
Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

Just a heads up to expose two scam seed banks, please spread this info so you or anyone does not get their money taken from them. Fortunately I did not fall in to the trap, but with some investigation i am 100% certain they are both affiliated with one and other and are setup to take our honest earned money.

If you look at the platform (Structure) of both websites you will see they are exactly the same. The Q&A section will show this also. Comments from alleged buyers and answers from admin are very similar if not the same on both websites, this indicates that they are pre written by the site owners.

When you click on the "Buy Seeds" both websites link to Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds (AMS) website which if googled, they have a really bad reputation for taking peoples money. Here is the link:

I asked questions on both websites regarding their legitimacy and raised my concerns on some of the points i just mentioned, and guess what?....they removed my questions! So i re phrased my question and asked again in which they also removed. So i have posted comments in CAPITALS on their website Q&A section every day for the last 7 days trying to warn any others that may be browsing at that time in hope they see my messages before the admin of the website take it down.

I hate to see stuff like this and really makes my blood boil knowing that there has probably been countless innocent hard working people that have fell into the trap due to been desperate to buy locally without the risk of running through customs and jumped on the first chance to buy from these people due to that fact. This is why the website has been set up knowing that there is a big demand for seeds but many are too affaid to risk importing them from outside their own country.......makes sense to setup this scam right?


Comments i keep copy and pasting on their Q&A section. (Please do the same and spam them out and hopefully they will get sick of it and remove the website)

Here in the states back in the day there were all kinds of scams for opiate medication set up as message boards that made it look like there were all kinds of satisfied customers and all it was is one scammer taking money from countless desperate people who wanted to believe that the sites were legit. It was quite sad to watch and I'm reminded of it when you mention posting on the site in hopes that someone sees it before the scammers deleted the warnings. I did it often just with the hope that one person would see it in time.
Nobody should by anything anywhere online without first finding at least a few other legitimate people to verify their existence and even then, scammers can be very very good at what they do.
I hope they do half as well burning in hell someday
Here in the states back in the day there were all kinds of scams for opiate medication set up as message boards that made it look like there were all kinds of satisfied customers and all it was is one scammer taking money from countless desperate people who wanted to believe that the sites were legit. It was quite sad to watch and I'm reminded of it when you mention posting on the site in hopes that someone sees it before the scammers deleted the warnings. I did it often just with the hope that one person would see it in time.
Nobody should by anything anywhere online without first finding at least a few other legitimate people to verify their existence and even then, scammers can be very very good at what they do.
I hope they do half as well burning in hell someday
I know aye, it infuriates me that people do this sort of thing. I will just keep looking back on those comments and copy and paste back in as and when they are deleted, nothing more i can do. Just hoping others read this thread and comment on the website also. Just write a "SCAM" comment and make any email up to input in the comment box to be able to post it. I just put anything like "[email protected]" just put anything and the comment will be allowed to be posted, no need to put your own email in or sign up for an alternative to be able to post.
Here in the states back in the day there were all kinds of scams for opiate medication set up as message boards that made it look like there were all kinds of satisfied customers and all it was is one scammer taking money from countless desperate people who wanted to believe that the sites were legit. It was quite sad to watch and I'm reminded of it when you mention posting on the site in hopes that someone sees it before the scammers deleted the warnings. I did it often just with the hope that one person would see it in time.
Nobody should by anything anywhere online without first finding at least a few other legitimate people to verify their existence and even then, scammers can be very very good at what they do.
I hope they do half as well burning in hell someday
Actually can you do me a favor and look on the Q&A section of the Australian website and let me know if you can see any of my comments? im not sure they actually post straight on there as it says my comments are awaiting moderation. Although i can see them, im not sure they are showing for others.....i guess they wont be, and that will be to protect them from people they scammed informing others.
Thanks buddy, looks like it has to be moderated first, which shows they dont want anyone informing others....they act as a firewall...b@stards.
No worries mate :)
Yeah, dodgy practices all round there, the site just looks fake, same with the Q and A section LOL
California here, purchased seeds from Ams 11 days ago... Almost cancelled reading all the BS about them but... Seeds showed up today, came with extras... I'll let u guys know the quality in the future
Just wanted to update on my AMS seeds, also running the Purple Kush from Crop Kings and out of the 18 seeds planted, 18 popped! 4 Mega Jackpot, 3 White Widow Xtrem, 3 White Queens, 3 Amnesia Trance and 5 Purps (Crop Kings) So far two thumbs up Amsterdam Seeds
Just wanted to update on my AMS seeds, also running the Purple Kush from Crop Kings and out of the 18 seeds planted, 18 popped! 4 Mega Jackpot, 3 White Widow Xtrem, 3 White Queens, 3 Amnesia Trance and 5 Purps (Crop Kings) So far two thumbs up Amsterdam Seeds

So then, how do you feel about them using deceptive practices to get traffic to their site? also links to Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds, a clear rip-off of one of Canada's best breeders,

You want to support these assholes?

Notice that anyone ever promoting them never has much of a reputation or posting history.

They simply exist to take advantage of the uninformed shopper and seed producers that have actually done the work....... SCUM!!!!!!!!!
You mad bro??? Do you get mad at McDonald's because they forgot to give another customer their fries? You sound like you live a joyful life... I'm just saying that I got mine, it's up to you and ONLY you to get yours. ✌️
Yo Sali-D go post of Grasscity and others too

obvious really as weed and seeds are still illegal in Auz and NZ

this leopard will change his spots and not for the best either be ready!
California here, purchased seeds from Ams 11 days ago... Almost cancelled reading all the BS about them but... Seeds showed up today, came with extras... I'll let u guys know the quality in the future
So you're in Cali but ordered Canadian seeds form a Australian seed bank? And they shipped from Amsterdam? Hmm that's quite a journey to go with this story.
Just wanted to update on my AMS seeds, also running the Purple Kush from Crop Kings and out of the 18 seeds planted, 18 popped! 4 Mega Jackpot, 3 White Widow Xtrem, 3 White Queens, 3 Amnesia Trance and 5 Purps (Crop Kings) So far two thumbs up Amsterdam Seeds
You mad bro??? Do you get mad at McDonald's because they forgot to give another customer their fries? You sound like you live a joyful life... I'm just saying that I got mine, it's up to you and ONLY you to get yours. ✌️

McDonalds sucks but not nearly as much as Amsterdam Marijauna Seeds.

I'm actually glad that you're wasting your time on those.
You mad bro??? Do you get mad at McDonald's because they forgot to give another customer their fries? You sound like you live a joyful life... I'm just saying that I got mine, it's up to you and ONLY you to get yours. ✌️

And don't worry, I KNOW where to get mine. I've been growing the real PeakSeedsBC strains for years. I got fooled once by this scammer and won't be forgetting about it.

It's a network of BULLSHIT and it all links back to Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds. Such a shame that it can be perpetuated for so many years by idiots like you. It's not just the waste of money. Think of all the time that's wasted on crappy seeds.
California here, purchased seeds from Ams 11 days ago... Almost cancelled reading all the BS about them but... Seeds showed up today, came with extras... I'll let u guys know the quality in the future

I'll be waiting to hear you report... hahahahaha, too funny.
And don't worry, I KNOW where to get mine. I've been growing the real PeakSeedsBC strains for years. I got fooled once by this scammer and won't be forgetting about it.

It's a network of BULLSHIT and it all links back to Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds. Such a shame that it can be perpetuated for so many years by idiots like you. It's not just the waste of money. Think of all the time that's wasted on crappy seeds.
What peaksseedsbc strains are you growing? I just ordered for them for the first time last week.
I keep myself in a steady supply of Sweet Skunk. I've been growing his new one, Sweet Skunk x C99 which is also very good. He has that and C99 by request. I pretty much only grow sativas.
I keep myself in a steady supply of Sweet Skunk. I've been growing his new one, Sweet Skunk x C99 which is also very good. He has that and C99 by request. I pretty much only grow sativas.
Good to hear. I ordered his cc99 and his kush crosses. How tall is the sweet skunk getting?