Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
So what if I agreed with him?What, do my words carry some magical weight?Is every post supposed to be long winded and passionate?I've seen plenty of posts on here that could be deemed "A waste of space".....kindly keep me out of it.

Dont get all high and mighty here Vi.. remeber how you just came out of nowhere picking a fight with me... you may not be dumb but you are still a little ignorant to be posting this kind of shit on a first post. . and just because stoneymcfried "agreed with you" (thats the whole post.. yes, a big waste of time and space, i know) doesnt mean you have any respect on this thread..
and man, im not talking about victimless crimes,, thats small time shit, thats highschool law shit.. im talking about the stuff that ACTUALLY matters.. but if you would have read the whole thread without all that ignorance in front of your face censoring out all the good stuff you would have known that
this thread wasnt meant for people like you, it was meant for people like "us". you are way to set in your old ways for me to even care about trying to change your mind. this is for people with an open mind and you do not have that