Donald Trump

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Being audited is just another trick to get out of releasing info about trump he doesn't want's easy to trigger an audit....Trump does it all the timeo_O
It's not a "trick".. Nobody asks to be audited. After Obama's IRS calls off the attack dogs, he will release the records.
Ask any tax attorney with half a brain will tell you, never release tax info while being audited...
Because most of america wanted to hear about it. I realize that it is a sore subject with you, but everything will turn out great for hispanics. Greater than ever before as long as you are not a criminal. imo

And if you think it is a slam dunk for Hillary , relax and enjoy the show. TRUMP!
So, when did he say all this at a recent rally?
It's not a "trick".. Nobody asks to be audited. After Obama's IRS calls off the attack dogs, he will release the records.
Ask any tax attorney with half a brain will tell you, never release tax info while being audited...
How convenient....& since he's always being audited, he never has to release the tax info. Just another way to dance around his obligations.....typical trump, I would expect nothing less
Once the sudit is over he'll release his taxes, stop repeating what faux says, the IRS has said an audit will not prevent him from releasing his taxes.


Yet any competent accountant will tell you not to do it. I wonder why... Maybe Trump is used to listening to experts and not any crowd.
Who are white taxpayers supposed to support?

Sanders? Sanders has nothing to offer someone who doesn't depend on government handouts. I don't need free shit from the government or anyone else and that's all the man has to offer. If you're not part of some fringe group he can pander to and you don't need money from the government in order to survive, what does he have left to offer? Nothing, literally nothing. He will tax more of your money and tell you that you're a piece of shit for being white while he's doing it. Fuck Bernie Sanders.

Hillary? We don't even need to explore that idea because it's laughable. No possible chance Hillary takes it.

So what? Who do you think hard-working white taxpayers are supposed to support? He is the only option, there are no alternatives. Which is probably why no matter how hard the media and politicians try to ruin his chances, nobody cares. What's it really matter what kind of story they run? True or not true, there is no other option to vote for.

"Trump is a fantasy candidate for the angrily white, nostalgic and intellectually impoverished."

I just paid a cunt hair over $23k in taxes for 2015 to the same government that takes every opportunity to shit all over me, disperse my money to countries I have never been to nor give a shit about, and hand out free food, cell phones, money, and housing to the bottom feeders of society. It's been going on for 30+ years, the people who actually work hard and earn a living are sick of getting shit on.

If you're a white citizen and you're not angry, then you either haven't been paying attention or you've already given up and become part of the welfare class. You're god damn right whites are mad, it actually makes me depressed to see how far the country had to fall before whites started getting pissed off. In reality, we should be 10x angrier than we are right now.

What did you think? You think we enjoy getting our money taxed and given to the same people who hate us, both here and abroad? You think we enjoy losing jobs and college opportunities to people less qualified just because they are the politically correct tone of brown? Or because they are from the 3rd world and will work for pennies on the dollar? We should keep voting for candidates who don't have our best interests in mind just so we don't get called "racists"? You can't really expect people to continue playing this game, the whole thing is repulsive and disgusting.

Don't forget your party loves to hand out Corparate welfare checks but has a problem with people getting welfare checks, because you know Corporations are people too!

I am trying to be nice because I know it stings a little bit and there are a few more months to go. When Trump gets this primary rapped up it will be hammer time. TRUMP!
Oh, yes. It's fun to sit back, know your in the lead, and watch the attacks roll in.
It's better than being a loser, that's for sure.
Yet any competent accountant will tell you not to do it. I wonder why... Maybe Trump is used to listening to experts and not any crowd.
Lol you mean experts like his " campaign manager"? If he was accustomed to listening to experts he wouldnt be trump. His vanity and lack of wisdom speak volumes about who he consults with.
"were the people" wtf are you trying to utter?

Many of the idiots there now were planted by the tea baggers. Trump baggers would be worse but alas they havent got a remote possibility of success.

Do I gotta go put that (I can`t even spell apostrophe) little mark in it`s proper grammatical location ?

Anyways,...I`ll try to complicate for you.

The People don`t really like give a fuck which dickhead from whatever gang wins the seat or controls Congress as long as the fuck-up`s that are present there now are replaced with more better American oriented, non racially motivated, caring, candidates that wont fuck us over the first chance they get or go back on their word.
Do I gotta go put that (I can`t even spell apostrophe) little mark in it`s proper grammatical location ?

Anyways,...I`ll try to complicate for you.

The People don`t really like give a fuck which dickhead from whatever gang wins the seat or controls Congress as long as the fuck-up`s that are present there now are replaced with more better American oriented, non racially motivated, caring, candidates that wont fuck us over the first chance they get or go back on their word.
Bro ya. You should use those apostrophes because you need all the aids available to help with making your utterings into something sensible.

The post above is incoherent.
The RNC has given up on winning the presidency because of trump. They know he cannot win so they are focusing on keeping the senate instead.....thanks donald
The GOP establishment can survive with Hillary. Trump would destroy them. Of course they would prefer her instead.
You are witnessing history. The last candidate who even came close to stirring up this much dust was Reagan. Republican establishment didn't like him either.
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