, i told them if they come home drunk or high i wouldn't be mad at them, just call and i will pick you up w/ no questions asked. i fiqured the vomiting and the hangover was enough punishment. i was a cool dad, i was the house all the kids came to!!!


Well-Known Member
no lying, they know i smoke and grow. we just don't do it together that's all. go back to your cornfields, you're debate is starting to stink!!!


New Member
they know you grow even though you "BURY YOUR WEED IN THE YARD"

Lying , lying, lying,

GIve it up, I can smell a lie like a fart in a car. and You reek of your bullshit.


Well-Known Member
thats right i grow outdoors, not even close to my property. what i have in my house at the time, yes i bury, i don't know why i do it but i just don't want to give my grandkids a chance to be around it!! plain and simple, what don't you understand!!


Well-Known Member

:D There, I called the pigs for ya.


Well-Known Member
i keep my weed in a sealed container and i bury it. are you dense!!! maybe you should feed yourself then. SOOOOOOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEEEEE


Well-Known Member
never any appointments, don't you call your kids!! my kids live in different states, i'm in fla. son in ga. daughter in tx.!! um, they've never really just come over!!!


New Member
What does that have to do with anything? Nope, I wear a size 10. I'm about 140.

You sound pretty mad because your kids can't come visit you whenever they want. All that making an appointment is really frustrating you isn't it?

I see my kids almost every day, they stop in all the time, to visit, raid the fridge, whatever. They don't have to make an appointment so they feel really welcome.

How often do your kids visit you? Do they get more than 1 appointment per month? Do you charge them for the appointment like a DR's office?

Since we are flinging daggers, I guess birth control eluded you since you're kids are only a year apart. Are they even yours? I didn't think someone so dickless could reproduce.


Well-Known Member
zeke, all i'm saying is do your best. if you do that you will do fine and you will be able to sleep at night!!!! good luck