Well-Known Member
I transplant about now,
The growth is all good and they drink that cup dry every day.
Pain in the ass so its time
Two plants in one cup?
I transplant about now,
The growth is all good and they drink that cup dry every day.
Pain in the ass so its time
My philosophy on upcanning is when the plant has reached the size of the container its in then its time to transplant. But what you preach and what you practice is usually two different things. I know its time, but i, like yourself, usually wait to the point where your plants are, and theyre drinking a pots worth of water a day and becoming a pain in the ass.I transplant about now,
The growth is all good and they drink that cup dry every day.
Pain in the ass so its time
Is that a growing porno?Two plants in one cup?
Root hormone is not the same thing as adding fungus to the root zone. Mycorrizea fungi attaches itself to the roots & helps with absorption but the only way to add it is directly on the roots during transplant.
No, 1 cutting with two branchesTwo plants in one cup?
Now I'm in a pickle ...I don't have enough room for my plants to transfer them into 1 gal pots ...bahh ...I wish I could live where it's warm by this
Lol I don't ever make drain Holes in my cups man...maybe I should but iv never had any problems ...Ill make some just to be safe
Your drowning plants roots without drainage on those solo cups, so they just sit in water is what you are saying.
If your doing soil, I wouldn't feed until 2-4 weeks after transplant. The soil already contains the nutrients it needs for the next 2-4 weeks.
I transplant about now,
The growth is all good and they drink that cup dry every day.
Pain in the ass so its time
Last night I experimented with some rooting powder on a transplant. Wanna see how that goes (reveg actually)
small pot large plant.
View attachment 4329419
Two plants in one cup?
I'm like at the 3rd potting up 10 to 14 days in.
That's why I moved to Florida. Now I have problems with my tent getting too hot!Now I'm in a pickle ...I don't have enough room for my plants to transfer them into 1 gal pots ...bahh ...I wish I could live where it's warm by this time