KYman, your lucky to find anything worth keeping out of the Mexican stuff. I guess that is the difference in getting some good seeds from a friend from Mexico vs what you find in bagseeds from Mexican weed. I am sure there is some very good weed from Mexico, I am just saying all the bulk stuff I have gotten has been mostly junk. I used to deal with it quite a bit and have seen probably 100 different types/batches over the years and there was definitely some that was much better then others, just none that I would think worth growing now with what I have access to online. Most of it was about the same though with very little variation, there is a couple that stuck out to me though and I could see where you could get some halfway decent plants if growing some seeds from them. I never kept track of the seeds I kept so the ones I grew were just completely random. Probably the best batch I ever got had a really weird smell to it, smelled kind of like cooking hamburger. Really odd smell.