how long would u leave a plant in a solo cup?

Root hormone is not the same thing as adding fungus to the root zone. Mycorrizea fungi attaches itself to the roots & helps with absorption but the only way to add it is directly on the roots during transplant.
I transplant about now,
The growth is all good and they drink that cup dry every day.
Pain in the ass so its time
My philosophy on upcanning is when the plant has reached the size of the container its in then its time to transplant. But what you preach and what you practice is usually two different things. I know its time, but i, like yourself, usually wait to the point where your plants are, and theyre drinking a pots worth of water a day and becoming a pain in the ass.
Now I'm in a pickle ...I don't have enough room for my plants to transfer them into 1 gal pots ...bahh ...I wish I could live where it's warm by this
Lol I don't ever make drain Holes in my cups man...maybe I should but iv never had any problems ...Ill make some just to be safe

Your drowning plants roots without drainage on those solo cups, so they just sit in water is what you are saying.
If your doing soil, I wouldn't feed until 2-4 weeks after transplant. The soil already contains the nutrients it needs for the next 2-4 weeks.

Depends on the soil used! Some can be pretty weak to actually neutral!
Once in Solo's, that first watering is a weak feed with kelp extract.....The use of kelp can make roots grow to as much as 173% larger/faster then "normal".....

I transplant about now,
The growth is all good and they drink that cup dry every day.
Pain in the ass so its time

Just about the same for me Char!

I have to have the roots coiling "for me" and my CDO....(That's OCD in proper alphabetical order). I then take a knife and cut the bottom of those roots in an X pattern for explosive root growth in the next pot. This is an old school greenhouse method of transplanting or "up-potting"...

You all should note that you can leave any plant, in any container, as long as you want....... You just have to adjust the feed properly and water/feed it as it requires.... I still play with some plants in 2 gallon pots and they are 5-6 ft tall......Use synthetic and see what the plant requires feed wise to run in that limited root space.....Oh, yields average right around 1.25 zips per gallon. Now running that same size plant in a 5 gallon.....Yields are 2 zips per gallon.. Some strains more, some less...

Last night I experimented with some rooting powder on a transplant. Wanna see how that goes (reveg actually)

You used a chemical that makes the plant produce a hormone that makes the area treated, root. Not gunna do much if anything!
Use some Kelp meal in your soil or use kelp extract in feed solutions at transplant.
Yeah, to bad it wasn't a keeper, a varietal of kotton kandy. I actually flowered out plants in 3 ounce Dixie bathroom cups once, Got 3 grams from each plant. Just wish I would have documented it.

I'm having fun in the synthetic room too.

Got some Thin Mint Cookies and some Dos - i - Dos, along with a Friends "Cherry" strain he built (NICE), a Sundae Driver and a Triangle kush in Plant Warrior #2's
Those hold about 1.3 actual gallons of soil. Cookies and Dosi are like 6' +. Getting to the point where I'll have to sand bag the pots to hold them up till harvest

The Cookies, Driver and Dosi are doing just great in them. Awesome bud structure and BIG TIME trich production.....The Triangle likes a bigger root space as the bud structure is lagging behind the ones done in 5'S....(Being feed the dial in too).

Guess I better take some pics of those to share.... Going out in a bit. Whole plants will be hps on. But try to take some nice bud shots by flash.

All the organic room stuff is in 5's or 7's for the WO Soil's ability to hold nutrient enough to get to the finish.....Some strains there, need a bit of Age Old or Booster tea's at the right times
Recycling organic long time in 7 and 8 liter plastic trash cans. Soil mix to about 90% full. Compost/EWC teas used between pure water only and weak Alfalfa/Kelp teas all the way through.