EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

i convinced someone who was going to vote for clinton; to vote for bernie instead which is a value of +1..had i been able to vote, my friend would have voted clinton, therefore cancelling my vote making it even at 0.

0<1 or 1>0

and yet he still losing
Bernie Sanders is a good man
I just hope his followers will vote for Clinton when she becomes the nominee and stop being childish
Bernie Sanders is a good man
I just hope his followers will vote for Clinton when she becomes the nominee and stop being childish

you've succumbed to their brainwash..welcome to Camp Clinton where there's plenty of Clinton Kook-Aid to go around..what do you think was going on in the minds of those in Jonestown?..as the poison coursed through their blood they started to realize just what Jim Jones really was..too late though.

you know it's easy to do it to those who are not intellectually superior.
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