EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

you've succumbed to their brainwash..welcome to Camp Clinton where there's plenty of Clinton Kook-Aid to go around..what do you think was going on in the minds of those in Jonestown?..as the poison coursed through their blood they started to realize just what Jim Jones really was..too late though.

you know it's easy to do it to those who are not intellectually superior.
I think the Bernie or bust people are more actually like the suicide cult in this scenario, eagerly waiting to martyr their votes and explode the country hoping for a Trump or Cruz presidency.
I think the Bernie or bust people are more actually like the suicide cult in this scenario, eagerly waiting to martyr their votes and explode the country hoping for a Trump or Cruz presidency.

we're all entitled to our own vote for whoever we wish..I don't go around telling others how to vote..you shouldn't either.

why doesn't Clinton concede since it's clearly what the electorate wishes?
i convinced someone who was going to vote for clinton; to vote for bernie instead which is a value of +1..had i been able to vote, my friend would have voted clinton, therefore cancelling my vote making it even at 0.

0<1 or 1>0


we're all entitled to our own vote for whoever we wish..I don't go around telling others how to vote..you shouldn't either.

why doesn't Clinton concede since it's clearly what the electorate wishes?

It's like you're in some kind of crazy coo coo land.
we're all entitled to our own vote for whoever we wish..I don't go around telling others how to vote..you shouldn't either.

why doesn't Clinton concede since it's clearly what the electorate wishes?

By what metric are you measuring the electorates wishes? Popular vote.. pledged delegates?

Im fine with Bernie and would vote for him and I dont tell other people how to vote, but if he doesnt pull off a major blow out in NY and Penn then all he is doing trying to inflict damage to Clinton and garner new memes and facebook likes from an increasingly fanatical base of supporters.
do you not see the irony in this, considering you support a candidate who is going to build a wall and make mexico pay for it?

or are you really just that fucking stupid?
But do you honestly believe he will succeed in building a wall? And have Mexico pay for it? Also he won't get away with lowering minimum wage damn sure not after CA and NY raising it to $15. Not to mention most states have a set minimum wage so people will just leave the states that don't.

I really can't see Trump being much worse than Hillary. Sure the economy went up with Bill in office but do we have Bill or the technology boom to thank? I really don't want Trump but the choice between Trump and Hillary is pretty tough, you know Hillary won't do any good might as well be a Republican.

I probably won't even vote if Bernie Sanders loses after all I'm still pissed what they did in my state Bernie won by a lot left with the same amount of delegates. Shit is rigged you must be a sheeple lol, to vote Hillary.
Well at least the Sandernista's aren't as nutty as the Paulbots.

No, we're the only normal ones left in an insane system. And, we're intellectually honest Democrats. Mr Sanders is a leftist only by comparison to the rest of the field, one in which there really isn't much distinction between republicrat or demublican.

You want to see an authoritarian right winger in power, regardless of party;
We can't continue off the right wing cliff, something's gotta give. Look at that graphic; does anyone besides Bernie actually represent anything resembling a CHOICE to you?!

If not, Then kindly stop the intellectual farce of proclaiming one bought and paid for right winger better than another on the basis of irrelevant party distinction.
We can't continue off the right wing cliff, something's gotta give. Look at that graphic; does anyone besides Bernie actually represent anything resembling a CHOICE to you?!

If not, Then kindly stop the intellectual farce of proclaiming one bought and paid for right winger better than another on the basis of irrelevant party distinction.
So for the 4th or 5th time
Will you support whoever the democratic candidate for president is?
Then fuck you
crazy ass bitch

This does nothing to sorry your case.

Worst case scenario, Mrs Clinton gets the nod by a scrape, shenanigans ensue and the party splits into open warfare. We're fucked, won't matter who I vote for, get ready for right wing nut job.

I haven't decided yet. I have until November third, if I understand the situation correctly.

A lot can happen. I think a lot will.

We'll see.
This does nothing to sorry your case.

Worst case scenario, Mrs Clinton gets the nod by a scrape, shenanigans ensue and the party splits into open warfare. We're fucked, won't matter who I vote for, get ready for right wing nut job.

I haven't decided yet. I have until November third, if I understand the situation correctly.

A lot can happen. I think a lot will.

We'll see.
Will you vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is?
Yes or No?
Don't be a shit head like Rob Roy.
Just answer the question.
Not as rood as your childish self destructive Paulbotian behaviour

Who said anything about self destruction but you?

Patience is the beginning of wisdom. And strategy. And it's my right not to be rash.

He hasn't lost yet, and he certainly doesn't seem to be losing ground.

Don't get the idea that I'm being flip with you, I understand the import of the decision, thus my insistence on my right- there's that word again- to wait to make a final decision.
