EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Fixed it for you. Believe what you want. You are right in that the only numbers that matter are counted on Tuesday. Just saying, don't be too disappointed. Bernie has to win by a lot more than a few percentage points to stay on track for the candidacy. I'm pulling for him but in my backwater state of Oregon, the vote will only be symbolic by the time it happens.
Come on... you know as well as I that Bernie is done. Why keep up the charade.
Dude, 1500 FBI agents are poring over these files to see if anything untoward happened. Nothing found thus far. Just because you don't like her doesn't mean your made up shit has any validity.

And this has nothing to do with her charity foundation. Nobody erased accounting files associated with the charity.

Crafty avoids you. They can`t make it stick when she blames her Staff, her Staff, her Staff.
Come on... you know as well as I that Bernie is done. Why keep up the charade.
Its just about done. The pre-primary polls are looking bad for B. A loss by the margins predicted in the polls will nail this one down for HC with only the formality of counting results from later primaries.
Her Staff, Her Staff, her Staff.........ellipses.
This clearly shows how her Staff took the task. This leaves her free of any charges or blame.

Nothing here says she did anything wrong.
What crime do you think she committed?
This is just right wing hysteria over their deep hatred of all things Hillary. It's same old made up shit that's been going on for 25 years.
Nothing here says she did anything wrong.
What crime do you think she committed?
This is just right wing hysteria over their deep hatred of all things Hillary. It's same old made up shit that's been going on for 25 years.
There are reasons to hate her.
Her self centered vote for the war in Iraq, the shameless quest for power she has been after since after college.
All the other shit is made up bullshit right wingers just wish to believe is true
Its just about done. The pre-primary polls are looking bad for B. A loss by the margins predicted in the polls will nail this one down for HC with only the formality of counting results from later primaries.

Keep it up..they're counting on the Debbie Downers to stay home..you're buying into what the media has already decided for YOU..
Nothing here says she did anything wrong.
What crime do you think she committed?
This is just right wing hysteria over their deep hatred of all things Hillary. It's same old made up shit that's been going on for 25 years.

Nixon's impeachment was based on nothing more than 'intent'..that was his crime.

Clintons intention was to purposely bypass the governments servers because she was inconvenienced..she only wanted to carry her (ROFL) Blackberry.

Ask yourself what's more important..her convenience or National Security?

She's a power hungry pig and does whatever she wishes..see Iraq.
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Nothing here says she did anything wrong.
What crime do you think she committed?
This is just right wing hysteria over their deep hatred of all things Hillary. It's same old made up shit that's been going on for 25 years.

So, waiting two years after leaving Sec/State to turn over documents is not a crime ?
Destroying content of Federal documents before turning them in is not a crime ?

The law says 90 days no more. Give me your take on why two years later is OK or normal,...please.
She blamed her staff for deleting e-mails without her knowledge.

You can give that a pass but if a republican did it, boy would they hear about it,....Right ?

Nothing to see, nothing to say,...move along,....Right ?

I only want from you why two years after 90 day is excusable.

She cleared herself by having staff delete.