Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
umm, how about making smarter business decisions?

you know how many times Koch bros or Warren Buffet went bankrupt? 4 less than Trumpf.

you must still be drinking that Trump Vodka huh NLX?

Someone can bankrupt you by not paying. Going bankrupt means you turn your company over to a management agency that sets up long term payments after restructuring.
The only people that get screwed royally are your vendors.


Well-Known Member
Cruz got 33 delegates in Wisconsin,... That otta put him way out front.

The great experienced Super pac Clinton lost as well.

I love how the thing to do is break down who voted for who. Like that`s gonna speak volumes at the General Election in Nov.


Well-Known Member
All the media is claiming how high up cruz is now that he won once. Everything is about one loss.

How many States has Cruz one ?


Well-Known Member
The only people that get screwed royally are your vendors.
if Drumpf was truly a Christian as he claims, he could have repaid ALL his creditors after emerging from chap 11. But he chose not to.
which goes back to a point from Fortune, only 20% of corps with assets over 1 Billion (Trumpf) file bankruptcy. so 80% of them suck it up and pay off their debts and admit they made a mistake and move on.


Well-Known Member
if Drumpf was truly a Christian as he claims, he could have repaid ALL his creditors after emerging from chap 11. But he chose not to.
which goes back to a point from Fortune, only 20% of corps with assets over 1 Billion (Trumpf) file bankruptcy. so 80% of them suck it up and pay off their debts and admit they made a mistake and move on.

No, the management company makes those decisions, after bankrupt, you don`t control the money. 80% of the management agencies have to pay off the debt to profit, so you get better success.


Well-Known Member
No, the management company makes those decisions, after bankrupt, you don`t control the money. 80% of the management agencies have to pay off the debt to profit, so you get better success.
trump still controls all his corporations before, during and after bankruptcy. point invalid. he could have paid them off, he chose not to


Well-Known Member
The best Cruz can do is get enough delegates to be compatible in the July Convention. If he can`t, he has no hope. If they give it away to Cruz Trump will go independent and his voters will go Trump and undecided or republicans will go Bernie and we`ll have a Democrat as President.


Well-Known Member
The best Cruz can do is get enough delegates to be compatible in the July Convention. If he can`t, he has no hope. If they give it away to Cruz Trump will go independent and his voters will go Trump and undecided or republicans will go Bernie and we`ll have a Democrat as President.

like everything else you post this 'analysis' is 4th grade level. There is going to be a dem prez no matter what. The GOP is a melting house of shit.


Well-Known Member
Because he lost one State ? Really ??
NO, because he's trump.

The betting odds tell the strory. Take a moment away from your chronic masturbation habit and check the odds.

The best Cruz can do is get enough delegates to be compatible in the July Convention. If he can`t, he has no hope. If they give it away to Cruz Trump will go independent and his voters will go Trump and undecided or republicans will go Bernie and we`ll have a Democrat as President.
There will be dem prez no matter what. Your analysis is child like. It hardly matters whatever the "republicans" do. The party is in tatters.


Well-Known Member
like everything else you post this 'analysis' is 4th grade level. There is going to be a dem prez no matter what. The GOP is a melting house of shit.

The GOP is a melting house of shit because Donald did that to them. Where you been ?

Cruz cannot catch up but can be a formidable Candidate at the convention in July. If it get`s that far.


Well-Known Member
your name. signifies nit wittery. Nothing more

I posted the odds JA. Look em up and explain WTF you are talking about.

Trump is the crowning feather of failure on the pile of idiots that is the GOP.


Well-Known Member
There`s a small ray of hope if Donald loses NY that Cruz can pull it off in Ca. Very small,. like C4`s cock. Thick don`t count, it makes you a stump with no travel time.
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