Donald Trump

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You do realize that nobody gives a shit don't you? Go TRUMP!
My confounded dude, the realization is yours.

Trump is a fantasy candidate for the angrily white, nostalgic and intellectually impoverished. He is a buffoon and you are his jester and chamber boy.

After the realization that he is irrelevant will you continue to grovel for his cause? Soon youll have a lot more free time. Increasing awareness of Trumps stench brings that day closer all the time.
We need to stop illegal immigration. Homeland Security doesn't even bother detaining them anymore as they come across. Border patrol has become neutered police officers. Just like our military troops in Afghanistan. Could you imagine how bad it would be if Obama was in charge of state and local police? Criminals would be able to get away with just about anything...
Obama cut the deficit one trillion dollars. Republicans hate that. They love them some tax cuts and spending increases. Sure they do.

Meanwhile, the population of illegal immigrants, which registered increases in the millions every year during the Bush administration, has stopped growing under Obama. I wonder how come? Maybe its because a Democratic administration actually governs rather than pilfers like we saw GWs buddies do while he was in office.

Why do you guys call yourselves conservative? Republicans seem pretty radical and spendthrift compared to what the Obama administration managed to get done in the face of an "I will make him fail" congress. Your guys don't seem very patriotic to me. Downright treasonous is what I'd call the members of your Republican party.
My confounded dude, the realization is yours.

Trump is a fantasy candidate for the angrily white, nostalgic and intellectually impoverished. He is a buffoon and you are his jester and chamber boy.

After the realization that he is irrelevant will you continue to grovel for his cause? Soon youll have a lot more free time. Increasing awareness of Trumps stench brings that day closer all the time.

Who are white taxpayers supposed to support?

Sanders? Sanders has nothing to offer someone who doesn't depend on government handouts. I don't need free shit from the government or anyone else and that's all the man has to offer. If you're not part of some fringe group he can pander to and you don't need money from the government in order to survive, what does he have left to offer? Nothing, literally nothing. He will tax more of your money and tell you that you're a piece of shit for being white while he's doing it. Fuck Bernie Sanders.

Hillary? We don't even need to explore that idea because it's laughable. No possible chance Hillary takes it.

So what? Who do you think hard-working white taxpayers are supposed to support? He is the only option, there are no alternatives. Which is probably why no matter how hard the media and politicians try to ruin his chances, nobody cares. What's it really matter what kind of story they run? True or not true, there is no other option to vote for.

"Trump is a fantasy candidate for the angrily white, nostalgic and intellectually impoverished."

I just paid a cunt hair over $23k in taxes for 2015 to the same government that takes every opportunity to shit all over me, disperse my money to countries I have never been to nor give a shit about, and hand out free food, cell phones, money, and housing to the bottom feeders of society. It's been going on for 30+ years, the people who actually work hard and earn a living are sick of getting shit on.

If you're a white citizen and you're not angry, then you either haven't been paying attention or you've already given up and become part of the welfare class. You're god damn right whites are mad, it actually makes me depressed to see how far the country had to fall before whites started getting pissed off. In reality, we should be 10x angrier than we are right now.

What did you think? You think we enjoy getting our money taxed and given to the same people who hate us, both here and abroad? You think we enjoy losing jobs and college opportunities to people less qualified just because they are the politically correct tone of brown? Or because they are from the 3rd world and will work for pennies on the dollar? We should keep voting for candidates who don't have our best interests in mind just so we don't get called "racists"? You can't really expect people to continue playing this game, the whole thing is repulsive and disgusting.
There is NO stopping the Trump Train

Who are white taxpayers supposed to support?

Sanders? Sanders has nothing to offer someone who doesn't depend on government handouts. I don't need free shit from the government or anyone else and that's all the man has to offer. If you're not part of some fringe group he can pander to and you don't need money from the government in order to survive, what does he have left to offer? Nothing, literally nothing. He will tax more of your money and tell you that you're a piece of shit for being white while he's doing it. Fuck Bernie Sanders.

Hillary? We don't even need to explore that idea because it's laughable. No possible chance Hillary takes it.

So what? Who do you think hard-working white taxpayers are supposed to support? He is the only option, there are no alternatives. Which is probably why no matter how hard the media and politicians try to ruin his chances, nobody cares. What's it really matter what kind of story they run? True or not true, there is no other option to vote for.

"Trump is a fantasy candidate for the angrily white, nostalgic and intellectually impoverished."

I just paid a cunt hair over $23k in taxes for 2015 to the same government that takes every opportunity to shit all over me, disperse my money to countries I have never been to nor give a shit about, and hand out free food, cell phones, money, and housing to the bottom feeders of society. It's been going on for 30+ years, the people who actually work hard and earn a living are sick of getting shit on.

If you're a white citizen and you're not angry, then you either haven't been paying attention or you've already given up and become part of the welfare class. You're god damn right whites are mad, it actually makes me depressed to see how far the country had to fall before whites started getting pissed off. In reality, we should be 10x angrier than we are right now.

What did you think? You think we enjoy getting our money taxed and given to the same people who hate us, both here and abroad? You think we enjoy losing jobs and college opportunities to people less qualified just because they are the politically correct tone of brown? Or because they are from the 3rd world and will work for pennies on the dollar? We should keep voting for candidates who don't have our best interests in mind just so we don't get called "racists"? You can't really expect people to continue playing this game, the whole thing is repulsive and disgusting.
white people are so downtrodden. Sorry about your high income.
Who are white taxpayers supposed to support?

Sanders? Sanders has nothing to offer someone who doesn't depend on government handouts. I don't need free shit from the government or anyone else and that's all the man has to offer. If you're not part of some fringe group he can pander to and you don't need money from the government in order to survive, what does he have left to offer? Nothing, literally nothing. He will tax more of your money and tell you that you're a piece of shit for being white while he's doing it. Fuck Bernie Sanders.

Hillary? We don't even need to explore that idea because it's laughable. No possible chance Hillary takes it.

So what? Who do you think hard-working white taxpayers are supposed to support? He is the only option, there are no alternatives. Which is probably why no matter how hard the media and politicians try to ruin his chances, nobody cares. What's it really matter what kind of story they run? True or not true, there is no other option to vote for.

"Trump is a fantasy candidate for the angrily white, nostalgic and intellectually impoverished."

I just paid a cunt hair over $23k in taxes for 2015 to the same government that takes every opportunity to shit all over me, disperse my money to countries I have never been to nor give a shit about, and hand out free food, cell phones, money, and housing to the bottom feeders of society. It's been going on for 30+ years, the people who actually work hard and earn a living are sick of getting shit on.

If you're a white citizen and you're not angry, then you either haven't been paying attention or you've already given up and become part of the welfare class. You're god damn right whites are mad, it actually makes me depressed to see how far the country had to fall before whites started getting pissed off. In reality, we should be 10x angrier than we are right now.

What did you think? You think we enjoy getting our money taxed and given to the same people who hate us, both here and abroad? You think we enjoy losing jobs and college opportunities to people less qualified just because they are the politically correct tone of brown? Or because they are from the 3rd world and will work for pennies on the dollar? We should keep voting for candidates who don't have our best interests in mind just so we don't get called "racists"? You can't really expect people to continue playing this game, the whole thing is repulsive and disgusting.
Get used to it
Who are white taxpayers supposed to support? Blah blah blah

handouts. I don't need free shit from the government or anyone else and that's all the man has to offer. If you're not part of some fringe group he can pander to and you don't need money f
"Trump is a fantasy candidate for the angrily white, nostalgic and intellectually impoverished."
anyone else and that's all the man has to offer. If you're not part of some fringe group he can pander to and you don't need money from the government in order to survive, what does he have left to offer? Nothing, literally nothing. He will tax more of your money and tell you that you're a piece of shit for being white while he's doing it. Fuck Bernie Sanders.

Hillary? We don't even need to explore that idea because it's laughable. No possible chance Hillary takes it.
So what? Who do you think hard-working white taxpayers are supposed to support? He is the only option, there are no alternatives. Which is probably why no matter how hard the media and politicians try to ruin his chances, nobody cares. What's it really matter what kind of story they run? True or not true, there is no other option to vote for.

"Trump is a fantasy candidate for the angrily white, nostalgic and intellectually impoverished."
I just paid a cunt hair over $23k in taxes for 2015 to the same government that takes every opportunity to shit all over me, disperse my money to countries I have never been to nor give a shit about, and hand out free food, cell phones, money, and housing to the bottom feeders of society. It's been going on for 30+ years, the people who actually work hard and earn a living are sick of getting shit on.

If you're a white citizen and you're not angry, then you either haven't been paying attention or you've already given up and become part of the welfare class. You're god damn right whites are mad, it actually makes me depressed to see how far the country had to fall before whites started getting pissed off. In reality, we should be 10x angrier than we are right now.
What did you think? You think we enjoy getting our money taxed and given to the same people who hate us, both here and abroad? You think we enjoy losing jobs and college opportunities to people less qualified just because they are the politically correct tone of brown? Or because they are from the 3rd world and will work for pennies on the dollar? We should keep voting for candidates who don't have our best interests in mind just so we don't get called "racists"? You can't really expect people to continue playing this game, the whole thing is repulsive and disgusting.
Youll need more than a fantasy potus to assuage your personal issues.PRRI-Trump-Clinton-Favorability-by-race-640x309.jpg

However, what may be most troubling for Trump is that his net favorability score—the number of people who view him favorably minus the number of people who view him unfavorably—only registers 27 percent among Republican registered voters. Among Democratic voters, however, Clinton’s net favorability is a whopping 58 percent. Despite facing a tougher than expected challenge from Bernie Sanders, Democratic voters are still very fond of Hillary Clinton, and there is little reason to expect that such voters will not support her candidacy come November. Trump, however, still faces the prospect of having to win over voters in his own party.
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Who are white taxpayers supposed to support?

Sanders? Sanders has nothing to offer someone who doesn't depend on government handouts. I don't need free shit from the government or anyone else and that's all the man has to offer. If you're not part of some fringe group he can pander to and you don't need money from the government in order to survive, what does he have left to offer? Nothing, literally nothing. He will tax more of your money and tell you that you're a piece of shit for being white while he's doing it. Fuck Bernie Sanders.

Hillary? We don't even need to explore that idea because it's laughable. No possible chance Hillary takes it.

So what? Who do you think hard-working white taxpayers are supposed to support? He is the only option, there are no alternatives. Which is probably why no matter how hard the media and politicians try to ruin his chances, nobody cares. What's it really matter what kind of story they run? True or not true, there is no other option to vote for.

"Trump is a fantasy candidate for the angrily white, nostalgic and intellectually impoverished."

I just paid a cunt hair over $23k in taxes for 2015 to the same government that takes every opportunity to shit all over me, disperse my money to countries I have never been to nor give a shit about, and hand out free food, cell phones, money, and housing to the bottom feeders of society. It's been going on for 30+ years, the people who actually work hard and earn a living are sick of getting shit on.

If you're a white citizen and you're not angry, then you either haven't been paying attention or you've already given up and become part of the welfare class. You're god damn right whites are mad, it actually makes me depressed to see how far the country had to fall before whites started getting pissed off. In reality, we should be 10x angrier than we are right now.

What did you think? You think we enjoy getting our money taxed and given to the same people who hate us, both here and abroad? You think we enjoy losing jobs and college opportunities to people less qualified just because they are the politically correct tone of brown? Or because they are from the 3rd world and will work for pennies on the dollar? We should keep voting for candidates who don't have our best interests in mind just so we don't get called "racists"? You can't really expect people to continue playing this game, the whole thing is repulsive and disgusting.

I think I could break bread with you. That was a good post. TRUMP!
My confounded dude, the realization is yours.

Trump is a fantasy candidate for the angrily white, nostalgic and intellectually impoverished. He is a buffoon and you are his jester and chamber boy.

After the realization that he is irrelevant will you continue to grovel for his cause? Soon youll have a lot more free time. Increasing awareness of Trumps stench brings that day closer all the time.

Didn't you and your buddies say that last summer? TRUMP!
If you were being audited, would you want to release your taxes? derp
I'm not the one running for president. Besides the IRS has already said an audit doesn't prevent releasing his taxes, he is using the audit as an excuse why he can't release them but quite honestly I really don't care wether he wants to release them or not. We know he's rich and more than likely he doesn't pay his fair share of taxes and takes advantage of loopholes and may take advantage of tax shelters.

I'm not the one running for president. Besides the IRS has already said an audit doesn't prevent releasing his taxes, he is using the audit as an excuse why he can't release them but quite honestly I really don't care wether he wants to release them or not. We know he's rich and more than likely he doesn't pay his fair share of taxes and takes advantage of loopholes and may take advantage of tax shelters.

You didn't answer my question. In what world would it make sense for anybody under any circumstances to release their taxes while being audited?
Didn't you and your buddies say that last summer? TRUMP!
Ya the stench is growing all the time. Open any legit news source and find people snickering about his judgment, his character, his phoniness and bigotry. Its nearly everywhere now. It has spread so that people are sickened by the weasel. Keep masturbating to your creepy trump fantasy...youre gonna go blind before trump is humiliated.
You didn't answer my question. In what world would it make sense for anybody under any circumstances to release their taxes while being audited?
Being audited is just another trick to get out of releasing info about trump he doesn't want's easy to trigger an audit....Trump does it all the timeo_O
why would Trump talk about legal immigration? How did that come up?

Because most of america wanted to hear about it. I realize that it is a sore subject with you, but everything will turn out great for hispanics. Greater than ever before as long as you are not a criminal. imo

And if you think it is a slam dunk for Hillary , relax and enjoy the show. TRUMP!
You didn't answer my question. In what world would it make sense for anybody under any circumstances to release their taxes while being audited?
In the world where most think of him as a lying POS who brags about his Americanness and his financial success you might release your tax docs to prove that your not, AS Everyone suspects, full of shit AGAIN.

Thats the world we are in.
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