Molasses? Help?

Slow down bro. Never jump into what you heard. Do yourself a favor and research a bit. It is good in situations but not all, like my case. I use 4gph dripers, molasses could and most likely would clog my lines.
It's great to boost brick levels (Brix Molasses is great for hand water, ebb n flo and other systems). In high plant levels bugs just pass them by, they don't like to feed off of plants with high Brix levels. Also help bulk the buds up, increases crystal content and more
molasses is good if you are growing organically and feeding the soil,if you arent growing organically...there are much better alternatives to molasses.Namely potassium sulfate.Either way moderation is key.
Blackstrap molasses is ideal. Blackstrap is not a brand but a type. There are many brands that contain the same thing. I use a dime shot per gallon of water. But I dissolve the molasses in warm water first then add it to my cold feed water before watering.
Did that molasses thing for a good while. Saw no difference. Healthly plants and a good growing environment is the best thing to make good buds.
Slow down bro. Never jump into what you heard. Do yourself a favor and research a bit. It is good in situations but not all, like my case. I use 4gph dripers, molasses could and most likely would clog my lines.
It's great to boost brick levels (Brix Molasses is great for hand water, ebb n flo and other systems). In high plant levels bugs just pass them by, they don't like to feed off of plants with high Brix levels. Also help bulk the buds up, increases crystal content and more
This is interesting? You think it is the high "Brix" levels that make the true difference? I guess that's why I well maintained organic garden doesn't need much pesticide or any other cide use.? Interesting never thought about that
This is interesting? You think it is the high "Brix" levels that make the true difference? I guess that's why I well maintained organic garden doesn't need much pesticide or any other cide use.? Interesting never thought about that
I do. Not only that but it helps really bring out the aromas and the crystals....... Omg what it does for the crystals is just out right amazing. A few years ago I used spa manifolds(3/8") and attached 3/8"tube to each 5 gal smart pot filled with loose rockwool. 1 res I ran brix molasses the other did not. The res w the brix yielded 1/5 higher, had way more smell and the crystal content was crazy. I also got 3 points higher for each 1. From then on.....
Now that I'm 4gph and watering only 8x a day for 2 min I left the brix alone and use teas.
You know you could just add the active ingredient to your grow instead.The sugars are beneficial for organic growing.Outside of that molasses brings more trouble then it's worth.1 pound of pure potassium sulfate costs $3 And lasts a long time at 1 gram per gallon,this is the real secret of molasses.And it doesn't clog drippers...
I used "black strap Molasses" and Boom! But than I over did it. My weed smoked so hot, burn your lungs. Becareful, sugar burns.
You know you could just add the active ingredient to your grow instead.The sugars are beneficial for organic growing.Outside of that molasses brings more trouble then it's worth.1 pound of pure potassium sulfate costs $3 And lasts a long time at 1 gram per gallon,this is the real secret of molasses.And it doesn't clog drippers...
Gonna need to try this on a smaller room 1st. Good lookin. Not sure how to add rep or if you even can but you need some
You know you could just add the active ingredient to your grow instead.The sugars are beneficial for organic growing.Outside of that molasses brings more trouble then it's worth.1 pound of pure potassium sulfate costs $3 And lasts a long time at 1 gram per gallon,this is the real secret of molasses.And it doesn't clog drippers...
I use Dry Molasses in my soil mix.
I do. Not only that but it helps really bring out the aromas and the crystals....... Omg what it does for the crystals is just out right amazing. A few years ago I used spa manifolds(3/8") and attached 3/8"tube to each 5 gal smart pot filled with loose rockwool. 1 res I ran brix molasses the other did not. The res w the brix yielded 1/5 higher, had way more smell and the crystal content was crazy. I also got 3 points higher for each 1. From then on.....
Now that I'm 4gph and watering only 8x a day for 2 min I left the brix alone and use teas.
W the teas I see a lot more gnats now that the brix is gone. Man I wish it didn't clog my droppers.....
Really? See I hate those gnats! I don't like dealing with bugs inside a living space. Bad enough they're outside. I wonder though if I should get a Brix meter for shits and giggles...
Like I said for organic growing molasses in its various forms has uses.

In other forms of growing there are much better options.

Molasses really has no use in hydro growing for example...or really any synth grow.

The op really didn't go into much detail.