I use a bluelab digital ph meter and althought the probe needs to be stored wet i was always told water is bad and instead it should be stored in KCL solution. This is a 3mol solution of Potassium Chloride, chemical name is KCL. This solution not only keeps the probe clean but rehydrates and keeps the probe hydrated
The calibiration above with ph solutions to either 4, 7 or 10 is correct but some need two point calibaration or calibarating with two different ph solutions i.e ph4 and ph7 (not that important which two but two point calibaration means it needs two points of reference). A one point calibaration probe only needs one solution to check, either of the ph4 or ph7 or ph10,doing a two point calibaration on a one point calibaration probe isnt needed.
The part that i do that you dont before calibaration is to leave the probe soak for 24 hours in a cup of KCL solution to rehydrate the probe and keep it from impurities trapping in the membrane etc etc. Only after this 24hour soak do i re-calibarate my meter. This is a once weekly/monthly thing depending on my inner laziness.
I use Ionics KCL probe storage solution and keeps my ph meter sweet for a couple years of accuracy. I use to have a cheaper one point meter but no where near as accurate as the blue lab and im reading hannas version up for £150 is even more accurate again, you get what you pay for a ph meter these days.