EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Many of you might be very surprised who you side with or who has many common values as you do. It also gives very detailed responses, graphs and correlation charts. Highly worth the 5 minutes. I'll tell you right now I hate trump I don't like Sanders but it's better than trump or Hilary so Sanders would be my vote. I scored 89 percent for Donald trump and 61 for Bernie. Gary Johnson I got a 92. I've had 3 classes of college students about 75 students total take it and all but 10 Have ended up with Gary Johnson. He trended from Reddit yet for some reason has already dropped out. Maybe a millenial thing but for 5 minutes of your time i promise you don't have anything better to do
Libertarianism is fundamentally flawed
Sure, but at least people aren't left to starve on the streets with other ones
Lol please explain how liberteranism sets people up to starve? It just doesn't take care of and coddle people that refuse to step up to the plate and help themselves. Like capable welfare receivers who don't work or get drug tested, it's like women checking into mental hospitals for "depression" and suicidal thoughts and getting 700 a month in disability to stay home and snort more heroin or painkillers.
You can take trump and have people just shipped back to their home countries and your rights taken away. You can take Bernie and devalue the shit out of the dollar and a degree and leave people starving or going nuts with a degree and no job or a job out of field. Or take Hilary and get bombed in the first year. I really don't care they all fucking suck I wish they were all dead
Lol please explain how liberteranism sets people up to starve? It just doesn't take care of and coddle people that refuse to step up to the plate and help themselves. Like capable welfare receivers who don't work or get drug tested, it's like women checking into mental hospitals for "depression" and suicidal thoughts and getting 700 a month in disability to stay home and snort more heroin or painkillers.
It eliminates the means necessary to fund an adequate social safety net

If the world was fair, I would be a libertarian. But it's not and it never will be. There will always be people who game any system to benefit themselves at the expense of others. Libertarian philosophy has no tool to combat that.

You can take trump and have people just shipped back to their home countries and your rights taken away. You can take Bernie and devalue the shit out of the dollar and a degree and leave people starving or going nuts with a degree and no job or a job out of field. Or take Hilary and get bombed in the first year. I really don't care they all fucking suck I wish they were all dead
How many economists have endorsed Sanders' economic plan?

How many have endorsed Trump's or Clintons?

One would hope that would make pretty clear which economic plan most of the most qualified individuals who study it believe to be best for the economy..
It eliminates the means necessary to fund an adequate social safety net

If the world was fair, I would be a libertarian. But it's not and it never will be. There will always be people who game any system to benefit themselves at the expense of others. Libertarian philosophy has no tool to combat that.

How many economists have endorsed Sanders' economic plan?

How many have endorsed Trump's or Clintons?

One would hope that would make pretty clear which economic plan most of the most qualified individuals who study it believe to be best for the economy..

Wingnuts don't listen to educated opinions because they conflict with their precious spoon fed Faux Spews propaganda.
I really hope you two aren't in here bantering about science being over-rated, used or not credible. Those with mindstates of a neandratholic Christ pushing ignoramus doesnt deserve oxygen
You can take trump and have people just shipped back to their home countries and your rights taken away. You can take Bernie and devalue the shit out of the dollar and a degree and leave people starving or going nuts with a degree and no job or a job out of field. Or take Hilary and get bombed in the first year. I really don't care they all fucking suck I wish they were all dead
Why would a devalued dollar be a bad thing?
Lol please explain how liberteranism sets people up to starve? It just doesn't take care of and coddle people that refuse to step up to the plate and help themselves. Like capable welfare receivers who don't work or get drug tested, it's like women checking into mental hospitals for "depression" and suicidal thoughts and getting 700 a month in disability to stay home and snort more heroin or painkillers.

:shock: Did you say you are a professor? Whoa dude, whoa..
Sky, back the fuck off.

I'm voting for Bernie in Oregon's primary, OK? I'm just aware that my vote isn't going to matter when it is cast and am willing to say so.

Why are you putting all your eggs in the Bernie basket? It won't be game over when Hillary takes office.

When Hillary gets into office, I'm going to think of her as just another republican and will vote for congressmen that will oppose her free trade and pro wall street and militaristic policies. I'm not going to give up.

The game will be different than if Bernie makes it into office but the game won't be over. As the great Blutarski said, "It's not over until we decide its over".

The vampire squid has not evolved in 165 million years..its glowing eyes and blood red skin are masked by cloaking from its black underside in order to confuse its prey..missing limbs are quickly regenerated..yup, sounds like Hillary to me.

The only time it is confirmed as shit made up, is when she clears it up. She hasn`t and that makes you wonder if she can.
Anybody can make any shit up and its up to the accused to clear their name. Riiiiight. OK, we now understand that you are a complete fool.
Many of you might be very surprised who you side with or who has many common values as you do. It also gives very detailed responses, graphs and correlation charts. Highly worth the 5 minutes. I'll tell you right now I hate trump I don't like Sanders but it's better than trump or Hilary so Sanders would be my vote. I scored 89 percent for Donald trump and 61 for Bernie. Gary Johnson I got a 92. I've had 3 classes of college students about 75 students total take it and all but 10 Have ended up with Gary Johnson. He trended from Reddit yet for some reason has already dropped out. Maybe a millenial thing but for 5 minutes of your time i promise you don't have anything better to do
Libertarian is not an idea or ideology. It is a belief. There is no example where a large society ever existed in this manner. People don't behave the way libertarian philosophy would have them behave. It is as unhinged in reality as Communism was conceived to be. Millions starved due to that experiment. So, no. Just, no
:shock: Did you say you are a professor? Whoa dude, whoa..
They work for cheap nowdays. Its a matter of the market setting prices. The talent moves to professions that pay and those that can't do anything else fill in as contract labor. Libertarians would love it.

Parents with money, of course wouldn't send their kids to a school with that guy on staff.
They work for cheap nowdays. Its a matter of the market setting prices. The talent moves to professions that pay and those that can't do anything else fill in as contract labor. Libertarians would love it.

Parents with money, of course wouldn't send their kids to a school with that guy on staff.

I find this mildly hysterical, very sad, and a prime example of how people fail to understand their own power;

What IS a university? Buildings? The Quad? The football team? Logo shirts?

NO! A university is all about knowledge AND NONE OF THE ABOVE MATTERS AT ALL.

Who holds that precious resource? The professors. NO ONE ELSE. When is the last time an administrator taught a college course?

If professors are getting the shaft from the institution, all they need to do is walk the fuck out and start another one, and tell the chancellor who makes more than any of them while sitting on his ass to fuck off.

It only needs to happen once, and suddenly, other universities would scramble to find ways to value their staff A LOT better.

The fact that it never happens is more evidence in my mind that we have lost the American dream, we've trained our whole society to be sheeple. Even the knowledge workers.
Wingnuts don't listen to educated opinions because they conflict with their precious spoon fed Faux Spews propaganda.


I find this mildly hysterical, very sad, and a prime example of how people fail to understand their own power;

What IS a university? Buildings? The Quad? The football team? Logo shirts?

NO! A university is all about knowledge AND NONE OF THE ABOVE MATTERS AT ALL.

Who holds that precious resource? The professors. NO ONE ELSE. When is the last time an administrator taught a college course?

If professors are getting the shaft from the institution, all they need to do is walk the fuck out and start another one, and tell the chancellor who makes more than any of them while sitting on his ass to fuck off.

It only needs to happen once, and suddenly, other universities would scramble to find ways to value their staff A LOT better.

The fact that it never happens is more evidence in my mind that we have lost the American dream, we've trained our whole society to be sheeple. Even the knowledge workers.
I've been following developments at a nearby university with mixed feelings. Their engineering and science departments are growing and doing well while their ag and forestry departments have been under pressure. Liberal arts programs are treated as though they were a vestigial organ and simply allowed to exist as long as they are not a nuisance. In all cases the investment is in infrastructure and facilities. Investment in people to teach at the facility is a mixed bag with the most growth being in contract teaching, basically temporary workers. Because the professors are temporary, I question if they actually do more than just follow the program.

I actually don't think the best way to teach the up and coming knowledge work force would be as you suggest by an ad-hoc college formed by rogue professors who may be really good but would be hampered without the infrastructure provided by a funded university. For example, science and mathematics in today's world need to to be taught in fairly expensive facilities and use expensive equipment. At least at the junior-senior levels and up, they do.

Maybe liberal arts can be taught on-line but I still think the bringing together of people, both students and professors has as much value as the book knowledge. Learning how to share ideas, build relationships, work together, compete with each other are all things that I don't believe can be taught on line. Let's not forget that most business and political leaders come from this line of education, so we owe it to ourselves to give them as good an education as possible.

We, as in the people of my state and people in other states, are not investing enough in education. That's the real problem.

My jab was at the libertarian idea of the market setting prices. In universities, this creates a race to the bottom that cripples future growth for the economy.