I find this mildly hysterical, very sad, and a prime example of how people fail to understand their own power;
What IS a university? Buildings? The Quad? The football team? Logo shirts?
NO! A university is all about knowledge AND NONE OF THE ABOVE MATTERS AT ALL.
Who holds that precious resource? The professors. NO ONE ELSE. When is the last time an administrator taught a college course?
If professors are getting the shaft from the institution, all they need to do is walk the fuck out and start another one, and tell the chancellor who makes more than any of them while sitting on his ass to fuck off.
It only needs to happen once, and suddenly, other universities would scramble to find ways to value their staff A LOT better.
The fact that it never happens is more evidence in my mind that we have lost the American dream, we've trained our whole society to be sheeple. Even the knowledge workers.