Donald Trump

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Start Building an actual Wall, and things like this are going to happen, except some of the people will have guns and grenades and they will be coming to construction sites

And I am pretty sure they can deconstruct a wall

The more I read posts like this, the more I doubt I want to see them mass migrate here. You wont know who`s who ?

They wont get near, let alone to my wall.

arty wall.jpg
Donald Trump is haunting people's Dreams

Since Frued we have seen Dreams as a form of Wish-fulfillment where the brain does "Dreamwork" (different than what Dreamworkers do) to turn your real world experience into something different but similar to your real world experience.

This is not how they thought of Dreams in the Ancient world. In Ancient Egypt they did not really have any words to describe "Dream Activities" and instead most dreams are something you "see" not something you experience. The Egyptian word rsw.t means to "awaken" while sleeping. m??.nm rsw.t means "to see in a dream".

So to them Dreams were something that you got to see not something you neccisarilly experience. And the way they categorized dreams was Dreams that were Sought or Provoked and Dreams that come Spontaneously.

Thrash metal band Municipal Waste created a new T-shirt, sold at their latest show in Los Angeles, and it keeps with the bands tradition of epic brutality. The front features Donald Trump shooting himself in the head with a pistol, with blood and brain matter splattering out the other side, almost like a deleted scene from Scanners. The back, text in all caps reading “THE ONLY WALLS WE BUILD ARE WALLS OF DEATH.” It’s pretty subtle.;;;

“It’s kind of crazy. We’re making so much money off of it that we might actually turn into Republicans! Okay, not really, but it’s selling pretty good. A lot of people don’t like that guy. I’ve been reading some of the comments from people that are “shocked” that we would say something bad about Trump. We talked about killing George Bush on our first freaking album!…I know 80 percent of our Waste songs are about drinking and all, but I swear, there’s some content in there, dammit!”
I don't want Trump to win, but I think that if he were President it would probably be the most interesting Presidency. Can you imagine first Trump getting elected as Obama goes out of office, he starts working to get a wall built, then a shooting like Ferguson happens?

There will probably be riots all around the country during the 4 years, let alone at the border/wall construction sites. And if/when he starts a 3rd World War, the protests are going to be crazy. It might get like it was during the Vietnam protests, which they had to end the draft because of.
I agree with you Finshaggy, It would be very interesting to see Trump as President. Lol.
he is a very strange person. i am not quite sure what to make of him. He cracks me up. I find him entertaining.
Here in Oregon
I met a former hippy protestor from the Viatman era, now a rich Professor of Political Science, at the beach this weekend. I didnt say one thing to him about my political preference but he He told me I did not look like a Trump
I saw an old guy riding a bike down the street with a Bernie Sanders flag on his bike. That was wierd.

Did you see that funny Lying Ted Cruz commercial that Kasick did? that is funny. There are a lot of funny commericals.
Another one I saw says that Trump supports are so loyal they will eat any shit Trump dishes out to them. Then it show Trump bent over with his pants down, squirting out icecream from hiss ass into there waffle cones as they come to him on a conveyor belt.
Debunking Common Misconceptions About Donald Trump:

He is a fascist/nazi/Hitler Incarnate

Calling someone a fascist/Nazi usually displays how unintelligent that party is and shows how little knowledge they have of history. Hitler killed 6 million jews, jehovah's witnesses, disabled people and homosexuals. Trump wants to protect america by building a wall and restricting travel from hostile muslim countries. The whole facist thing has been debunked by Liberal news outlet Vox and the short answer is, no, he is not a Fascist. Fascism requires the rejection of democracy and empathizes violence. Trump disagrees with both these points. It’s also anti-individualist (Trump is Arch-Individualist)

Trump is racist to Mexicans!

Time and time again Trump has said he loves mexicans. It’s the illegal ones he hates. If you want to work in the USA come in legally and do it. What is a nation without Borders. As for the rape comments he is somewhat right. In the state of Texas alone over the last few years, more than 2000 illegal aliens were deported after committing sex crimes. Nearly a thousand illegal aliens have been convicted of sex crimes against children. With that,Illegal Traffickers Are Responsible for More Than 90% of the Heroin In America, Guess which border they come through…

“Illegals Do the Jobs Americans Don’t” — While Black Teen Unemployment Sits at 30%

Americans are not lazy. Moreover, we have just spent two years watching a number of our inner-cities explode — cities filled with predominantly black unemployed youths who believe they have no future. There are at least 11 million illegals in this country. The black unemployment rate in America is near 10%, twice that of whites. The teen black unemployment rate is — are you ready for this — over 30%.

Remember, the unemployment rate only represents people actively looking for work, not those who have given up in despair. Illegals don’t just pick crops, they work construction jobs in many of our major cities — the same cities where black youths can’t find jobs. These are good jobs. Many of them are union jobs. Perfect starter jobs.

Trump went bankrupt

Yes, and no. Trump himself has never filed for bankruptcy. His corporations have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times. By filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the corporation is allowed to continue running while restructuring and reducing its debt. By allowing the business to continue, employees still have their jobs and the business is still making money. Corporate debts still need to be repaid but they may be reduced. The corporation must develop a repayment plan and corporate budget. Both must be approved by the creditors and by the bankruptcy court.

Trump effectively saved his companies and the jobs of hundreds of his workers.

Trump is Anti Muslim
This theory stems from a comment Trump made. Trump said his hard-line proposal was for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” until “our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.” Note he doesn’t propose kicking Muslims out of the country or using concentration camps as the Left would want you to think. Radical Islam is a problem in the US and abroad. The current government refuses to admit this and it lead to the San Bernardino shooters. Who could have been stopped if their were more rigorous checks and their neighbours weren’t afraid to be seen as ‘racists’ yep they decided not to report them because they did not want to seem racist.

In conclusion, at the end of the day. Trump is the only presidential candidate with the balls to discuss the real issues and to push conversations on much needed topics while Obama sits behind the White House fences refusing to admit there is a real problem in this country, immigration and Radical Islam needs to be taken as the threat it is.
Debunking Common Misconceptions About Donald Trump:

He is a fascist/nazi/Hitler Incarnate

Calling someone a fascist/Nazi usually displays how unintelligent that party is and shows how little knowledge they have of history. Hitler killed 6 million jews, jehovah's witnesses, disabled people and homosexuals. Trump wants to protect america by building a wall and restricting travel from hostile muslim countries. The whole facist thing has been debunked by Liberal news outlet Vox and the short answer is, no, he is not a Fascist. Fascism requires the rejection of democracy and empathizes violence. Trump disagrees with both these points. It’s also anti-individualist (Trump is Arch-Individualist)

Trump is racist to Mexicans!

Time and time again Trump has said he loves mexicans. It’s the illegal ones he hates. If you want to work in the USA come in legally and do it. What is a nation without Borders. As for the rape comments he is somewhat right. In the state of Texas alone over the last few years, more than 2000 illegal aliens were deported after committing sex crimes. Nearly a thousand illegal aliens have been convicted of sex crimes against children. With that,Illegal Traffickers Are Responsible for More Than 90% of the Heroin In America, Guess which border they come through…

“Illegals Do the Jobs Americans Don’t” — While Black Teen Unemployment Sits at 30%

Americans are not lazy. Moreover, we have just spent two years watching a number of our inner-cities explode — cities filled with predominantly black unemployed youths who believe they have no future. There are at least 11 million illegals in this country. The black unemployment rate in America is near 10%, twice that of whites. The teen black unemployment rate is — are you ready for this — over 30%.

Remember, the unemployment rate only represents people actively looking for work, not those who have given up in despair. Illegals don’t just pick crops, they work construction jobs in many of our major cities — the same cities where black youths can’t find jobs. These are good jobs. Many of them are union jobs. Perfect starter jobs.

Trump went bankrupt

Yes, and no. Trump himself has never filed for bankruptcy. His corporations have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times. By filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the corporation is allowed to continue running while restructuring and reducing its debt. By allowing the business to continue, employees still have their jobs and the business is still making money. Corporate debts still need to be repaid but they may be reduced. The corporation must develop a repayment plan and corporate budget. Both must be approved by the creditors and by the bankruptcy court.

Trump effectively saved his companies and the jobs of hundreds of his workers.

Trump is Anti Muslim
This theory stems from a comment Trump made. Trump said his hard-line proposal was for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” until “our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.” Note he doesn’t propose kicking Muslims out of the country or using concentration camps as the Left would want you to think. Radical Islam is a problem in the US and abroad. The current government refuses to admit this and it lead to the San Bernardino shooters. Who could have been stopped if their were more rigorous checks and their neighbours weren’t afraid to be seen as ‘racists’ yep they decided not to report them because they did not want to seem racist.

In conclusion, at the end of the day. Trump is the only presidential candidate with the balls to discuss the real issues and to push conversations on much needed topics while Obama sits behind the White House fences refusing to admit there is a real problem in this country, immigration and Radical Islam needs to be taken as the threat it is.
I really hope that you cut and pasted this from somewhere else, and didn't waste your time actually typing this bullshit yourself.
Debunking Common Misconceptions About Donald Trump:

He is a fascist/nazi/Hitler Incarnate

Calling someone a fascist/Nazi usually displays how unintelligent that party is and shows how little knowledge they have of history. Hitler killed 6 million jews, jehovah's witnesses, disabled people and homosexuals. Trump wants to protect america by building a wall and restricting travel from hostile muslim countries. The whole facist thing has been debunked by Liberal news outlet Vox and the short answer is, no, he is not a Fascist. Fascism requires the rejection of democracy and empathizes violence. Trump disagrees with both these points. It’s also anti-individualist (Trump is Arch-Individualist)

Trump is racist to Mexicans!

Time and time again Trump has said he loves mexicans. It’s the illegal ones he hates. If you want to work in the USA come in legally and do it. What is a nation without Borders. As for the rape comments he is somewhat right. In the state of Texas alone over the last few years, more than 2000 illegal aliens were deported after committing sex crimes. Nearly a thousand illegal aliens have been convicted of sex crimes against children. With that,Illegal Traffickers Are Responsible for More Than 90% of the Heroin In America, Guess which border they come through…

“Illegals Do the Jobs Americans Don’t” — While Black Teen Unemployment Sits at 30%

Americans are not lazy. Moreover, we have just spent two years watching a number of our inner-cities explode — cities filled with predominantly black unemployed youths who believe they have no future. There are at least 11 million illegals in this country. The black unemployment rate in America is near 10%, twice that of whites. The teen black unemployment rate is — are you ready for this — over 30%.

Remember, the unemployment rate only represents people actively looking for work, not those who have given up in despair. Illegals don’t just pick crops, they work construction jobs in many of our major cities — the same cities where black youths can’t find jobs. These are good jobs. Many of them are union jobs. Perfect starter jobs.

Trump went bankrupt

Yes, and no. Trump himself has never filed for bankruptcy. His corporations have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times. By filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the corporation is allowed to continue running while restructuring and reducing its debt. By allowing the business to continue, employees still have their jobs and the business is still making money. Corporate debts still need to be repaid but they may be reduced. The corporation must develop a repayment plan and corporate budget. Both must be approved by the creditors and by the bankruptcy court.

Trump effectively saved his companies and the jobs of hundreds of his workers.

Trump is Anti Muslim
This theory stems from a comment Trump made. Trump said his hard-line proposal was for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” until “our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.” Note he doesn’t propose kicking Muslims out of the country or using concentration camps as the Left would want you to think. Radical Islam is a problem in the US and abroad. The current government refuses to admit this and it lead to the San Bernardino shooters. Who could have been stopped if their were more rigorous checks and their neighbours weren’t afraid to be seen as ‘racists’ yep they decided not to report them because they did not want to seem racist.

In conclusion, at the end of the day. Trump is the only presidential candidate with the balls to discuss the real issues and to push conversations on much needed topics while Obama sits behind the White House fences refusing to admit there is a real problem in this country, immigration and Radical Islam needs to be taken as the threat it is.
Wow, and all this time I had DT figured out all don't even believe that bs...cause I damn sure don't!

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