What strain do you hate the most?

Amos hates him some Heri. You have to admit, the nose on it is pretty.... um... unique. And subjectively, it would probably be hard to find anyone who loves it.
Herijuana og that was floating around la in 2006-08 was dank AF. Used to come in with my old 818 and fire og.
I have.

If you feel that way. I've found that some lines take more hunting. Black Widow isn't overrun with keepers, but the keepers you do find are quite remarkable. Just an example (I've grown out 50 of those and only 3 or 4 that were great, most of the rest were pretty mediocre).
If you feel that way. I've found that some lines take more hunting. Black Widow isn't overrun with keepers, but the keepers you do find are quite remarkable. Just an example (I've grown out 50 of those and only 3 or 4 that were great, most of the rest were pretty mediocre).
If it take more than 10 beans to find a keeper I thinks the strain needs some work lol. Should be able to find a couple keepers in a pack.
KYman, your lucky to find anything worth keeping out of the Mexican stuff. I guess that is the difference in getting some good seeds from a friend from Mexico vs what you find in bagseeds from Mexican weed. I am sure there is some very good weed from Mexico, I am just saying all the bulk stuff I have gotten has been mostly junk. I used to deal with it quite a bit and have seen probably 100 different types/batches over the years and there was definitely some that was much better then others, just none that I would think worth growing now with what I have access to online. Most of it was about the same though with very little variation, there is a couple that stuck out to me though and I could see where you could get some halfway decent plants if growing some seeds from them. I never kept track of the seeds I kept so the ones I grew were just completely random. Probably the best batch I ever got had a really weird smell to it, smelled kind of like cooking hamburger. Really odd smell.
KYman, your lucky to find anything worth keeping out of the Mexican stuff. I guess that is the difference in getting some good seeds from a friend from Mexico vs what you find in bagseeds from Mexican weed. I am sure there is some very good weed from Mexico, I am just saying all the bulk stuff I have gotten has been mostly junk. I used to deal with it quite a bit and have seen probably 100 different types/batches over the years and there was definitely some that was much better then others, just none that I would think worth growing now with what I have access to online. Most of it was about the same though with very little variation, there is a couple that stuck out to me though and I could see where you could get some halfway decent plants if growing some seeds from them. I never kept track of the seeds I kept so the ones I grew were just completely random. Probably the best batch I ever got had a really weird smell to it, smelled kind of like cooking hamburger. Really odd smell.
The seeds I got was from some very dam good pot but they was from a friend that gave them to me.That stran of pot I have sean hunderds of pounds of it and its the best Mexican weed I ever sean.It is lite green.I grow a few plants of it every year and it don't last long.THE Mexicans some of them grow good weed with NO SEEDS in a hundred pounds at all.YOU just got to know the rite person and I been friends with this family for 30 pluse years or I would not have been given them seeds...ky....ps iam going to take a nap then get some shit dun today.....you have a good one
If it take more than 10 beans to find a keeper I thinks the strain needs some work lol. Should be able to find a couple keepers in a pack.

If you like indicas there might be more keepers for you. I don't though. Also, it's landrace x landrace. It isn't a worked line. Which opens up possibilities big time for interesting new combinations. Definitely not a line for everyone though.
Luckily, I've only ever grown 1 strain that was a disappointment.

Hash Bomb from Bomb Seeds.
Just wondering what you didnt like about it? My friend grew this strain and it looked like it was dripping and glistening before harvest. It was used for bubble hash so I never got a taste of the flower.
Chemmy jones was the worst smoke I've grown. Yield was unreal buds were decent but the taste was unbearable. The lemon/chem/train wreck on top of each other is just nasty. Thing yielded almost 9oz's in a 5 gal bucket. Huge yield terrible taste weak high.
Fucking blues! I hate it! It's so often all we can get hold of and it's bloody crap! If you get a good batch of it then at the very least it helps me sleep, cos it's pure couch lock shit, but usually it isn't even that "good" and I'm sick of it! Seems to be a UK only strain, sometimes called livers, and I don't know if it's easy to grow or cheap or something but everyone has it and it's bullshit. And my fella gets a bad chest every time we smoke it. Just wait until I get some decent genetics in my grow room, I'll be passing testers out left, right and centre cos these muppet, no-clue kids round here will get a bloody shock!
I hate all the weed people bring up from BC or where ever they grow it. For as long as I can remember here in AK we've been getting weed I was told was "BC", ive always hated the taste and it's never been anything special.
BC definitely has some good shit but they are going to sell the best in BC a lot like the CA buds we get on the east coast you know they got some killer shit but it's sold in CA. Also anything they are bringing across the border is going to be mass produced.
But Critical Mass is certainly not the best smoke some nice ones but you can find better strains for sure a keeper won't stay keeper ime.